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Rated: 13+ · Book · Sports · #1343724
This is me rambling on and on about...whatever I feel like. Nice, eh?
#550557 added November 20, 2007 at 11:52pm
Restrictions: None
Five Golden Rings?!
Hey...sorry it's been so long. Busy busy busy. But not for long- there is now a fantastic amazing 5-day weekend for Thanksgiving! Yess! Can you believe that it is already the holiday season? Some stations are already playing Christmas music, and after Thursday it's all Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer all the time! My mom and sisters actually count the amount of times they hear it. At the very least, it is once every single time we get in the car. Personally, I like the slower songs better as they help to set the true Christmas-y mood. ie, Do You See What I See? and The Christmas Song (chesnuts roasting...on an open fire...you can't go wrong!) and of course, the Little Drummer Boy.

I mean, yes, we want to be jolly, but we can be jolly and reflective too, right? We should truly be able to cherish the season... warm fires, family, food, lights, snow (hopefully!)...it's just all amazing. The holiday atmosphere. Loving and warm. Mmmmmm. Jingle Bell Rock? It's like, NO. And no one knows all the verses to The Twelve Days of Christmas anyway. Blah hmm uh right........Five golden rings?....and a partridge in a pear tree...? What the heck is a partridge anyway? A bird?

Ha. Just kidding. It was just amusing because the hockey team tried to sing it the other night. You can only imagine how that went. Ah, Christmas. Lol.

In other, more hockey related news, we beat one of our bigger rivals today (!). We even had a student section, who actually did the sieve hand! Sieve, sieve, sieve! I mean, yes, we all like good sportsmanship and everything, but it was very funny. Who would think that students would get that into our games? They usually only like the boys. Oh, the strides we are making in the community...I hope?

Anyway, practice is cancelled for tomorrow, which means I get to sleeeeeeep. The past two nights have been fairly crappy, because I was staying up late preparing for a conference with my Block teachers. It went better than I thought it would, so I guess my lack of sleep wasn't in vain. We hava a really big project, that takes up the entire semester, that is a tad on the stressful side... But the next due date isn't for two weeks, so I can breathe easy for the time being.

Basically, I am very very excited for this weekend. First, the hockey game (which we won! Yes!) then free day, then Thanksgiving (yummm), then practice/free day, then another game day (wooo!) and then Sunday.

For some reasons, all the Sundays in the past couple of weeks have been just horrible. I mean, I usually don't mind the prospect of back to school very much, but for some reason it's been really bad. Probably because there is nothing to do. Except for work on my project, watch tv, etc. That's all well and good, but it just seems like such a waste of a day. And even though I rest all day, I go to bed...tired. I should really go to church. Our family hasn't been going to church really. It makes me sad. I like singing at church.

Speaking of, I really want to be more involved and stuff. There is a mission trip coming up in the summer, which lasts nine days. We get to take a train ride out to Idaho and hike through the mountains and help the less fortunate. It really sounds... fun. I've always wanted to go on a mission trip.

For some reason my parents are against this idea. Probably something about me missing hockey, which is a big investment of theirs as well as mine. I love hockey. I love the rush, I love the people, etc. It's all good. But there's something to be said about variety, and I don't want to go through life thinking that I've missed out on amazing oppertunities because I was clinging to one thing that I love.

I'm sure everyone is stuck in this dilema sometime or other. Some things are just so time consuming, and it's as if nothing else is allowed to exist. I've always admired those people who have their finger in every pie- the ones who are known by everyone just because they do everything. I wonder how complete they feel. Like they've seen the light, or something.

It's hard not to wonder what I may be missing.I mean sure, I feel content and everything with what I have, and it's an amazing thing, but sometimes doubt seeps in and pokes at me. "Try it?" it asks. "You might like it."

I wrote a paper on that once for English. I got an A.

It's kind of hard writing for school. I'm always afraid that teachers are going to see something in there that I didn't intend for them to, and they are somehow going to think differently of me.... Which begs the question, Who really cares? Teachers teach 100 students every term, I doubt they are going to set aside time to sit and question the inner workings of my soul.

Inevitable thoughts bother me. But, I suppose, that is part of the creative process. If I even have a creative process. Hmmm....

Anyway, the holidays are a time of good smells that make you recall fond and happy memories. (It makes for good writing/reflection, eh?) That's why I like this season, in addition to the whole snow/outdoor ice thing. It makes everything so much nicer. Magical. I hope our hockey season is magical. State tournament? (Doubt is an annoying thing. Tell it to leave you alone. I will try also. Hopefully it will work and make our lives much better.) 8>)

Much love, readers.~

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