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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1762035
A little bit of everything, colored my own way.
#784272 added June 5, 2013 at 3:13pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about the temptation of young Fivesixer.
30DBC PROMPT: "What was the biggest temptation you faced as a teenager, and did you act on it?"

Good afternoon, friends. It's beautiful out, but don't tell my body that because it doesn't feel like cooperating with me today. I don't handle being out in the sun well that much anymore, and I hate being stuck inside. So let's put on our cranky-pants and pretend that it's raining. Do it just to make me feel better.

Man, alright...temptation. I'll say it even though I'm sure a lot of you are echoing the same sentiments. There are far more worse things that kids could be doing than when I was young. The dangers lurking on the internet alone are scary enough. There's a lot of different drugs out there...back in the day (not that I have any particular day marked on my calendar or anything) you had three choices: pot, acid and cocaine. I didn't know where to get any of this, and wasn't even aware anything else existed maybe beyond that. I was naïve in that respect I suppose.

But outside of that, there's more people on the planet now, which means more businesses, which in turn leads to more things, and more things equal more things going haywire. Follow me?

Now, let's not get all crazy here, because I was a good kid for the most part (and don't ask me where I went wrong). Temptations, like I said, were different. The temptation to break curfew was something I always flirted with. Temptation to speak my mind even if it wasn't the prevailing opinion was another. And let's not forget the temptation to puts my hands on members of the opposite sex where they may not have belonged.

The biggest temptation? Now you've got me wondering just how lame the early nineties were. Or how lame I was, at least.

Senior year of high school, not going to class was a pretty big temptation for me. And I often gave in to it. How could I not? After I dropped my first period AP Spanish class (please, it was boring as hell, I'd already taken Spanish from grades 7-11 and retained almost none of it, and we were expected to pay a pretty decent sum of money toward the college credit...that equaled a big fat "no thank you" in my Trapper Keeper), my schedule looked like this:

1st: Study Hall
2nd: Economics/Government
3rd: Study Hall
4th: Photography
5th: Library Practice
6th: AP English
7th: Gym every other day (alternating with a Study Hall)
8th: AP Calculus

It was very hard to look at that schedule and take it seriously. Were it not for Economics and Government, I really didn't have to shop up at all until English class. My Photography class was with one of my wrestling coaches...he asked me what I thought my grade should be, so I said, "Something in the 90's?" And was like, "Ok, 99!" I had all my work done...well, ok, I was suffering from my second broken shoulder and couldn't really carry a camera, so I "borrowed" one of my friend's works. Library Practice was just that...working in the school's library, which wasn't that big. We did some shelving, but the main job was monitoring the kids with passes from their Study Halls. Really though, the first one in our group that arrived would photocopy the crossword puzzle in the newspaper, and we'd all race to see who could get it done first. That was when I hung out with the "smart kids". English and Calculus were the only real classes (I hated Government/Economics)...and English came super easy to me, but Calculus was, ummm, let's just say that it was a "group effort" from the entire class in getting the homework done, if ya know what I'm sayin'. *Wink*

So what would we do if we didn't want to go to class? There were tons of restaurants right in the vicinity of the school, so we'd shoot out the side door. Of course, we never went to the places directly across from the school, 'cuz that's where all the administrators went. We'd go to a neat little place called Holiday Showcase. It was like a giant diner, and it was built next to The Holiday Showcase theaters (neat concept *Pthb*). They had great food, and the waitresses didn't seem to care that we were cutting school as long as we behaved. And we did. Even if we were the "not as smart kids".

It's what we would do on the way back to school that, to this day, I still can't believed we pulled off. There were eight of us that day, large for our normal group. We were wrapping things up and I had a brilliant idea. I'd asked if anyone had a football in their car. Nobody did, but one of the guys knew where he could get one fast. Sure enough, ten minutes later we were having a 4-on-4 game of touch football in the theater parking lot, a stone's throw from the school.

Typically, a trip to breakfast would take up first period, and we could sneak in before Homeroom (not all teachers cared about whether or not you were present for their Study Hall). This way, as long as you were in by Homeroom, you wouldn't be marked late. I forget what the exact threshold was, but if you were late too many times you got detention. Sure, that caught up with me. Big deal. It was an hour of more crossword puzzles for me.

Anyway, we totally didn't get back to class until the middle of fourth period. We were all a mess...hot, gross, sweaty boys who had just been running around a parking lot. But it was totally worth it.


** Image ID #1936853 Unavailable **

So for the "Blogging Circle of Friends Prompt ForumOpen in new Window. we're supposed to write about the image we see. Thankfully, this image is shareable so you can all see what I'm talkin' 'bout. The problem is, I don't know who the dog is. Assuming, of course, that it's a dog. And I'm guessing it's Shaye Author Icon's dog. The clue we were given was "Only people that read my blog will know this." I'm gonna come right out and admit it: I've read Carmela's blog a few times, but not all of the entries. I feel bad saying that because I'd like to think I do actually make my way through a lot of blogs whenever I get that chance, but I have no idea whose dog that is or what the name of said dog is. So I am sorry for that, but I'll try harder next time. *Laugh*


*Coffeegr* I went through a long period of time when almost all I would listen to were a mix of 4-5 different cd's on random in my stereo. I think it was to get over a girl, and I grieved through those particular albums. This was definitely one of them. *Partyhatbl*


*Eat* Here's a fun fact about the first time I ever skipped school to go out for breakfast: I got caught. By my mom. We were trying to cross the street to get back to the school at the same time she was on her way to work. Wow, was she pissed. *Shock*

*Drbag* I don't think my physical therapist likes me, and that has nothing to do with how I feel at the end of a session with her. She's nice, but not friendly. There's a difference. I'm usually pretty good at reading these things. Of course, I'm probably not always in an approachable mood, but c'mon man! You're getting paid to be here, and to help me heal! At least pretend to like me! Fake it if it's really that difficult. *Rolleyes*

*Sleep* I've reached the point where I really wish I didn't dream anymore. I won't go into detail because the content isn't very relevant, but for the second time in a week I woke myself up by punching a wall. Look at that sentence. It doesn't say, "I woke up and then punched a wall. Nope. Stone col' middle of the dream, yo. Punching a wall. Twice now, in a week. I have pretty much resigned to the idea that I'll probably never be able to sleep next to anyone ever again. And yet, somehow I think I should feel more troubled about this than I do. On many, many levels.

Anyway, I'm gonna take my ass outta here and see what everyone else is up to. Y'all be good...peace, pretend like you're walking in place on this treadmill, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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