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#700328 added April 27, 2019 at 3:21am
Restrictions: None
Stats & Info
At the top of your Portfolio tab (Portfolio/Portfolio in the left navigation menu), clicking on the Stats & Info button in the upper left-hand corner will expand a menu with several features:

Public URL: This is your public web address that you can share with friends, family, and associates so they can view your port.

Portfolio Size: This will tell you how many items you currently have stored in your port, out of how many items your membership level allows you to create. (For more information on membership levels and the number of items they can host, see: "Free and Paid Membership Benefits.) Click on the Show Item Summary button to open a table that breaks down how many of each item type (Static items, Forums, Groups, Books, Images, etc.) you have in your portfolio, what percentage of your portfolio they occupy, the number of views and ratings those items have received, and the average rating for those items. Totals are given at the bottom of the table. Clicking on an item type button will open a page that lists all your items of that type. Click on Hide Item Summary to collapse the summary area.

Portfolio Views: This will tell you how many times your main Portfolio tab has been viewed by other Writing.Com members and guests.

Summary Stats: Click on Go to Stats to open the page linked in the left navigation menu as My Activity/My Summary Stats. This page has two distinct subpages:

*Bullet* My Items: This is the default subpage shown when the page opens. It will tell you how often your items have been viewed (and any ratings given) on a daily basis, going back two weeks. Dropdown menus at the top allow you to filter items by the minimum number of views, and by which day of the past two weeks you'd like to view. Each item listed also has links so you can Edit the item or view its Full Stats.

*Bullet* My Activity: Clicking on My Activity will take you to the subpage that will tell you which items you have viewed and/or rated on a daily basis, going back two weeks. Dropdown menus at the top allow you to filter items by the minimum number of views, and by which day of the past two weeks you'd like to view.

Reviews: This area tells you how many reviews you've sent, and how many reviews you've received. Clicking on either link opens the respective subpage of your Reviews tab listing the reviews you've given and received. For more information on the your Reviews tab, please see: "Reviews Tab.1

Recommended Reading

1  Updated by northernwrites; written by Jeff

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