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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1578384
You never know what you'll find - humor, ramblings, rants, randomness- it's all me!
#821772 added July 5, 2014 at 7:06pm
Restrictions: None
Connections, Memory Loss, and Things you didn't see coming!
I think most of us can agree (unless you are just trying to be difficult - and just don't be - it's a blog not a debate forum - we will save that for a rainy day and brother we are in a drought ) that social media has led us to interact with people we would never have 'met' without it, reconnect to those we would never have talked to again, and realized that our memory isn't as good as we thought it was.

On a more personal level, it has taught me many things I wasn't even looking to learn This could probably fill up more than a book - so I'm really going to focus on one main evident. But quickly on a side note: Those of you that think my blog posts are too long. Here's a thought. . . Don't read 'em! It's a choice not a law - YET!

So if I could get a drum roll . . . I will end your suspense of what I learned.

In fifth grade, I was a Martian. Yeah, you heard correctly - green, gold lame space suit - freaky hair-do - flashing hot lights the whole she-bang!

How do I prove I haven't gone insane? By a facebook message, of course! It's almost as reputable as Wikipedia. But here it is:

Bruce B

I am aways happy to help a fellow martian. (elementry school christmas program) You might not remember that. Serious, if you need prayers, just ask.

Apr 5 ยท Sent from Chat

Now, I went to school with this Bruce B. from Kindergarten through High School graduation in 1987 - so I did know the person it was from. Super nice guy - dedicated - focused. But then again that is over 25 years ago; people do change. I mean he called me a fellow Martian, used the word 'serious' (something I'm not often), and prayers in one message. My first thought was, 'Oh man, Bruce musta gone a little on the whacko side'.

I didn't respond immediately, because I wasn't sure the correct tactful way to inform him he had taken a ride on the loony tune train with a one way ticket. So I closed my eyes, grateful that I at least have a little sanity. And that's when it hit me - the memories came flashing back - I was a freaking green alien! And more than that I LOVED IT!

Now, after conversing for I don't know say about 10000 messages I realize Bruce's memory is a little sharper than mine, but I may have had a few more shots of tequila in my time -- I think he has me beat on Whiskey 101 or something like that. Anyway, I would NEVER have remembered this without Bruce. And this is how I'm sure of it. A few weeks prior to this a lady in the community I grew up passed away. Her name was Bendina Bennett. She was great at doing braids and hair. I'm talking like the all over the head braids like Bo Derek had in '10'. I think that was the name of the movie. When I heard she had passed, I had a vague memory of her doing these braids on me ONCE. It had taken hours and hurt like hell-fire. But I loved it! At that time, I'm pretty sure I was the only pale, blue eyed, blonde 5th grader with these braids. I couldn't remember why. I called my mom and she didn't even remember the braids. She assumed it was for some dance recital. I knew hat couldn't be right, but I couldn't figure it out so I let it drift to the spot in my brain where all unanswered questions of no urgency go to die.

But Bruce -- he brought it back to me! No doubt, we had been chosen because we were both teacher's kids (in case you don't know - teachers' kids are kind of like that super old Life cereal commercial where they give it to Mikey to try because he'll try anything), we both were pleasers, and took things we did pretty seriously . . . for fifth graders.

So there we were - painted green with I'm guessing paint that was not made for painting the face and body (I'm sure it is mild lead poison that led to my memory loss), hot-stick-to-your-skin gold lame costumes (I would love to see the picture of Bruce in gold lame - You don't get more country, farmer, cowboy than Bruce), and the spotlight was like being in a malfunctioning tanning chamber - there was no filters it was like Crescent School found the money in the budget to rent the freaking sun!

Why were their aliens in a Christmas program? No clue. But I do think we may have been chosen as aliens because we didn't speak. We held hands, walked and pointed at things. Usually, there is singing in Christmas programs - so this could have been a strategic move - apparently, neither Bruce nor I can carry a tune. Maybe they tricked us into thinking we were stars to keep us from ruining the music. Noooooo - that's silly! We are stars! Aliens~! Will Smith's Independence Day has nothin' on us.

But, most joking aside, this is the main thing - Bruce and I reconnected - over something 35 years ago (geez - I can't believe I typed or thought 35 freaking years??), and it was at a time we both really needed a friend. A real friend - not one just mouths the words and goes on their way. A friend that shows you there is more than one path to take in this world and those paths/doors/whatever don't stop just because you get older and life changes in ways you hadn't expected.

I saw Bruce yesterday on the 4th of July for the first time since high school graduation. I don't hide the fact that I tend to close my eyes to things in life that I don't want to deal with, face, or might cause me to stress out to a slight panic attack level. But yesterday, it was so strange - it was like my eyes were opened to so many things. I allowed myself to think without fear. This probably is making no sense to anyone - and might not to me in 35 years, but I wasn't afraid to try new activities, give forgiveness where it needed to be given, let down part of my wall of sarcasm. But I think most importantly for one day I allowed myself to relax, focus, and enjoy things around me - things I never pay attention to - like stars, silence, wind (I usually am not a fan of wind of any kind - but I liked it). I have to say, I owe it to Bruce. Not because he said - 'do this' 'look at that' 'calm down' - he led by example and his presence for whatever reason felt safe. He made me realize that though we may not wear green paint and gold lame anymore, you can still have out of this world moments - you just need a little help from your friends and channel your inner Martian.

Thank you, Bruce.

(I know you don't watch t.v. - It's from a show in the 70's Mork and Mindy. Youtube it. :)

Look at the stars tonight (one might be my home planet),

Note to self - things not to forget:
bubble wrap, cat litter, long rides, no bugs, lots of kittens, dropping phones, butt numbness, - you'll have to remember the rest by yourself, Ralls - time to get ready.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/821772