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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/841629
Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#841629 added February 16, 2015 at 6:47pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about shops, miracles and writers.
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*Cart* "I saw a local newspaper ad today for a shop named The Broom Closet; it's described as a witchcraft supply store. I've never heard of such a shop before, and I'm intrigued. Would you go visit such a shop? Why or why not? Bonus Question: Do you know of, or have an idea for, a unique or trendy shop?

Good afternoon friends! I'm glad Brother Nature gave us a prompt like this today, because I used a similar one last month (only the bonus part though) in the official "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS and never got a chance to write about it.

First off though, no, I wouldn't go on my own volition to a place like The Broom Closet. I'll be straight with you about that. Personally, I'd have no need to. I'm not into that kinda stuff. I certainly understand that others are though, and I respect that, but it's not my thing. Would I go because someone else wanted to? Probably, but here's where I evoke the selfish part of me and will very likely openly wonder what'd be in it for me. You don't just take me to a place I'd otherwise have no interest in visiting without getting me a t-shirt or some tacos afterward for being a good sport. In other words, bribe me. I'm down for almost anything if the circumstances are correct.

As for ideas about a trendy little shop, even though I've had all night and most of this morning to ponder the thought, I still feel like I'm being put on the spot because I don't have a snappy answer. And the merchant soul within me has oftentimes come up with off-the-cuff fantastical ideas for little niche places before, but the recollection of those memories is failing me right now.

I could open a snazzy joint that sells hugs, but I think there's already places in Japan that offer those services, and the creepish factor exceeds my will to invest fictional capital in such a venture. I make pretty good sandwiches- no, I mean really good...crazy good- but there are delis all over the place that do that, and why pay for something so simple that you can do yourself? While I don't doubt I'd be good at it and turn a profit, I'm not feelin' it for the sake of this exercise.

You guys remember the old Peanuts cartoon strip with Charlie Brown? Sometimes Lucy would set up a little booth, and it would say "Psychiatric Help 5 Cents"? I'd like to do something like that (but charge a little more)...like a "dose of reality" booth. You sit down, tell me your dilemma, and I tell you what's really goin' on. Maybe I'll offer you up some cotton candy or popcorn to ease your pain of hearing what you might not want to hear but need to, and I'll stash a sock fulla nickels under my counter for those who seriously need to GTFOH with their stupidity. Thank you, and please come again.

Boy/girl troubles? Debt got you down? Rash flarin' up? Kids trompin' on your lawn? No worries...I'll solve all your problems for a nominal fee, your money back guaranteed if you ain't satisfied. And if your problem is with me and my diagnosis, I'll refer you to my GTFOH policy.

Must be Caturday.

If I can't help you, then you can't see the root of your problems, and therefore no one can. The line forms to my right (your left). I'm standing by, so ACT NOW!

BCOF Insignia

*Flower2* "'Out of difficulties grow miracles.' -Jean de la Bruyere. Do you agree with this statement? If so why? If not why not?"

Of course I agree with this...to an extent (because there's a "but"...there's always a "but"). Life's a series of mountains we climb; some are bigger than others, and the rewards are often no bigger than "Congrats on scaling that mountain...now here's another one!" and miracles...well, let's just say they're not handouts and shit. We put this mythical aura around the word "miracle" like it's the second coming of Christ, or getting two bags of chips to fall from a vending machine when you've only paid for one. Some of us work mighty damn hard for no extra benefit, and others just luck into great tidings solely for being in the right place at the right time. Miracles are kinda ridiculous like that.

It's safe to say that difficulties outnumber miracles; if it were a one-for-one proposition we'd all be drunk off our riches just from getting out of bed. "It's a miracle I made it to work this morning in this weather!" "It's a miracle I survived that rush of angry customers!" "It's a miracle that Rachel finally ended up with Ross!" Our moral compass in regards to miracles is absolutely flawed, because we're so big-picture oriented that we often tend to overlook the struggles others have had to get to where they are. We look at our own situations in comparison to others and wonder why...why them? Why not me? Haven't I paid my dues? Didn't I go through enough? If you're in that place, you're not making progress up the next mountain. Everything's unbelievable until you actually believe you're going through it, and what happens next might be even more unbelievable, but I guess you have to keep pushing and hoping and seeing that each step along the way is a tiny miracle in the grand scheme.

