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Rated: 13+ · Book · Teen · #1802477
Rosie moves to a new town and finds out the world isn't what it seems. Please review! :)
#745804 added January 28, 2012 at 5:19pm
Restrictions: None
“I can’t believe this,” Rosie said breathlessly. She squeezed her hands into fists to try and get rid of the thorn like pricks she still felt there. “This is...amazing.”

Amber smiled. “Spoken like a true fantasy craving human.” Amber didn’t say it harshly, but it tore through Rosie. Amber sounded more tired, like this was the sort of thing that had happened before.

Rosie closed her eyes and her anger evaporated as she realised she understood. She knew what before would have been impossible to even think of. “Your friend, right?”

Amber nodded slowly, keeping eye contact with Rosie. “Yes, my friend.”

“So, what really happened to her?”

“She died,” Amber said with a way too controlled voice. “What else would you be thinking of?”

“I’m not saying you...”

“No,” Amber interrupted. “I know where this road is heading...it’s sure where my Mum took it. Does everyone think I’m a monster? Even my own family does so I don’t see why you should be any exception.”

“No,” Rosie said sternly. “That’s not true. Not at all. I don’t think it and neither does Shane. He told me, Amber. He told me he didn’t believe it.”

“Yeah, well...” Amber shook her head, and sighed. “I believe it, so...” Rosie didn’t even know the tears were coming until Amber’s eyes moistened and trails of tears fell down her soft cheeks. “I couldn’t protect her. I wasn’t...I wasn’t strong enough.” Amber threw her hands down on the bed, making a loud thumping sound that made Rosie flinch in shock. “I was fourteen. Fourteen! I had no idea what kind of magic I was messing with.” Amber just collapsed in on herself. It seemed to Rosie that she’d never let all this out before, never let herself cry over it.

Amber had her knee’s up with her arms resting on top of them. Her head was lying on her arms and her body was shaking as she hiccupped painful tears.

“Amber, it’s okay,” Rosie said gently and scooted over on the bed to sit beside her. “Really.”

“How can I protect you?” Amber looked up. Her eyes were tear streaked and thick black mascara had leaked all over her eyes and face.

“It’s not your job to protect me. I found this out at my own risk.” Rosie smiled, ignoring her fears and facing what she’d gotten herself into. “I’ll be okay; no-one even has to know. I’ll keep your secret, I promise you.” Rosie bit her lip nervously and looked down, “but I need you to promise me one thing in return.”

Amber laughed like she couldn’t believe the words coming from Rosie’s mouth. “Fine. I totally understand, Rosie. I’ll find your sister, don’t you worry.”

Amber got up quickly from the bed and stormed out of Rosie’s bedroom door. The bang of the door made Rosie jump back and hit her back for the second time in one night, but she stayed where she was. Sat on the bed like a coward.

The next morning Rosie woke up feeling numb. It was like all energy and feelings had just been robbed from her. All yesterday’s events had turned into one big, confusing blur. She felt like a living zombie as she poured her Mother a cup of tea, who also, like herself, looked like she was numb and wondering how their life could have turned all wrong in such a short amount of time.

Rosie had thrown on an old pair of jeans and a plain black hoodie. Her Mum was still dressed in her blue knitted pyjamas.

“Are you okay?” Rosie asked as she settled the hot cup down in front of her Mum.

Her Mum sighed; it was full of dread and sadness. “I didn’t really sleep,” she said as she picked up the cup and gratefully took a deep swallow of it. “I just lay there.”

Rosie nodded, feeling tears sting at her eyes and the numbness start to slowly disappear, though Rosie thought she’d probably miss it. She remembered that Amber had told her Amy wasn’t dead. Should I tell my Mum?  Rosie asked herself as she took the seat next to her Mum. Unlike her Mum she had a cup of caffeine filled coffee. She hadn’t slept so great either, and even though she hated coffee, she had to stay awake somehow.

“Should I call school or do you think they’re smart and sympathetic enough to know I’m not coming?”

Mum shrugged. “Do as you like. If you want to go, you can.”

Rosie put her cup back down on the breakfast table. “Why would I want to go there?” She shuddered just thinking about it...just thinking about facing Amber after last night.

Mum gave her a knowing smile. “I heard Amber here last night. I also heard her slam the door.” Mum’s eyebrows rose as she said that last part.

Rosie was filled with a feeling of even more dread. “You didn’t hear anything, did you?”

“Nope,” Mum said with a smile that was sad and amused all at the same time. “I wouldn’t listen in on your girl talk. I’m sure she helped you, having been through something similar herself.”

Rosie nodded, feeling relief fulfil her. “Yeah, she really did.”

“Well, I’m glad.” Mum got up from the table. Rosie saw she had finished her cup of tea already. “I’m going to go get ready.”

