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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/806242
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1939270
A third attempt at this blogging business.
#806242 added February 7, 2014 at 8:52pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about Mob votes and asking yourself.

February 2014 Blog Mob - Join or ...

What's up y'all? Still no sign of steady life from the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS Blog Mob bOSS (with an uncapital B), Brother Nature ...has he just gone AWOL now, or is he lurking in the shadows, too afraid of having fallen behind to catch up with his syndicate? One can never be so sure.

Well, I'm not takin' any chances with nothin' among this group...it's hard to tell if we're evolving or if it's just the opposite. Until I figure that out I'll just keep stirrin' the pot. In the meantime, Lyn's a Witchy Woman has created a promotional clip featuring herself and I to raise awareness of your need to have a say in this year's running of "The Quills...in order to do so, head over to "Invalid Item and feel free to pick the authors you want to take home virtual awards in the categories listed, and tell 'em The Mob sent ya.

Vote for your favorites in the Quill Awards!

It feels good to be able to plug Quills-related stuff without having to add the "THIS IS NOT CAMPAIGNING" disclaimer...if ever there was a perk of not being nominated for anything this year, that might be it *Wink*.

BCF PROMPT: "If you had the choice, would you forget the worst thing that ever happened to you and all of its repercussions?"

I think it'd be easy to give a stock answer like "All the horrible things I've gone through in life have made me who I am today", and for many people that's a very accurate statement. In fact, I'd never argue that if you whipped that line out at me from your pocket at a dinner party. But personally, I don't know if I'm ready to answer this prompt in a way that provides some clear-cut relief. Allow me to explain without getting too serious.

Whether I want to admit it or not (and whether you wanna hear it or not), I'm probably still going through the quote-unquote worst thing that has ever happened to me/all of its repercussions. Normal people get over this stuff after awhile, mainstream media tells us. Rational people will point out that all of my problems stemming from the circumstances in my life are my own fault, and they wouldn't necessarily be wrong. And yet for every day I believe I'm over and have moved on from my last relationship, I probably spend two or three more dealing with how the fallout from it has affected me. "Recovery" is a word used in 12-Step programs a lot to signify how much you've changed since whatever it was that got you needing a book to tell you how to live has no longer been a part of your life; were that necessary for me I'd need an entire season of Dance Fever with Deney Terrio (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXIPNynpM00) to help me figure that out and do the "moving on" thing. Oh Deney, where are you now?? *Smirk* Hosting these, of course: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qXarp2rkWX8.

I guess what I'm saying is that I'm still a work in progress, but eventually I'm gonna need to stop building because I'll have to look around and assess how far I've come. I'm just not ready to yet. I don't want the option to make that choice right now; there's still too much loose filling underneath me to accurately say whether I'd rather have something stricken from the past or not. Maybe I'm holding out for a bigger challenge, or that I'm never satisfied...it's hard to say. I suppose either way I'll know once I've reached a more certain destination.


** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable **

When one of the true masters of the Blogging genre tags you in a Facebook post that links to one of his entries, you definitely pay attention. Reading "Choosing sides by Kåre Enga in Montana got me thinking about choices, behavior and life, and it reminded me of what seems to always be a recurring theme in the background of my own existence.

It's been a question I've pondered before I'd ever even heard of Moneen, and since the moment I've heard this song the pondering has grown exponentially. If I say that sometimes I sorta have an answer for it, what I'm really saying is I don't have an answer, which can be construed as a negative thing...even if that's really not the case. That is, I may not always be happy, but don't tell me I'm not happy if you're not willing enough to let me figure that out on my own or wait until I can draw that conclusion. I've probably lost a lot of people over that way of thinking throughout the course of my life, but that was probably how it was all supposed to be in the first place.

So today's song for "The Soundtrack of Your Life is "Are We Really Happy With Who We Are Right Now?" by Moneen (album: Are We Really Happy With Who We Are Right Now? {link:http://www.amazon.com/Are-Really-Happy-With-Right/dp/B00009NH6A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1391814014&sr=8-1&keywords=Moneen+are+we+really+happy}; lyrics: http://www.plyrics.com/lyrics/moneen/arewereallyhappywithwhowearerightnow.html). I'll never forget seeing them live with my boy DMFM at a tiny club in Buffalo...there could've been no more than 100 or 150 people there. The lead singer was standing about 10 feet from us next to the sound board, watching the openers. As they finished the last song of their set, he yelled "Group hug!!" and the four members hopped off the stage...the crowd literally formed into one giant embrace. Not a mosh pit- no pushing and shoving or anything close to aggressive behavior. It was pretty cool.


*Vinylr* After our Moneen group hug, one of the many pieces of merch we bought (DMFM probably dropped over $100 that night on hoodies, cds, stickers and beer alone) was a vinyl copy of their album The Red Tree, which we agreed to keep joint custody of. Why? Because I owned a turntable at the time, having stuff on vinyl is great from an audiophile's standpoint, and *Rolleyes* there was like, some 30 second bonus track or something on it, which later on we discovered on the cd if you hit the *Buttonrewind* before the first song started playing. Plus it was $10 and it was on white vinyl with red swirls. We saw the singer and guitarist hanging around and we got them to sign the record. I kinda wish I still had my old Motorola Razr, because there were pictures of all of us on it...but there's always this:

3/07 Autographed record by .moneen.

7: Seven days so far of "The Soundtrack of Your Life, and I haven't plugged A Song A Day on Facebook yet? Maybe because I haven't actually updated it in the last couple of days. Changes need to be made. https://www.facebook.com/asongadaycuzIcan

*Tv* This list kind of brought back some memories, although it's missing The Heights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csATriX8Ed0 if Alternative Press expects me to completely take this link seriously: http://www.altpress.com/features/entry/12_tv_show_only_bands_we_wish_were_real/P... (but bonus points for Dr. Teeth And The Electric Mayhem).

*Mugbr* Ok...like I said in the "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS forum, anyone (or multiple peoples) who donates 50k in gift points toward blainecindy's reconstruction of "Invalid Item as per " Feb. 7th Forget, Song, Mob Mischief will obtain the exclusive info straight from the caged bird that sings what Lyn's a Witchy Woman 's secret item she can be bought and bribed with is. Don't ask me how I know this; ask yourself why you don't know it. *Smirk*

Ok, well, I think that's enough rambling on from me for this evening. I've got some unofficial "business" to tend to on my way toward finishing up this evening with some episodes of Saturday Night Live from this season that I haven't seen yet, so I better be on my way. Peace, you said you want it, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

Line dancing...the worst trend of its time? I think so...
possibly worse than Brian Austin Green's music career.

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