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Book for recurring activity entries |
Prompt ▼ The Speaker rose with great hauteur and loudly cleared his throat, then shouted "Order! Order!", though the House took little note. He soldiered on regardless, introducing with a frown, the new elected member for the seat of Upham Downs. This former Army Major loved the sound of his own voice, so politician suited as his new career of choice. He smugly rose and faced the House, prepared to set them straight, (ignoring the low turn-out, which was merely twenty-eight). "I think that I can safely say, with upmost confidence, that matters simply can't be left to fickle providence; the nettle must be firmly grasped, the bull gripped by the horns, and with the tiger's tail thus held, the lion's mane is shorn." "The course ahead is very dark, with many bends and twists, so straight and narrow is the path on which we must persist. By doing so, I'm certain sure the corner we will turn, as long as we can stay the course and all distractions spurn." "Hear! Hear!" a colleague blurted out, his passions set afire; an interjection guaranteed to risk The Speaker's ire. Emboldened, the good Major's speech surged onwards to a peak, his ruddy jowls a-jiggling as his voice rose to a shriek. "With noses to the grindstone pressed and noble chins held high, heads down, while looking to the stars, we'll triumph by and by. Put best foot forward, make a stand and turn our sails windward, and surely we will win the day—on that you have my word!" Exhausted by his eloquence, the Major took his bow, a happy smile upon his face, sweat beaded on his brow. Few there would e'er forget the day (though try hard as they might), when Waffling-Daly set the world of politics alight. Form: iambic heptameter ("fourteener"), a-a-b-b Lines: 28 |