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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1371715
Welcome to The Library. Randomness happens, Studyees.
#692773 added April 10, 2010 at 1:14am
Restrictions: None
Redefining "Historic", Day 2: Sensticles
Good evening Studyees, and welcome to the recap from the second day of festivities in Savannah, GA. Brought to you, of course, by Crown Royal, and our other sponsor, Diet Pepsi. Today's highlights come to you in standard bullet form, so put on your party pants and dive in...

*Bullet* Jess was a little under the weather at breakfast. Migraine. I felt bad, because she was in pain, but also because I felt guilty wanting to have fun while she slept. As in, devil over my shoulder reminding me that it's my vacation too. So she napped, and the angel on the other shoulder got me back by painting most of my face and chest a nice Sunburnish Red. Touche, girlfriend crying over breakfast!

*Bullet* Ceremony at 4pm, in one of the many "Squares" The 'Nah has. OK, no prob. Dinner to follow. OK, no prob. Due to a migraine malfunction, I'm actually the first one to get ready. And I'm impatient...I don't like to wait for others. The females mapped out things, and we're good to go. However, 45 minutes does not provide enough time for 4 people to shower and ready themselves to drive to a wedding. Just keep that in mind when you're mapping out things. Maybe the bathroom situation needs to be mapped out too.

*Bullet* So we're on our way, however, the way has been changed. Forget the fact that we're leaving at 4pm. Apparently, the venue has been changed, or it's at least GPS-related different than the invitation. To further our complications, it would have to be something simple, like the transposing of a letter or something. As we were driving, we were directed to "Some street starting with B" & Hull St., with a yellow, black and white building. We found Hull St. We saw no yellow, black and white building. No "free parking" either, as we were told. J gets on the phone with someone who can get us there. Turns out, about eight blocks down there's Hall St., which is where the bed-and-breakfast sis and future hubby were staying. Turns out, they were getting married there, and not at some outdoor "Square" like we all thought. Oh, and the best part is that J doesn't know who's she's talking to, but tells the guy to not wait for us, and to start the ceremony. The guy says he can't, and that she wants him to wait for all of us. J says no, really, marry them and we'll be there right away. He says, "I'm the Minister, and I'll wait until you're here to marry them."

*Bullet* Dinner was PIMP! It was nice, at a place called The Olde Pink House. Looks like the place really was an old pink house. We were seated in pretty much a dining room that could fit 15 people. It had three floors, and one room on the bottom floor looked like it was the kitchen from when it used to be a house, but now a dining room. I can't wait to get those pics up on Facebook. Just after dinner, Jared (my sis' husband) was asked how it felt not having to hear "When are you going to get married?" anymore and quickly deflected that pressure over to Jessica and myself. As I was about to put down my double Crown and Coke and remind him that the pressures don't stop once the vows have been accepted, his sister stepped up and said "Oh no, this ain't done! Now when we gonna get momma another grandkid?" I will always love her for that one moment, even if I can't remember her name.

*Bullet* Biggest bullet point ever alert: I'm now a brother-in-law!! Whoo hoo!

That's all I got tonight Stoggers...I beat the Crown on the race to bed so I'm gonna step out in my pj pants for a smoke and check some Facebook. Tomorrow holds a trolley tour, and hopefully the second part to my first Savannah entry, where I draw some parallels to Buffalo. Lots of similarities, and lots of differences. Could be my most intelligent entry in months. Maybe cuz the Crown's almost gone. Is it illegal to drink liquor that was transported over state lines, which in itself is illegal? And if it's legal to take an alcoholic beverage out of the place you purchased it in, in a plastic cup, is it ok (provided you're ok to drive with it and not smashed) to drive? Or is NY just brainwashing the shit out of everyone and funwashing everything? Or is this just "vacation mentality" overriding my sensticles? The drinks are getting stroner, the pulls harder, and the longing for a smoke is heavier. More tomorrow. Peace and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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