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Product Reviews are in-depth critiques of books, music, movies and more given by Writing.Com members of products found on Amazon.Com. Any registered member of Writing.Com may take the opportunity to write a Product Review. While an excellent "exercise" in itself, each Product Review also helps support Writing.Com through our link to buy your reviewed product from Amazon.Com! Writing.Com earns a small commission on any purchases made through these links. The Writing.Com Product Review system allows members to submit and store in-depth reviews of a variety of different products offered through Amazon.Com. Writing.Com currently allows for reviews of the following product types: Books DVDs VHS Videos Music Software Video Games Searching for that perfect book, film or CD? Then start here and read a review by fellow Writing.Com authors. If you are interested in checking out some Product Reviews by other members, you can find them by clicking on Browse by Type in the navigation menu under the Writing.Com logo and choosing Product Reviews. Product Review items are created just like any other item type on Writing.Com. There are two methods for creating and saving them. You can select the Writing link in the navigation under the Writing.Com logo, then scroll down and click on Product Reviews. Or, you can go to your Portfolio and select Create Item just below your Portfolio tab. Select Product Reviews from the links that drop down. In either case, follow the instructions in the Add a new Product Review window. For information about creating and editing an Product Review, please see "Create/Edit a Product Review" . To add a link to an existing product review into an item or your signature, you need use a product review link. There are three types of product review link formats: basic, line and big. For example, a basic product review link, {pr:110725} shows as: "The Thinker's Thesaurus: Sophisticated Alternatives to Common Words (Expanded Second Edition)" . You can see detailed examples of all three product review links by viewing WritingML Help for pr. To find the ID of the product review to use in the link, go to the My Account link on the left side of the screen, scroll down under My Activity and click on Product Reviews. When that page comes up, the id for each product review is below the picture of the product and the ASIN number. Additionally, to link a product review completed by another member, go to the member's portfolio, click on the Community tab and then click the Product Review link located on the top right side of the screen under Member Activity. 1 Recommended Reading Footnotes |