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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#805555 added February 2, 2014 at 5:53pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about Mob Sunday.

February 2014 Blog Mob - Join or ...

Welcome back, friends! It's the second day of the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS's Blog Mob, and it looks like I'm a little early for whatever Brother Nature has in store for us this fine Sunday. Either that or the Mob's got a day off *Confused*...I've never known a mob of any sort that wakes up in the morning and says, "Ya know, I'm not really feeling like being a mob today" or calls in sick for its shift of random gathering and menacing. But watch...with my luck, as soon as I've finished this entry and expended my resources an actual function will be posted for today in the forum, and I'll be wondering if I should just skip it or come up with something for it.

The whole point of me trying to come up with an entry right around now was so I wouldn't have to worry about it later while I'm watching the Super Bowl...I know myself and my superior procrastination skills, plus I have a hard time doing more than one thing at a time, so I figured it'd be best to bash out a post on this keyboard before I got too sucked into anything else. Sounded like a good idea to me, at least.

Here's how I know I'm amazing at procrastinating...every few minutes I keep refreshing the tab I have open for the 30DBC, just in case something should change. But is that really due to my wanting to put writing this entry off, or is it because I really don't have much more to add to yesterday's post regarding what I think our mob's message should be? Ponder that amongst yourselves while I come up with something clever to say.

Yeah, it's not happenin'. Not right now at least.

I will share this, however: http://news.msn.com/us/mass-mobs-fill-pews-lift-prayers-at-ny-churches. Right from MSN's homepage this morning. I really hadn't planned on reading the whole article, until I noticed it was about churches in Buffalo. Finally, my hometown makes nationally-distributed headlines for something other than sucky sports teams, snow, and chicken wings! Last time I recall Buffalo getting mentioned in an article that was featured as one of MSN's top stories? It had to do with a friendly neighborhood woman who was running a major drug ring from her house, and nobody suspected a thing. We're talkin' proud, Buffalo...*Rolleyes*. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_jeNULOcTd8

Flash mobs at churches. Thank you, internet. Back in the day, we called it "going to mass". I guess it's one way for churches to remain relevant in society amidst the "reorganization" (as in, consolidation and closing numerous historical landmarks and schools...again) of the Catholic diocese in Buffalo. I haven't been to a church in probably twenty years unless it was for a wedding or a funeral. I'm just not that churchy. And the idea of people showing up somewhere at random is a little frightening to me, probably because if I were to partake in something like that it would set my anxiety pinging like a smoke alarm in a burning building. Anyway, yay Buffalo.

Still no update on today's Blog Mob business. Maybe in the meantime I should be trying a li'l harder to promote the group or come up with a better slogan. Too bad "Talkin' Proud!" is already taken. How's "Join the Mob, because it's like church, only it's a Mob"? Or " Blog Mob, where the only illegal activities are crimes against words"? Nope...I'm still not good at this slogan thing. Didn't expect that to change overnight.

BCF PROMPT: As I'm sure many of you are aware by now, the "Blogging Circle of Friends doesn't operate on Sundays. Since I don't know how to enjoy a day off sometimes, I guess I'll just use this space to discuss openly my week. Because six other days of me doing that seemingly isn't enough.

The Cortland County work experience program...doesn't disappoint when it comes to delivering at least one fiasco a week, and this week was no exception. When I realized my supervisor was taking me to a work site that wasn't the one he'd said he was taking me to, he kinda tried to laugh it off immediately by saying, "Oh, jeez, I'm a bad drunk...what was I thinking?" Well, I don't know, because you have a clipboard with this stuff written down on it regarding where we're going and what we're doing, and you don't appear to be the least bit intoxicated. Try again. I can only imagine what's gonna go through their heads when I start my volunteer position on Tuesday with CAPCO, which will take the place of having to do time with the work experience program. It's bad enough that you have to remind them almost daily of everything you've got going on that coincides with their schedules...it's hard enough for me to remember everything I have to do (and I have to write it all down or I will forget), let alone trying to keep them abreast as well, especially when they can't recall 24 hours later what you told them.

A fine example of both me forgetting about things I don't write down and CCWE's lack of accounting: back in December I was scheduled to attend a workplace safety seminar before I started the program. Totally forgot about it, even though I had the letter confirming the date stuffed in its envelope in the spot where I keep all the important things out in the open. Seeing as how they like to send me to places like the county's highway department or "nutrition sites" where we serve senior citizens hot lunches from church kitchens, you'd think that safety would be a priority...the chemicals alone I come in contact with in either setting are dangerous enough. Yet at a group meeting where we went over job search requirements (again), when the supervisors asked/assumed we'd all been to the safety seminar, I raised my hand and said I hadn't. They looked at me like I was speaking a foreign language. And sure enough, tomorrow morning I'll be in attendance at 9am for the next one. These are the same people that want you to report every papercut you get because they don't want lawsuits (I just typed that line while noticing the cut on my index finger I got while scrubbing the inside of a heating table last Thursday), and harp on you every chance they get about people with restrictions on walking/standing/heavy lifting, yet don't seem to mind having you wait in single-digit temperatures nearly half an hour for a bus just so you can mop a floor for an hour and come back.

