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Use an image to show off your style in a signature! Include your handle or username in the image and design it in a way that depicts you as a writer or person. If you make an image to use in your signature, please be sure to keep the file size as small as you can. When reading posts in a forum, members and visitors have to wait for your images to load and some might skip over your words completely because they don't want to wait that long. Add diagrams, photographs or charts to articles and essays that you write. Include an illustration or painting in your item which depicts a character or part of the story. Create a bio of yourself (static item) and upload pictures of your pets, hobbies or favorite places. Upload a themed title in your favorite font for a specific item that you've written. The site's background color is plain white: Hex: FFFFFF RGB: 255, 255, 255 We recommend the following site for quality royalty-free images: iCLIPART.com Again, the use of images is only available to Upgraded members and above. If you are interested in this feature and are not an Upgraded member, please check out the Writing.Com Shop or for more information, please see: "Free and Paid Membership Benefits" .1 Recommended Reading Footnotes |