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by Jeff
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #2317669
My Game of Thrones 2024 Workbook
#1069852 added April 27, 2024 at 1:08pm
Restrictions: None
Tedious Citadel Task #28

Her idealism
cost more than we'll ever know.
Her belief in change
made her a better person.
It made all of us better.


(23 words / 5 lines)

Form: Tanka

A lot of people wouldn’t consider Wichita, Kansas as a particularly “spooky” city. Which is objectively ridiculous because we literally have the word “witch” in the name of our city! And just like any other “major” city in the world, if you know the right places to look, you won’t be short of unusual phenomena which will defy your perceptions of reality. Ghosts, demonic possessions, psychic abilities; you don’t need to be in one of those pretentious coastal elite cities to find plenty of paranormal activity here in Kansas. Consider visiting Wichita for all your extrasensory travel needs!

Come one and come all,
to bewitching Wichita—
where weird shit happens


(111 words)

Form: Haibun

once upon a cold and dreary Christmas Eve
I found myself with a momentary reprieve
so I visited a cozy nearby cafe
and ordered my usual vanilla latte

caffeine in hand, I returned to my car
then glanced up and saw a bright shooting star
it passed overhead and shot right on by
with the sound of... jingling bells? up in the sky

upon closer inspection the “shooting star” became clearer
it was actually a sleigh with a red-nosed reindeer steerer!
as it faded into the distance I heard a great THUNK
and looked to my car, which now sported dents in the trunk

I checked out the damage and it was extensive
the body work alone would be quite expensive
detritus of milk and cookies was scattered around
candy cane and chocolate bits could also be found

I stared down in shock at the damage that had been wrought
and struggled to come to terms with a small nagging thought
as much as we all loved that big jovial lug
was it also possible that Santa was a careless litter bug?


(182 words / 20 lines)

Prompt: Quatrain

My sweet secret admirer.
Or an impostor?
Which are you?


(10 words / 3 lines)

Prompt: Quinzaine

Originating from Timbuktu
traveling by plane, train, and canoe
Amazon rushes fast
over distances vast
yet always seems to be overdue


(21 words / 5 lines)

Prompt: Limerick

Season’s first snow
Arriving late on Christmas Eve
Season’s first snow
The city quiet, lights aglow
More beauty than I could conceive
Clean and pure, a needed reprieve
Season’s first snow


(31 words / 7 lines)

Prompt: Rondelet

Abusive punches fall like rain,
never stopping or letting up.
I ache.

One after another they take
their turn assailing me with fists.
I hurt.

My silence taken for consent,
this is not the life I would choose.
I yearn.

Blows send me sprawling to the floor,
but I bounce back up, defiant.
I stand.

Let’s see them try and keep me down,
I refuse to yield to their strikes.
I’m proud.

You can’t hurt that which cannot feel,
I’m numb to your constant abuse.
I win.


The punching bag was built to hit,
but does that mean it does not feel?
It does.

The victims of abuse may not
have a voice to raise in protest.
They count.


(119 words / 11 lines)

Prompt: Synchronicity

the depths
of a dark
and deathly sea,
pulled by corpse sailors
dredged from the Undersea.
Across the bleak water’s thrall,
The ferryman transports us all.
Rich or poor, there is no need to pay;
the ride is free, but it’s only one way.


(45 words / 10 lines)

Prompt: Etheree

Storms of life will get you down
Make you despair, make you drown

But waiting’s the true malady
There’s atrophy in apathy

Sometimes you have to embrace the pain
Hike up those skirts and dance in the rain

The one sin you really can’t forgive
Is to never really, truly live

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade
Don’t be a bystander to life’s cavalcade


(66 words / 10 lines)

Prompt: Con-Verse

The author of the Book of Malachi
One of the Bible’s enduring mysteries
Not an answer that’s easily come by
Considering the confusing histories

One of the Bible’s enduring mysteries
Was it actually written by “Anonymous”
Considering the confusing histories
Or maybe he and Ezra really are synonymous

Was it actually written by Anonymous
Perhaps Malachi wasn’t a name but a designation
Or maybe he and Ezra really are synonymous
Malachi means messenger, an apt characterization

Perhaps Malachi wasn’t a name but a designation
Over the years, the issue has left many perplexed
Malachi means messenger, an apt characterization
But author’s identity is secondary to the text

Over the years, the issue has left many perplexed
Not an answer that’s easily come by
But the author’s identity is secondary to the text
The author of the Book of Malachi


(139 words / 20 lines)

Prompt: Pantoum
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