Don't get me wrong; I understand the purpose of the CCWE program, and I get that they are dealing with around 20 or so different people a day. But man, if ever there were a situation screaming to be run better, with more accountability and a streamlined process, I've never seen it. But that's enough of my complaining...hopefully once I start at CAPCO I won't have to worry about CCWE anymore.


** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable **

I don't think I've ever felt more relieved to get to this part of a blog entry...and I write these things! Today's song for "The Soundtrack of Your Life is "On Your Own" by Blur (album: Blur {link:http://www.amazon.com/Blur/dp/B000000WDA/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1391372902&sr=1-1&keywords=blur+blur}; lyrics: http://songmeanings.com/songs/view/4470/)

I came across this song by a happy accident; I joined one of those record clubs where you get 12 cds for a buck or something like that, and because I'd already loved a lot of '90's Brit-pop (Oasis, Radiohead) I figured I'd grab Blur's "Greatest Hits" cd. I was only familiar with "Song 2" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSbBvKaM6sk), which I think is the song many people who've heard of Blur in this country know, and "Coffee And Tv" (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6oqXVx3sBOk...and I've seen this video tons of times but I just realized the lead singer's shirt says "Buffalo, New York" on it, and I got chills *Bigsmile*...a highly entertaining video too, might I add). I really wanted "Song 2" in my collection, so I was willing to take the risk on a band's best-of collection to get it.

And I hardly listened to that cd, but for some reason I burned it onto mini-disc (yes, I was a huge fan of the format...working for a consumer electronics company had that much impact on me, and it truly would've overtaken cassettes if Sony hadn't been so proprietary about it...this unit was perhaps my favorite purchase from my time there: http://www.minidisc.org/part_Sony_MXD-D3.html) before going on a cruise with extended family. While aboard the ship I listened to my portable MD player a lot, and I really got into that Blur compilation. It was so diverse, hitting so many different genres it seemed. You couldn't peg it to a specific category. "On Your Own" stuck out so much...I was just a single guy dating an adorable but crazy girl (we were a bad match...we brought out the best of each other's worst behaviors) and it was my first time away from her since the time we established ourselves as a couple (coincidently, while I was away on a "guys road trip" to Cleveland).

This song reiterates feelings about myself and eases some of my self-confidence issues, mainly in the chorus: "So take me home/ don't leave me alone/ I'm not that good/ but I'm not that bad". It's chock full of little references that to me felt relatable, and the video is a trip to watch...some British dude rockin' a Kangol and coppin' hip hop poses, and near the end he's surrounded by a mob of people who're enjoying what he's doing. I can't describe it other than it felt like a home to me. I know I've posted the video a few times before, but I'll never get sick of this song (although the remixes are rather tiresome) or the feeling I get from it.

"I dream to riot, oh you should try it!"


*Kiss* I don't hand these things out freely, but I suggest everyone check out participate in "Invalid Item as much as possible. I gave though to being in one of the booths, but then I had to sleep (I know, who does that?) and I missed my opportunity. Well, that, and I don't let just anybody have a chance at my puckers, but that's besides the point.

*Delight* I did manage to find myself in the rabbit hole of internet that is Cyanide & Happiness this morning after realizing I was too late to open up a kissing booth. And I don't care what you say...this is the sickest, most disturbing humor you'll secretly find funny there ever is. You won't tell people about it, but chances are they'll know too, and are hoping beyond hope you'll bring it up first so they can nod along and then share their stories of how awesome it is and how they're so glad it exists. http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWXCrItCF6ZgXrdozUS-Idw. And yes ladies, there are reasons why I'm still very single and in no hurry to become mated...

*Pizza* ...And this is one of those reasons. Whether it works for or against me is probably another story for another time.

It doesn't hurt to stand out.

*Football* I'll stop short of forecasting today's Super Bowl score, but I think the Broncos will beat the Seahawks. Seattle has a nice defense, but I think Denver has too many weapons on offense that Seattle has to contend with. Peyton Manning will fin a way to pick the Seahawks apart. I can't wait to watch the game...I may reconsider taking a nap (since it's taken too long for me to actually bust this entry out) today and start immersing myself in the pregame overkill festivities. Plus, I'll need some time to digest the outcome before I tackle my preseason predictions in the "This one's about your 2013 football preview. recap.

And with all of that out of the way, I may run across the street to CVS and grab some last-minute snacks before I GTFO of here and act like it's no big deal. Peace, #steadymobbin, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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