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Rated: 18+ · Book · Family · #1201314
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#648071 added May 3, 2009 at 10:24pm
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An awesome weekend
May 3, 2009

This has been a wonderful weekend for our family.  And then...I get online to come here and share...and discover that someone, someone who wishes to remain unknown has once again blessed me with a 3 month upgrade.  Whomever you are..thank you.  You have no idea how much WDC and all of you mean to my sanity...lol....I've tried other blogs...it's just not the same--it doesn't even flow the same.  :)

Now--to share the weekend.

My kids were off on Friday.  I spent my day doing schoolwork--I have finals this coming week and was finishing up a final composition in one class, answering discussion board questions in another and in general just trying to prepare.  We went and ate lunch with Mike and then I came home and did  some more.  Friday evening we just hung out, watched tv, and our neighbors who just moved came back to visit--with their new puppy.  It was a wonderful thing.

Saturday day was fairly laid back--ate breakfast, ate lunch, went to Walmart and ran into a friend from our old church.  Came home and hung out some more.  After laying on the hammock/swing/glider with my hubby we got up and went to the ball park for a parent/child scrimmage game with Cassy's team.  We had a blast!  A 2 hour game--Jamie even got to play.  And then we had a cook out  with all of them, and then another scrimmage--I didn't play in the 2nd one--but Mike, Cassy, and Jamie did and they were all on the same side.  I sat and talked to a couple of moms.  Discovered some amazing women who also struggle with children who have issue and special needs--and girls in middle school and all the fun that can be...lol.  These families were so good with my son--despite the fact that he was not paying  attention in the field, fell apart easily and in general was just so much younger than anyone else that it was hard to fit him in.  For the first time since we moved (this is our second school year here) we felt like we belonged--we felt like we were accepted by other parents--and win or lose--this will be the best ball season we've had in a good long while.  Though we are all different economically and in religious or parenting beliefs or whatever...we all seemed to mesh and that was such a wonderful feeling.  I felt so much hope.

Today was also good.  We didn't make it to church--we had planned to go back to our old church to visit but when we woke up--Mike couldn't move--he was sooooo sore.  He said he would do it again in a heartbeat though.  This afternoon we went to the indoor pool and he soaked and relaxed.  We swam, played around and enjoyed ourselves as a family.  We took Cassy to youth group, went to eat (without her because they get fed at youth group) and then took Jamie to the park across from the church until it was time to pick her up.  Came home and hung out on the swing with Mke while Jamie played with friends.  The kids are now in bed, Mike's snoozing on the couch and tomorrow we go to Riley---hopefully to find some answers for my son.  I have great hope for tomorrow.  I also have a lot of nerves...please say some prayers that we will find some answers tomorrow---or at least be headed towards the right road.  For his sake, for our sake, for all of us. 

I will try to get in tomorrow and share what we learned.  If not, I will be in Tuesday--after final exams...YIKES...that's a prayer request right there too.  I"m not doing as well this semester as  I like (OK, let me clarify..right now I have 3 A's and a B....but 2 of the A's are low A's...and the B is fairly high.. I really need all A's if I can swing it--I'm gunning for a scholarship that i Have to apply for in the fall...that goes by gpa and financial need....and will pay for the remainder of college when I transfer to the 4 year program at St. Mary's.  It too is in God's hands...but I'm trying to do Him, and myself proud.

Well, I Have to get things together for tomorrow.  Sending hugs and prayers to you all.

thanks for stopping in

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