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Rated: 18+ · Book · Romance/Love · #1534312
MarNoWriMo 2009. Book 3 Endurance Series.
#638502 added June 25, 2024 at 8:52pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter Two ~ Getting Acquainted
Chapter Two
Getting Acquainted

CALVIN STOOD UNDER THE hot water until his skin pruned. His thoughts jumped from the possessive Liz Beth to the fiery Lisa and then to his impulsive brother Edward. If he didn't know any better, he'd think the last twenty-four hours were all a dream. Nothing made sense. Liz Beth called and begged him to come out for a night on the town. He needed some fun, but she had other things in mind; their night out was nothing more than an elaborate rouse. The second she met him at the club, she wanted to leave, claiming a headache. He took her to a quiet restaurant, where she did nothing but complain about the food, the atmosphere, the wait staff, everything in her peripheral vision. They headed to a café for coffee, which didn't please her either.

Once back at her apartment, she acted like a strumpet, crawled all over him like a cat in heat, and he was her prey. The more he thought about the way things went down last night, the more convinced he was that she wanted to become pregnant, tying herself to him forever. Liz Beth got the notion that Calvin would be proposing soon, and in honor of her theory, she decided she would do something she never did before during sexual intercourse. Different for Liz Beth consisted of a change in position, from missionary to a pony rider, which did nothing to arouse him. The entire night disgusted him and made him want to disappear from the dating scene altogether. The broken engagement seemed to send up a flare as women from his past crawled out of the woodwork.

Cal noticed Edward's strange behavior over the last month and wouldn't be surprised if Edward himself put these women on his path as a distraction. His brother believed he'd earned the responsibility within the company over their four siblings to give the orders instead of taking them. When their father suggested that each of them head up one division of the company, Edward took it as an insult, though everyone else loved the proposition. The other siblings thought it was ideal to move forward, but with Edward standing in the way, refusing to even listen to reason, relationships in the family became a strain. Calvin never saw this move coming, though. If Edward were to get married and be the first in the family to wed, things might change in their father's eyes. John, the patriarch, had a board seat ready for Calvin as a wedding gift, but that day never took place. The only thing that made sense was that Edward and Penny devised a plan to ensure Edward a board seat, giving him the power he sought.

He turned the faucet off as the water cooled, chilling his skin. Stepping out of the shower, he grabbed the towel and dried his face and head, his thoughts still lingering with Edward. Something still didn't sit right. The trick is to think like Edward, to figure out what the gains of that seat could be, and how it would change the company dynamic, enabling Edward to get some advantage over the rest of them.

Calvin shook his head, annoyed with all the pesky thoughts, and pushed them out of his mind. Instead, he readied to meet Lisa and head back to the airport. With any luck, they would be sitting on the plane waiting as Edward and Penny arrived, thwarting their spontaneous plans. To outmaneuver Edward would give him something he could revel in for years to come, making him smile as he looked at himself in the mirror.

He wrapped the towel low around his waist and headed to the closet. Cal sighed and opened the wooden doors to the small area that held his possessions, nothing like the walk-in at home. When he decided to move out, he only managed to bring one-quarter of his belongings. Calvin grabbed the most essential items, leaving the rest behind. His mother, Carol, wanted him to return home, but he decided against it.

Cal was dressed in comfortable attire, not his usual suit and tie. He raked a hand through his damp hair and headed out the door back to Lisa’s suite. He hoped she ordered food because his stomach growled, which would make it impossible to concentrate on the task at hand. His stomach ruled his world, and he could do nothing until he tamed the beast. He glanced down the hallway before he knocked on the door, curious to see if anyone paid him any mind. Paranoia be damned. He couldn’t shake the feeling of his parents keeping tabs on him, and if they caught wind that Lisa Green made an unscheduled visit and that Calvin footed the bill for her stay, they would jump to all the wrong conclusions. He couldn’t have that.

She opened the door wearing jeans and a blouse, something he never saw her wear before. She intrigued him, always had, and carried herself with a sense of sophistication he only ever saw in his mother. The corner of his mouth twitched, but he managed to suppress the smile that threatened to emerge.

“Did you eat yet?” he asked, passed her, and crossed the threshold.

“No, I wasn’t hungry.”

He grabbed the phone, punched in the number for room service, ordered, and turned to find her within reach. Disbelief stared back at him. Her wide, light brown eyes had tiny black and gold flecks resembling a fragile flower. Her red lips hung open as she continued to gawk at him, almost as if she wanted to speak, but words escaped her.