I'm personally stuck...I don't know what my next miracle is gonna be. I haven't reached the point of setting another goal yet, and my body's spent from trying so damn hard and not fully enjoying each little miracle along the way for what it was. My cycle's always been "working hard equals more work, so work harder, but this time also work smarter" and so on, with each little bit of progress slammed by more struggle. If this were a video game there'd be no payoff; no villain to defeat for the princess at the end, no land to conquer...just more pipes to go down and more blocks to bash with my head for a few extra coins. And maybe that's the miracle at this point...being able to still keep goin' on through all the madness life and karma and everything else spits at you. I might be down, but I'm not out. The miracle is the struggle continuing...so what's next?

Blog City image small

*Pencil* "What makes a writer a writer in your view? And accordingly, do you agree with this quote by Junot Diaz? 'You see, in my view a writer is a writer not because she writes well and easily, because she has amazing talent, because everything she does is golden. In my view a writer is a writer because even when there is no hope, even when nothing you do shows any sign of promise, you keep writing anyway.'"

Amen. There's no sense in writing for a pot of gold...you write because you have to. For all it takes. Because you've got something inside of you that has to be released. Whether it's for a few people, or minions of corporate-backed bestseller pushers, or for your own godforsaken merits. Whatever you gotta do.

I see this in myself and my own personal well-being. If I don't stay active; if I resist the urge to get something across, I plummet. And that can snowball into depressive symptoms. It's no secret to myself, and I feel a li'l naked now sharing this out loud, but it is what it is. I write to get through myself, my struggles, my pain and my tendencies. Without this, there's no me. This is what makes me happy and it's what I feel now that I do best in life...to see that some enjoy and appreciate it is a bonus I'm blessed with and grateful for. It's not because I think I'm talented or have something to prove...it's a better form of therapy.

Some writers have a gift for telling stories and drawing people in. Some can use detail, or humor, or real-life anecdotes. Some just need to start typing and let the words take over...that's how I'd classify me. I write. Because I have to. Because I need to. It's stronger than wanting. If I put as much effort into life itself as I did into documenting my life, I'd be the greatest living human being ever. And I still might be, but that's not for me to say.

The WDC Soundtrackers.

I delayed starting this entry because I couldn't think of an appropriate tie-in song for "The Soundtrack of Your Life. I had a couple in mind, but they didn't really fit. And then words take over, preconceived notions start to sound foolish, and something else luckily pops up in my head and here we are.

Sometimes life is like that...you're not sure of anything, and then boom along comes your next greatest thought, and suddenly everything feels right and makes sense...at least for the time being. That's how it seems life's always been...not knowing until I'm there, and once I'm there, I'm set for a good long while. If you're along for the ride, you've got a pretty good seat.

"I'm on a rollercoaster but I'm on my feet...
when I find my peace of mind,
I'm gonna keep it for the end of time."

For the blog.

*Clapper* I missed the big Saturday Night Live special 40th anniversary show, and I'm hoping it hits Hulu sooner rather than later because from what I'm gathering via Facebook, it was pretty epic. People always get Debbie Downer on it and say shit like "it used to be funnier" every year, but they don't understand that comedy evolves, the cast and show itself evolves, and they're just dicks who like to complain about everything not being the same as it used to be. Fucking chill. Funny doesn't always need to suit specific tastes, and it shouldn't have to pander to what was acceptedly funny ten or twenty years ago. Wow...that's one hell of a lead-in for this list of the 40 best SNL characters of all time  .

*Quill* This link   is geared more toward female writers, featuring apps they should use, but can't we all benefit (at least a little) from apps that further the creative process in general, minus the his/her designations?

*Snow3* Can I get an amen about this weather being ridiculous? I mean it...this shit is actually cramping me harsh-like. I had to go to the store this morning for a script that may or may not have been filled (thank you, all shit being useless on Presidents Day) in -1 degree temps according the electronic bank sign I passed. Lost my footing in the icy conditions at the stoop in front of my building, and now I'm feeling it all over. I didn't cartoonishly fall, thankfully, but it was enough to somehow tweak both my ankles (including the surgically repaired one), the wrist on the hand I used to stabilize myself, and awkwardly, my right quad muscle (which now reminds me every damn time I try to walk that it's been fucked with because of this weather). And y'all know I don't normally complain about this inevitable shit, but I lost my composure in front of people, so you know this nonsense is serious.

*Pointright* Finally, let's all just laugh a little at the genius of the cultural institution that is The Simpsons, and how their slightly-hidden humor   is at times smarter and funnier than both you and I combined.

Ok, well...I think I've done said enough for one day. Challenging prompts tend to drain me emotionally, and maybe I need a nap now. Peace, well all the love from me, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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