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Rated: GC · Book · Personal · #2002599
My fourth blog. Amazing yet disconcerting. Don't worry; this'll go away in a year or so.
#841735 added February 17, 2015 at 6:10pm
Restrictions: None
This one's about being born, RAOK, and thinking.
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*Babyboy* "I was born to _________...(You can't say 'write' or refer to any genre or literary discipline, or describe any form of writing.)"

What's up people? Don't sleep on this entry, because I have some things I'd like to get off my chest today.

What was I born to do? Since I can't discuss certain terms or thought processes, I think I'll make this as simple as I possibly can. I was put here to occasionally entertain people and make them think. I know I'm not always the best at either of those, and I don't often try to be. And that's ok...not every day can be pancakes covered in whipped cream for breakfast kinds of days.

What I've got though is a nice little following, full of people who more often than not understand where I'm comin' from, even when it's not obvious. I'm beyond thankful for that, because we all want to have a voice, and this isn't as easy as it looks...if you say, "Well, anyone could write a blog and be good at it!" and you yourself aren't doing that, then your statement has no merit. Amirite? You better believe I am.

And I get that sometimes I'm not funny, and other times I'm rather nonsensical, but that's par for the course when you've got over a thousand blog entries under your belt. When choosing to do this under WDC's genre guidelines, I could only pick three out of however many there are, so I went with "personal", "biographical", and "comedy" because they seemed to be the most fitting and appropriate for whatever it is I end up spewing out when the time comes for me to sit down and hash out my thoughts. It wasn't a guessing game, and I've been fortunate enough in past years to have been nominated for Quill Awards in both the "Best Comedy" and "Best Blog" categories (which by the way, if you haven't voted yet for the awards that are open to public voting, you should do so here by visiting "Note: *Quill* Reminder: Come vote in the 2014 Quil..."...I'll be doing so this evening).

I've always been intrigued by the idea of "making people think"...more often than not, you could probably lock a bunch of us in a room with one prompt, and get roughly the same response, but that bores me. I've never understood myself to be conventional in most senses, which is why sometimes you'll catch me twisting a prompt around to suit me in ways that hopefully differentiate myself from anything else you might come across. What I say isn't always popular, and you might disagree with me, but debate is healthy sometimes...especially when the proper answer in some people's eyes isn't always the right answer. We all come from different places and backgrounds, and it's refreshing not to hear the same ol' same ol' twenty different ways.

I was born to be different. I was given an opportunity in life to stand alone, and I've taken it. It might not be very comfortable at times- for you or me- but I've grown up and into this role with some purpose. I'm not here to be your prom date or your savior. I'm not "the generational voice". I'm just one guy who likes to express himself, and I take a lot of pride in that (even if I don't often say so or it doesn't seem like it). I'm here for reasons you might not understand, but the important thing is that I'm here. And you can't front on that.

BCOF Insignia

*Hug2* "Let's talk...(yeah I know one of my favorite expressions). Tell me about a time when either you needed help or you helped someone else. Everyone needs help some time. If you want you can use this to write about a small act of kindness or a large act of kindness."

Fitting, as today I believe is "Random Acts Of Kindness" day. In Buffalo (as I'm sure it's true all over our big great planet) it's often customary for patrons of the Tim Hortons drive-thru to pay for the order of the person behind you. I don't think a week has gone by where someone on my Facebook news feed hasn't been blessed with their morning coffee being paid for by a complete stranger. Buffalo truly is "The City Of Good Neighbors".

And here on WDC we take care of our own as well. Personally I've benefitted from groups like "RAOK Upgrade Brigade Group in the past, and I've always tried to do right by them. I've helped raise funds for them also (you're welcome for the hockey emoticons), because it's important that we look out for each other.

I don't get involved with much, because you can't always trust what you're getting into or backing, but from my experience alone RAOK is without a doubt one of the most worthwhile organizations within WDC. And usually when I do contribute to something, it's often anonymously because I believe supporting others is a selfless act and I don't need the recognition for doing something good from the heart. But I'm completely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support so far for this month's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS that, as its owner now, I've decided to make a donation to RAOK of 200,000 gift points in our name. We've been successful, and I want to share that with others. This will go toward providing someone else a two-month upgraded membership, and maybe it keeps around someone who's on the fence, or it gives someone a hand who really needs it. Everyone involved with the 30DBC has made this possible...you're a great bunch of caring people, and I'm proud to be associated with all of you. And I'd like to ask all of you WDC members who are reading this to please consider donating to this excellent group as well...no gift is too small, but the difference you could be making is immeasurable.

Blog City image small

*Thinker* "What do you think about thinking itself, in general? Do humans think all the time?"