“I need sustenance if I’m going to be useful.”

He crossed the room, moved to the table in front of the window, sat, and looked at the woman who remained in the same position. Cal rested his hands in a steeple position, index fingers relaxed against his lips and leaned back in the chair. He wanted to laugh at the bewildered expression on her face. Though he knew better, she reminded him of a deer caught in the headlights. Lisa Green was a woman who took control of most situations, and today, she seemed perplexed by the loss of power.

“Something on your mind?” he asked when she didn’t move.

Lisa snapped her jaw shut with a loud click, turned, and headed into the bathroom, and the door slammed shut.

Calvin laughed, couldn’t help himself. That woman had fire, which meant this could get very interesting. Glancing at his watch, time was of the essence. They had two hours to eat and rush off to the airport in time to stop the plane from taxiing the runway. He fathomed that they would have enough time if Lisa had cooperated.

She reemerged and smiled at him, an abrupt swing in her mood. She had a bright, nice smile, taking over her face and lighting up those brown eyes. He could get used to looking at her on an everyday basis. When the rap sounded at the door, she stared at him for another long moment. He refused to get up and answer the door; curiosity got the better of him. When the second knock sounded, she turned on her heel and marched to the door; her blonde hair swung in a wild frenzy. Calvin wondered what it would be like to have those long tresses fanned out on a pillow as he stared down into her face.

He stood and shook the thought out of his head. Lisa led the staff member into the room. She walked toward him, her gaze narrowed, and stood beside him, crossing her arms over her chest. The turquoise blouse became snug around her bosom, giving him a clear view of the ample cleavage beneath.

As the bellhop set the cart next to the table, her warm breath washed over his arm. Although innocent, Calvin’s body stirred, an unexpected reaction to such a casual thing. He reached into his pocket, pulled out twenty dollars, slapped it into the man’s palm, and then escorted him to the door. Closing the door, he took a deep breath, his stomach growling again as the appealing aromas of the food reminded him of his lack of nourishment. He spun around, ready to fulfill his appetite.

Like a queen, Lisa waited to be served as she sat at the table, the food within her reach, yet she made no attempt to move the plates to the table. Just that sight made him want to toss his head back and roar in laughter. Instead, he squelched the urge, moved to the cart, loaded a plate with fruit and petit fours, and placed it on the table before her.

He heard Lisa’s sudden intake of breath, knowing that she would never eat that much, yet he just couldn’t help himself. The sudden wish to understand what made Lisa Green tick took over his mind. Does she even have a sense of humor? Calvin added only a few items to his plate and sat across from her. Lisa’s eyes lingered on his food and widened before their eyes met.

“I think you mixed up the plates,” she muttered, her gaze narrowed.

Calvin snapped his eyes to his plate, then hers, and back to her face. He shook his head and said, “No, looks right to me. Is there a problem?”

“You can’t be serious.” Lisa slid her plate forward and made a grab for Calvin’s with her free hand. He watched as she rearranged the food and placed one more sandwich on his plate, leaving her without enough sustenance for a bird.

“If you think one-fourth of a sandwich and a few chunks of fruit are enough to nourish you until tomorrow, you must be out of your mind. You’re not a model; there is no sense in starving yourself.”

He picked up his fork and speared a chunk of pineapple, ignoring the woman before him. He needed fuel, and if he ate while she picked at her food, it would only make him feel guilty. They didn’t know what would happen once they reached the plane; it was better to have a full stomach and not worry about food later. Calvin munched his sandwich, savoring every morsel of the cold cuts and sweet fruit. Now, all he needed was a hot cup of coffee, and then he’d be ready to take on the world again.

He got up from the table and poured two cups of coffee from the cart. He didn't bother to ask how Lisa took hers, remembering all the countless business meetings where she regularly drank it black. He bent down and set the cup on the table next to the half-empty plate. Her flowery scent filled his nose, making him close his eyes as he took it in. He delighted in how it played upon his senses, reminiscent of a fragrant rose garden. He wouldn't mind discovering if every part of her smelled that way or if it were just her neck. Standing, he lifted the coffee cup to his mouth and took a big gulp, hoping to take the edge off the fire building within. He had to keep a clear head, refusing to oppose the family rule of not mixing business with pleasure, even though Lisa certainly was tempting enough to contemplate reconsidering.

