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#701672 added July 21, 2010 at 3:20pm
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Top Reviewers
The Reviews   page contains several links to ranking lists, which take into account reviews or ratings given in the past 31 days. In order for reviews to be listed, members must have their Public Rating and Review Counts preference set to 'Yes'. You can change this preference in your Account Info: Options   area. To view your account info, click on your username on the left side of the screen, then select the Options tab and click on Privacy Options.

The lists of top reviewers are:

Most Credited Reviewers
Most Credited Reviewers are found by tabulating the Public Reviewing Credits awarded to members through the public review page and then sorting by rank. Ranking is determined by combining the credits earned and the Reviewer Influence of those awarding Gift Points to the reviews. For more information about the process of assigning credits, please see "Reviewing Credits.

Most Active Reviewers
The Most Active Reviewers list consists of those members who have given the most qualifying reviews over the past 31 days. A qualifying review is any review (public or private) that is 250 characters or more in length.

Most Active Raters
The Most Active Raters list consists of those members who have given the most ratings over the past 31 days.

Most Actively Reviewing Groups
The Most Actively Reviewing Groups list consists of the top fifty groups that have given the most qualifying reviews over the past 31 days. A qualifying review is any public review that is 250 characters or more in length. For reviews to be counted on this page, members must have affiliated their public review with a group (see: "Affiliating Reviews With Groups.1

Recommended Reading

1  Written by The ScaryMaster

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