Great topic. I'm a known thinker, to a fault. I tend to overanalyze simple situations, while also neglecting common sense. I like to load up on information, which occasionally bites me in the ass. I don't like to talk without knowing all sides to every story, even if sometimes that story has played out in my head a million different ways without actually seeing the forest for the trees

And sure, human beings exist without thinking. That's why there's a "People Of Walmart"   website. There are folks out there with less of a clue than you or I. Takes all types to make this world go 'round.

My problem is I'm always thinking of something...from grand schemes to banal thoughts. I have a really hard time shutting off my brain. It's frustrating sometimes. I've been through plenty of sleepless nights dealing with it...or self-medicating it enough to try and quit thoughts from racing fast enough that I'd actually get heart palpitations and my breathing would increase. Try laying in bed, praying for sleep, and all you can do is think that you sound like you just ran wind sprints. Best of luck *Rolleyes*.

I've totally overcomplicated my life at times because of thinking...whether by doing it too much or not enough. I should wear a bumper sticker on my jeans that says, "Ask me how this thinking thing has worked out for me!" But don't ask me, because I'll probably just get annoyed and that's a bad look.

We're human, and we think (on some level, at least), which I hope sets us apart from the most basic forms of organisms. Yet mold continues to plague us, cockroaches still exist, and some people blatantly insist on wearing ill-fitting clothing even when they have the means to do better. All the thinking in the world has yet to see us evolve into a superior species, and the only proof you need resides in any debate over politics you've ever seen.

** Image ID #1970900 Unavailable **

Alright, I'll admit that now so far in to "The Soundtrack of Your Life it's getting harder to match bands up with entire entries, or at least parts of them. But that's what I signed up for.

This song is a fuckin' anthem. To all those kids who were too smart to stick around in class, to all those who hated being pigeon-holed as something they weren't ready to be or weren't comfortable with what others wanted them to be, to people believing that you're something you're not. This is for those of us who woke up on detox hospital ward floors with someone pissin' inches from your head. The unreal expectations you're almost forced to try to live up to because you have no other choice. And this is the proof that labels on people only go so far; we can still somehow exceed them.

"'You're headed for self-destruction' ; been there, did that,
Kicked back with the wrong angel to fuck with."

For the blog.

*Basketball* Let's all raise our hands in understanding that Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all-time. I would ball from sun-up to sun-down on local courts trying to do what he did on the game's biggest stage...it was an honor to wear his shoes and watch him perform astounding feats that we could only dare to achieve at the playground. In honor of his birthday, let's enjoy his 10 greatest NBA Finals moments  .

*Type* Yes, I enjoy Tumblr...and you would too if you're interested in the care and feeding of writers  .

*Camera* I don't care who you are...if you think this guy photoshopping himself   into random stock photos (that you'd see in picture frames you'd buy, among other places) isn't hilarious, you're probably dead to me and all your friends.

*Moon* You're probably sick of me lathering Jimmy Fallon's nuts, but you cannot deny that he has changed the face of what late-night television should look like  .

*Hockeyhelmet* And finally, it goes beyond saying that I'm shocked that Julie D - PUBLISHED! has been eliminated from this month's "30-Day Blogging Challenge ON HIATUS fundraiser activity. Julie and I go way back...we came up in the same blogging class that existed before blogging groups on WDC; a group that consisted of some legends like Gaby ~ Way behind! , Kåre Enga in Montana , In Your Dirtiest Pants , and others who are no longer present on WDC. We've maintained an online friendship that transcended this great home of writers, and for her to come out of blogging abstinence to support my endeavor is something I'll forever be grateful for. But to see her get bounced so soon...what were the judges thinking? She's pretty much 30DBC royalty, having won its very first round. All I can think of, because there was no explanation given, is that it was a make-up call. In hockey parlance (for those who are unfamiliar with the term), a "make-up call" is when the ref calls a questionable penalty on one team, but tries to make up for it by whistling the other team for an even less egregious act. Not taking anything away from my good friend Lyn's a Witchy Woman , who shouldn't have been eliminated either, but this freakin' hurts. You go to bat for your thing to someone, they embrace it with open arms after so long, and they get shit on without so much as a thank you? That stings. I'm beyond grateful for Julie getting back in the ring with us, and she certainly has the chops to hang with the best of anyone in this blogging game, but damn. C'mon man! Let's let the best compete against the best! I hope Julie sticks around and still kicks in an entry now and then, but I wouldn't blame her for being a little upset or frustrated at whatever kind of gamesmanship is being played out here. Re: "Re: One More Elimination - One More Prompt"  , yes, we love you, and I think you've made some new admirers along the way. Thank you.

Ok you guys...I'm feeling almost emotionally spent. Not as bad as the last time I felt exhausted from writing out an entry, but I'm so glad it's over. Plus, I have to poop. So with that I must say peace, proud to know ya, and GOODNIGHT NOW!!

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