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Rated: XGC · Book · Biographical · #1375962
My new blog
#601403 added August 11, 2008 at 7:56pm
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"Controversial" Survey
To be honest, it's not entirely clear to me why this survey is supposed to be controversial, but I need something to put in this thing, so here goes:

1. Do you have the guts to answer these questions and repost as The Controversial Survey?

2. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
No way; I've seen the people who get into that shit. I'm not exactly People's Sexiest Man of the Year NOW, I have no desire to make myself uglier for a little high.

3. Abortion: for or against?
I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm in favor of 300th trimester abortions. I know some adults who I think should still be aborted.

4. Would our country fall with a woman president?
No quicker than it would with a male president, and it would probably fare a little bit better with a woman than with some men. All in all, I think the president being anything other than the usual COWM (Crusty Old White Man) could only be beneficial for the country.

5. Do you believe in the death penalty?
I can honestly say that I'm one of the few people who does not have an opinion on the matter. I do not intend to ever become a candidate for the death penalty, and while I do feel that there are certain people, certain circumstances under which a person deserves to die, the law seems to disagree about the specific circumstances under which it is warranted. For instance, I think that to give the death penalty for murder is like Wonderland Logic. But if we abolished the death penalty, I honestly wouldn't care. Having said all that, the one opinion I do firmly have is that if we ARE going to have the death penalty, we should go the whole nine yards and not pussy out. We are, after all, killing a person. We are committing one of the cardinal acts of savagery. At such a point, why be concerned about "humane" and "cruel and unusual"?

6. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Yes, I really do. Although, I live in California, where it's practically legal anyway. All you need is a prescription, and there's a whole section of the newspaper devoted to crooked doctors who will give you a prescription, so virtually anybody can get it legally anyway.

7. Are you for or against premarital sex?
I am in favor of sex whenever you want to have it. I would just advise you to be prepared for any and all repercussions.

8. Do you believe in God?
Not yours.

9. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Yes, I do. I should say, as long as marriage is overseen by the government, then I think you should be allowed to marry whoever you want. Kudos to the writer of the survey, by the way, for specifically saying "same sex marriage" and not "gay marriage". It is a subtle, but important distinction. The thing to keep in mind about the issue is that Gay people ARE allowed to get married, just not to someone of the same sex as them, ie, not to the people they WANT to marry. So the law, as it stands, is that everybody is allowed to get married, but only if they get married according to heterosexual relationship conventions. Furthermore, the law as it stands does, technically, effect heterosexual people as well...the reason being that if, for whatever reason (the reason doesn't really matter, only the effect), a heterosexual person wants to get married to someone of the same sex, they are not allowed to. The law, as it stands, states that NOBODY is allowed to marry whoever they want. We are all only allowed to marry someone of the opposite sex.

10. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
The vast majority of America is descended from people who were, technically, illegal immigrants. Why was it OK for your ancestors to just waltz in and set up shop, and not for hispanics. Furthermore, hispanic people are people who are descended from the indigenous peoples of North America, and there were no borders here 600 years ago, so, technically speaking, they have more right to be here than most American citizens do.

11. A twelve-year-old girl has a baby...should she keep it?
Probably not.

12. Should the alcohol age be lowered to eighteen?
Yeah, I think so.

13. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
It wasn't entirely clear that there should have been one in the first place...now that there is, who knows how easily we can just get out? It's interesting the vocabulary that Bush and the republicans use: "Cut and Run" is a type of purse-snatching crime in which a snatcher cuts the purse strap and runs away with it. I'm not sure they realize how right they are when they use the phrase. We've already "cut", we've already committed the crime...how easy is it to back off and say "sorry, our bad".

14. Assisted suicide is illegal...do you agree?

15. Do you believe in spanking your children?
I was spanked as a child...not often, and never with anything more than a hand...and I think I turned out alright. Having said that, I think there are other methods of discipline that are equally, if not more, effective.

16. Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
I would do it for less than that. I would only do it if I had a real, genuine reason to, though (and to shock and offend people is not a reason). The American flag holds no value to me, symbolic or otherwise, so I would no sooner burn it than salute it. It would be like burning (or saluting) a beach towel. I would burn it if somebody gave me money or reward to do so, or if I was trapped someplace and had exhausted all my other campfire fuel.

17. A mother is declared innocent after murdering her five children in a temporary insanity case.
Really? I hadn't heard about that. I'm sorry, was that a question? I assume you mean how would I feel about that? Well, she better have truly been temporarily insane, because unless you are insane, temporarily or otherwise, murdering your own children is one of the most despicable acts in the world.

18. It's between you and a person who is being kept alive by life support, which one dies?
So in other words, I am being asked to sacrifice my life for somebody on life support. Well, in general I would agree with Elisa, it would depend on how likely they are to recover...but it would also depend on who they are. The importance of a person's life to me depends greatly on how close I am to them. My family and loved ones come first, followed closely by myself. To protect my family and loved ones, I would die, if necessary (though I would prefer to find a solution that involved my loved one's survival as well as my own). If it's someone I've never met...sorry, you're out of luck. Once again, the ideal situation is to find a solution that ensures both our survival.

19. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
If anybody reading my blog was ever going to judge me for my opinions, they would have done it before now. I'm generally not too concerned about people judging me anyway, unless they get in my face about it.

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