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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#839691 added January 27, 2015 at 10:57pm
Restrictions: None
Wishful Thinking and Dreams, Motivation & Two-fer Tuesday
Today's blogs....

Blog City - Day 329

Do you think wishful thinking, dreams and illusions for what's to come might spoil future happiness? Or, on the either hand, is it the dreams and positivity that ensure future happiness?

I am not sure what to say to this... I think I lean towards the second part. - dreaming and positivity ensure future happiness or at least open of the possibilities of it to happen. To not have dreams, I think one's life would be flat and purposeless. Dreams keep us striving and challenging ourselves to make their attainment, but I think it is also important to not become disillusioned if things don't work out. Some people can become bitter if they feel their dreams have been thwarted. I don't think that is the way to live.

I think, if your dreams are passionate and derived from your gifts that have been given to you by God, then things will happen in their own good time. Our job is to pray and take action to move in the direction of our dreams. It may not happen over night, it may take much longer than you would like... or maybe your gifts and dreams take you in a direction you did not expect. I say, stay open to the possibilities and go for it.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality - Week Fifty - Eight

3. What motivates you?

I will admit that procrastinating has a tendency to force me into performing when I getting down to the wire for time. I hate that I do this. It seems to be my general method of operating. I did it all through university and even in my day to day, but I do try to curb this inclination. Sometimes I am able, other times I fail miserably and send my blood pressure and my stress levels through the roof.

Lately, I have been taking the six week Romantica workshop. For the past four weeks I have been doing it with each assignment - they are due on Sunday and I don't do much until Sunday morning rolls around, then the pressure to preform is on.

Maybe that is why I seem to do reasonably well when I do Daily Flash Fiction or other such daily prompts and contests. The time limit is built in.

When I am teaching I try very hard to stay on top of things so that things don't build up and overwhelm me. Teaching has soooo much extra paperwork it is advisable to stay on top of it. I find in those instances, I will motivate myself by not allowing anything, like Facebook games, to come between me and getting the work done. Once it is done, I can gladly partake in a little fun.

Sometimes I have been known to set up a schedule - work for 30 minutes then 'play' for 10 or 15 minutes, then repeat until the work is done. This often happens during NaNoWriMo if I am having a day that is full of struggle. Break it down into chunks. Reasonable chunks with parameters.

My daily writing is motivated by a writing streak on 750words.com. I am on Day 302 today.

Border for my personal use.

30 Day Blogging Challenge - Twofer Tuesday

This time around I have to go with Elle - on hiatus who had me in stitches with her Monday/Wednesday entry - "Questions for a Monday... Oh wait, it's Wednesday already!. I absolutely love her responses to the quizzes. It was a fabulous way to get to know her and many of her answers were similar to my own possible responses. I love doing those kind of quizzes as well.

Here's me wee review: Review of "The Kiwi Dream"

I did manage to read a few extra blogs this week. Charlie ~ , Fran 🌈🧜‍♀️ and skeason . I did not always comment. I hope to get to a few more as well. It hasn't been too bad of a week although I am glad I feel better.

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💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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