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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#826914 added September 2, 2014 at 11:27am
Restrictions: None
Camp and Lists, Poem, Birthday & What September Means To Me
Today's blogs...

Blog City – Day 183 (Day 2 of THE LIST)

Prompt: Think back on the month of August 2014. Find a moment, one moment, that stands out in your memory - be it good, bad, or a little bit of both. Share it with us.
And, LISTers, remember to include your list. 14 items linked in some way to your blog entry.

I spent August in cyber camp with my 30 Day Blogging Challenge mates. It was a fabulous experience. I have been to camp before, but never to a cyber camp. One thing I found was that although it was 'believed' to be in Maine; our minds capture an essence of where we are and what there is at the camp. Without the physical 'limitations' of an actual camp, along with the bugs and dirt; we were able to create a space for the camp in our own minds. Each place different depending on each person. It would be neat to see a picture of what each of us thought of our camp drawn from our mind's eye. I loved every minute of my experience and I hope to do it again next year. Come join us... if you dare!

Today's List: Moments To Be Remembered From A Wonderful Camp Experience
#1 14 people thrown together to experience the ultimate cyber camp experience.
#2 Over 14 days of prompts that pulled us into a living, breathing ecosystem alive only in our minds.
#3 A fairie troupe of 14 casting lighting fantasy across the sky.
#4 Sharkhorses, 14 we found that were in need of dental hygiene to make them happy and much more friendly.
#5 There were 14 burnt meals that I was responsible for - mastering the art of cooking on an open fire is not going to be something I add to my repertoire - but no one starved.
#6 There were 14 gummy bears that refused to leave Charlie ~ Author IconMail Icon's hair - he may still find them when he gets home.
#7 The 14 beers Fivesixer Author IconMail Icon downed in a 14 minute bet - he was not so serious after that!
#8 The 14 episodes of 'Camp Reality' that mysteriously went missing.... they won't be airing that anytime soon...
#9 For those 14 hours I got lost and missed the first campfire. Nobody saved me any s'mores. *Sad*
#10 For the 14 hours of pouring rain that kept us inside our tents playing board games and cards. I never had such fun on a rainy day.
#11 To those 14 townsfolk in the bar that thought we looked rather crazy coming in with our notebooks, laptops and knitting needles. We are unique... besides the bar had free WiFi and electricity to recharge our systems.
#12 For the 14 poems I wrote, inspired by the beauty of the place.
#13 I think I managed 14 stories as well... I will disguise the names to respect the privacy of my bunkmates.
#14 To the 14 hours of lost sleep I got when I tried to fall asleep after some loud snores... who will remain nameless... or was it something else.....

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge

"This place is _____; it needs a little _____."

Oh, boy... after all the other writing I have done this morning, I am sorry to say this prompt hits me flat... sometimes they just do and there is no getting around that. So this is what I'll do....

This place is such a bloody mess; it needs a little tending.
I know it stands between the walls, but certainly I'm bending
To grab the rake and muck the stalls is only to be done
And soon, oh soon I will be finished and then I'll have some fun.

See not so bad after all - off the top of Fivesixer Author IconMail Icon's head and off my own.... Just a poetic frame of mind. Have a great day, y'all.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Week Thirty – Seven

1. With it being WDC's 14th Birthday, tell us what WDC has meant to you.

Let's start off with HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WDC!!!! 14 years of existence. Amazing really. I stumbled upon this site by mere accident, if I remember correctly. A icon on the edge of Facebook linking it into my world. I checked it out... hit LIKE and ventured over to set up a free account. An account that went virtually untouched until last year's Birthday Bash. Then the site woke up for me. I was challenged to write in genres I was not a familiar with; I was challenged to write a poem a day for 13 days. The community opened up to me in a way I had not discovered before. I saw the potential of such a place and upgraded my account.

Since then, I have experienced a lot of growth in my writing and my confidence levels. I have gained a group of friends that make me smile and encourage me to try. I love it here. Not a day goes by that I don't make an effort to pop in. I have also stepped myself up another level and with that I hope to expand and continue to grow in confidence and ability.

I appreciate all that the site organizers do to make this the best writing community out there and I hope that my involvement adds to that experience. I look forward to another year of accomplishments and steps forward - in friendships and in creative confidence. Thank you WDC.

4. With September comes kids back in school, the new fall season of television shows, and summer begins to transition to fall (or winter to spring depending on where you call home) What are your favourite things about this time of year.

September is my New Year. There is a certain sweetness to September that no other month has. Returning to routines forgotten with the summer heat (where was that this year). Supply teaching won't pickup until the end of the month, but for now I can feel the fullness of a new season on the way.

September is colours, fiery and bold. There is a deepness to the smells of the earth as it takes its own back into itself (though that is more October, than September).

For us, we transition from summer to fall. I love this time of year... and perhaps it is my favourite of the seasons.
As for television shows... I find with the more writing and time spent on WDC, I am not so aware of what is on TV. I am enjoying Outlander on Show Case - but it has already started. Some new shows intrigue me, but I may check them out. I am not so wrapped up in them as I once was.

This year I feel a little blue so I am not as motivated as I usually am this time of year... but I am pushing through that. I'll need to get out walking and hope my allergies ease off to make that more possible - so far, they have been brutal.

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