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by Lily
Rated: E · Book · Fantasy · #1749009
W.R.I.T.E.R.S(Wru- I- Tu-R-S): An endangered species, once believed to be human.
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#717310 added February 6, 2011 at 3:49pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 1
School. Among the worst times of the day. But then there's the morning, when I think about all the stupid things to do today, and night, where I wonder why I did all the stupid things I did that day.

"Watch where you’re going!" Someone shouted to me. It was a boy, small, with a wiry frame. I grabbed him by the neck and pinned him up against the hallway's wall.

"What did you say to me?!" I demanded.

"N-Nothing!" He screamed. I dropped him, walking forward. No one liked me- he was probably a stupid 9th grade kid. They needed to be taught to obey even us Juniors. Everyone else went out of their way to avoid me. Good. That's how I like it.

I slouched my backpack on my other shoulder, bored. I made sure my notepad was in there- yup. I would kill for that notepad; my story/book was in there. That's my pride and joy. I passed a bathroom, and looked at the mirror. With silver hair that reached my ears, even though I was a boy, and sparkling green eyes, I was probably a mystery to anyone who looked at me. Thick lips, a few pimples. Not the best in the bunch- but still a good catch for a girl. But, no, ever since that incident with Mindy, no one liked me.

"Hello. I'm Maxim." A girl said to me. I gave her a death glare, before walking away.

"Wait! Where are you going?" The psychotic kid asked, rushing back towards me.

'Are you new or something?" I asked. "You do not want to be seen around me, else I'll rub off on you. Scram. Go away." I commanded. She shrugged.

"I don't care. We can be friends." She pestered.

"What is your problem?" I demanded to her.

"You looked lonely."


"I thought we could be friends... 'cause I'm lonely, too."

"Just stay away from me." I ordered, backing her against a hall wall.

She didn't even flinch.

"Why don't you like me?" She asked. She seemed so serene.

"It's not you. It's everyone at thus ruddy school!" I cried out. Some people turned to look.

Saved by the bell.

"We'd better get to class." She said. "I hope we see each other soon!" she exclaimed. I looked at her in disgust and walked away.

Math class was disgusting. I loathe math. More then school. It's just... ugh.

"Well, my class, we have a new student. What's your name?" The boring teacher drawled. The only thing that bade me look at him was the HUGE wart on his lip. I glanced up- No. No. NO. It can't be.

"Maxim Vrak." I stared at her - her purple, plastic glasses that complimented her wide, sea-foam eyes. red-brown hair that bounced at her shoulders, but not in curls. Little dimples thin lips, and a small nose. No pimples anywhere. One word- Adorable. Not hot or sexy, just adorable. Like a baby, or a puppy. Someone who could either be a fling for a jock or the perfect someone for a nerd- never really serious about relationships.

"Find a seat. Now today, we're discussing the Pythagorean Theory." he said. Maxim looked down the rows. God, there is an empty seat next to me. She's looking at me. She's coming closer.

"Isn't this a coincidence?" She asked, plopping next to me. God, I just wanted to pull her hair so hard until she screamed-

"Liyam! Eyes on the board!" He hissed. Oh, how he loved calling me out. I looked up at the board. A Squared + B Squared = C Squared. Big deal. Like I would use this as an author! I looked over at Maxim.

"Liyam? I like the name." She whispered. I shrugged.

"It's original. If I were you, I'd watch out for Joshua. He loves his pranks on the new kids." I didn't know why I was being so friendly towards this girl. She just seemed to be... nice, I guess. I cracked my knuckles. "I'll see what I can do, though." She giggled.

"Thanks- I think." I nodded. No big deal- I was meaning to have a word with him, anyways.

"We should hang out." She said.

"One favor doesn't make us friends." I hissed.

"Liyam! Shut it!" The teacher cried.I snapped my mouth closed and looked up again.

"Sorry." She whispered. I shrugged.


"And now, since it's Thursday, we'll be continuing on While at St.Johns, the movie we've been watching. Maxim, just... try to watch, I guess." He called out.

"While at St.Johns." I mumbled. "It's such a corny romance movie. I don't even know why we're watching it. It has nothing to do with math."

"Probably so the class doesn't get bored." Maxim whispered back.


"I can't do this, Bill."

"Why not? We are together. We will not have a moment like this, Katie." The rusty old VCR spat.

"Yea, you're right." Maxim whispered quickly. "This is stupid." I snorted.

"Told you so."

We suffered in silence, Maxim keeping a respectful distance form me while she watched. I shuffled away from her chair, my entire desk moving with me. With one piercing glare from Mr.Teacher, I scooted back.

The bell shocked everyone out of their engrossed silence. The room was in an uproar before a single person left.

"Hey, Liyam? I'll see you around." Maxim yelped, leaving the room. Like always, I was last out. But I quickly caught up to Joshua.

"Listen. You keep your ruddy little fingers off of Maxim, you hear?" I demanded, slamming him against a wall lined with kid's lockers; he cowered. I saw people watching from the corner of my eye. "That means no superglue to the chair, no tickling- not even a whoopee cushion. You'll listen to me-" I grabbed him by the neck and held him against the lockers. "If you know what's good for you." I dropped him as he nodded helplessly.

I could swear I saw Maxim run as I turned.
© Copyright 2011 Lily (UN: amberdragon at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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