"How much longer before we head out?" Lisa asked.

He turned and smiled down at her. "Soon." Pivoting away, he realized that he enjoyed toying with her. This could be the most fun he'd had in a very long time. Calvin needed something other than work, and with the loss of his fiancée, Julie, and the clinginess of Liz Beth, sharing a laugh or two with the pretty Lisa would be a much-needed diversion.

THE LIMO TOOK OFF and headed toward the airport. Calvin instructed Russ to take them right to the tarmac. According to his calculations, they should arrive about an hour before the plane's departure. He counted on Edward arriving late, in true Edward fashion. His brother expected everyone to wait for him as if time meant nothing, bugging Calvin and John. Their father believed time was money, and wasted time was wasted dollars. It's too bad Edward never learned that lesson or took it to heart, and by now, it didn't look like that would ever change.

"You're very quiet," Lisa commented, staring out the window, sitting as close to the door as possible.

"I'm thinking."

Turning her head, she looked at him over her shoulder, a tiny smile on her lips. "We will catch them and make them realize this is a huge mistake."

The confidence she radiated roused a smile. She was attractive, from her delicate button of a nose to those eyes that could spear you in place, not to mention her rosy, kissable lips. Lisa's alabaster skin, with the light makeup she chose for her oval face, complimented her and finished the up-scale look she portrayed. She didn't need the help of beauty aids or the latest fashions to pull it off; everything about her worked from what he noticed over the two years they'd known each other. Her blonde hair framed her face in a way that highlighted the long lines of her neck. He could almost picture himself in the crook, breathing her in, planting soft kisses, and making her squirm beneath his mouth.

"What?" Lisa asked.

Inhaling a ragged breath, Calvin fought hard to push those thoughts out of his mind and concentrate on Edward and Penny. Before he could respond, his cell phone buzzed.


"Mr. Grayburg, I'm sorry, but your brother and Miss Green boarded the plane twenty minutes ago, and they are now airborne."


"Las Vegas, Nevada, Sir."

"Get someone on them the second they land." Calvin ended the call and shook his head. He moved the phone from one hand to the other, back and forth, his thoughts focused on his next move. They had to follow to Vegas. He scrolled through his contacts, located another pilot he could always depend on, and pushed the talk button.

"Max, Calvin here. Listen, I need to get to Vegas ASAP. Anything you can do for me?"

"How soon do you plan to leave?" Max asked.

"I'll be at the field in thirty minutes."

"See you there."

With a loud sigh, Calvin hit the end button and relaxed into the leather seat. He closed his eyes, needing a few peaceful moments to regroup.

"Well?" Lisa demanded.

Calvin sat up and looked at her. Hard to believe he forgot for a brief second that she was with him. "The plane left for Vegas."

"I got that. You think we can just take another flight and catch them?" Lisa slid into the corner of the seat, turning to face him. "That they will be sitting around waiting for us, acting like it is the most natural thing to do? Hop a private jet to Vegas, book a wedding, have the wedding interrupted, works for me."

Calvin loved the sarcastic tone of her words, realizing that she could be quite feisty when prompted. "Yes. Someone will keep tabs on them until we arrive."

"And this is your grand plan?" she scoffed, tossing her hands. "We don't have any luggage, just the clothes on our backs. We have no idea where they're headed, if your people on the ground will find them, or if we can stop them in time. Do you know what this will do to both our companies?"

He chuckled, couldn't help himself. He'd never seen Lisa so irritated or animated before. Passion, fire, and spirit all lay quietly beneath the surface of Lisa Green. All he ever saw was the woman in control. He wondered what it would be like to kiss her, to feel that passion erupt and watch as she let go.

"Calm down. Seriously, Lisa, you will come out of this smelling like a rose. It will only catapult your reputation in the fashion industry. Grayburg Corporation is a different story."

Lisa laughed, soft and feminine, her tiny shoulders moving up and down as her hair bounced. "I see; only the mighty Grayburgs could be hurt by this hushed and hurried marriage."

She took that totally out of context, and if he were being honest, he wouldn't have liked the condescending tone she used either. "Lisa, you must know that my parents have expectations for us. It is common knowledge and has been in the papers and magazines. They never hide it and are not ashamed of it. And I'm sorry if this hurts you, but yes, a marriage to your sister would tremendously complicate things."

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