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Rated: 18+ · Book · Other · #1910923
Looks like I may have a ton of these, so this is collection 1 of Reflections
#840700 added February 7, 2015 at 12:02pm
Restrictions: None
Riches or Glory?
This is from 30DBC Feb. 6. I sent the form letter, asking for a prompt to Jeff and received:

As an author, would you rather be financially or critically successful? If you could only choose one or the other, would you rather be a fixture atop the New York Times Bestseller list with tens of millions in the bank and a chorus of critics and readers who think your writing is just plain awful... or win every literary award there is and be considered one of the best writers of your generation but not be able to financially support yourself from your writing career because mass audiences don't buy your books? ~~Jeff

I know I'm not officially a part of this unofficial contest, but the prompt challenge was too good to ignore.

Jeff asks a very thought provoking and interesting question. In light of Box Office wet dreams like Fifty Shades of Grey and other not that great books being made into movies I understand why this question is probably on a lot of aspiring and made authors minds.

I know for prides sake and due to my love for my craft I should undoubtedly pick the latter. It is absolutely my dream to create a literary masterpiece that is instantly revered as award worthy. To be lauded with canon worthy affections in lieu of substantial finances would at least mean that I made my permanent mark on history, for however long my work remains popular.

But, unfortunately there's another part to the question.

As I write this I am still holed up in my mother and step-fathers country domain. Viable employment remains elusive and I would really like to begin a master's program soon to expand my creative writing career. I have probably bought more lottery tickets in the past month than I have in my entire 29 years. I don't expect to win, but the feeling/fantasy of not having to worry about taking care of myself, as well as my family is a dream unto itself.

Perhaps if there was the possibility that only ONE of or my FIRST book didn't make money but I got a ton of awards. Then I was free to be popular with my subsequent works. In that scenario the choice is a no-brainer, but I do not believe that to be the intent behind Jeffs' first question.

Therefore, in spite of possibly unpopular decision, I currently would choose financial success. That being said, no matter what I write I pretty much expect there to be a ton of backlash and criticisms. Not because the writing is bad (I might burn my own books if they come out written like 50 Shades) but because of the content/subject matter. Maybe I end up following a dystopian trend and a certain crowd is sick of those (btw, has anyone read The Testing yet?!). Perhaps my opinions come across too strongly and the male demographic decides to put me in my place. Who knows? But I feel fairly comfortable choosing this path because current criticisms aren't always valid nor do they last forever. Plenty of authors were not appreciated in their time, maybe I could be one of them.

I reserve the right to change my mind as I get older and wiser....and more financially stable. ;-P

BC - It wasn't going to be easy but some one has to tell her/him...
Make it your own...

It wasn't going to be easy but someone had to tell her to stop drinking...so much.

I'm sorry but if you wreck your car and then go off on the officer and your mom who are both only trying to help, something is wrong. You could have avoided that jail sentence all together. You're lucky the cop never smelled it on your breath or asked for a breathalyzer.

It wasn't going to be easy but some one had to tell him he hurt our feelings.

Would have been more poignant for us all to do it together but separate is nearly equal. Mom did it right away, shame his wife got in the way and made it worse. Little brother is different...not sure if he bottles it up or just deals with it in his own way. I was away so it was easy to just distance myself. When I had to come back, when I could no longer avoid it, I said it. I've said it twice now and both times he just acts like he can't hear me.... Not surprising but it still hurts. Still, I can move on knowing I've said my peace. My father is as peace now so I may as well be too, regardless of your his actions, or lack thereof.

It wasn't going to be easy but some one had to tell me....

First time assaulting someone. First time being pinned down by a group. First time in cuffs. First time in mental ward. It needed to be done.

I've come out a stronger more self aware individual. To be continued...

And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28

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