Rosie was confused. “What for?”

“I’ve got to head back down to the police station and find out about the court hearing.”

“The court hearing?” Rosie’s mouth dropped open. She’d never thought, never realised after finding out about Amber that the police would want some kind of court and investigation. “Oh my god.”

Mum nodded. “We’ll find out who did this to her.”

Rosie was suddenly very interested in the whole cover up story. “What was the cause of death? I mean on the body,” she said uncomfortably.

Mum gave her a soft smile, full of love and care. “Strangled.”

Rosie slowly nodded, wondering how they had covered it up like that. But then, she realised, she didn’t know what kind of magic they were really capable of. “Right,” she said. “So where’s the body?”

“In one of those funeral like places. We’ll have to go and say our goodbye’s soon and sort out the funeral.”

Rosie wanted nothing more than to tell her Mum the truth. The truth that Amy really wasn’t dead, but she didn’t, she just nodded and let her Mum retreat upstairs.

In the end Rosie decided there really wasn’t any point in wasting time at home when there wasn’t any reason to be grieving. There was though, a reason to be out there and working on something with Amber, and possibly Shane, which Rosie really didn’t mind about. So, she changed her hoodie for a simple black shirt and threw on her favourite pair of ugg boots...oh and did something about that untamed beast lying on the top of her head.

Shortly after her Mum had left for the police station, she headed out the front door with her school bag, figuring she could make it in time for third period.

Once at school she felt like she was a monkey at the zoo. Everyone...and literally everyone were staring at her. Rosie fought through the un-comfort and headed to Spanish where she would hopefully find Amber. No such luck though as Rosie sat down at her desk alone.

After Spanish she headed to the lunch hall and got out her phone once she sat down at the lunch table her and Amber had occupied just two short days ago. Rosie felt like she was worlds away from that girl now. The girl who had only worried about starting a new school and whether or not she’d even see or hear from her Dad ever again.

There were no texts at all from Amber and Rosie couldn’t help but stifle a sigh. Where the hell is she?  Rosie was about to compose a new text message when a big hand touched her shoulder and a deep voice said, “What’re you doing here?”

Rosie spun around and looked up to see Shane standing there. Despite everything Rosie couldn’t help but feel herself melt inside at the perfectness of his face. She shook her head, and said, “School, that was kind of the plan.”

Shane’s expression didn’t smile or lift at all at her joke; he just stood there staring at her, expressionless. “You shouldn’t be here.”

Rosie shrugged, feeling herself get annoyed. “Well, I am,” she said sarcastically.

To Rosie’s surprise Shane grabbed her arm and hauled her out of her seat. She tried uselessly to fight back as he pulled her into a stray classroom and stood guard in front of the door.

“Let me out,” Rosie’s voice shook as she spoke. “Let me out. Now, Shane!”

“What are you doing here?” He shouted. “Are you crazy?”

“I don’t understand,” Rosie said, backing up into one of the desks and nearly knocking it over. “Am I not allowed to attend school?”

“Not when your life is in danger, no.”

Rosie blinked. “What?”

“I thought you knew,” he said, matching her puzzled expression with his very own. “You know Amy’s been took and they probably know you know too. They’ll be watching you, Rosie. Do you honestly think it was an accident they snatched Amy?”

“I thought it was a random attack,” Rosie said as she felt a blinding fear build all around her. “Who are they?”

“Vampires,” Shane said coldly. “That’s why you have to stay the hell inside your house; they can’t get inside without your permission.”

“Oh,” Rosie said. “Amber never said that...she wouldn’t tell me.” She breathed heavily and had to sink into one of the classroom chairs. “Vampires...witches...this town is a freaking side show.”

Shane’s expression lifted and he laughed and knelt down next to her. “Not the whole town, just some of it.” He smiled, flashing the most perfect white teeth.

Rosie closed her eyes, trying her best to stay focused on the situation instead of the delights of his face. “Why are they coming after me? And if it wasn’t random, why would they take Amy and not kill her?”

Shane’s smile disappeared and he was all business again. “That’s what we wish we knew. Amber thinks it’s because she started hanging around with you, but I highly doubt it.”

“What’s going to happen to me? Hell, to Amy?” Rosie felt her eyes wetting and her heart beat and breathing increase rapidly again.

“We don’t know, but I need to get you out of here.”

Rosie nodded, and let Shane help her trembling body up from the chair. He led her outside and they snuck out back through the gates and onto the deserted street where Shane’s focus car was parked. They both quickly hopped in. There was no missing the danger in the air around them, and now Rosie knew it was there, she thought she felt eyes on her.

© Copyright 2012 Lillyrose (UN: lillyrose94 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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