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Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1966420
Theses are my thoughts and ramblings as I forge my way through this thing they call life.
#842635 added February 26, 2015 at 11:20pm
Restrictions: None
Drinks, Indulgences, Wall Coverings & I Will Always Love You
Today's blogs...

30 Day Blogging Challenge – Day 26

Prompt for February 26, 2015: Write to the senses of taste, smell, sight, and texture... Make and serve us a sample of your favorite drink, be it what may.

Smoothies are the order of the day. A healthy boost with hidden delights. You have to have your greens and what better way than to hide them in a smoothie. Some spinach, kale, avocado, chia seeds and ground flax seeds all mixed with banana, blueberries, cherries and pineapple. The sweetness of the fruit blends with the healthier greens and fats to give a smooth silky explosion of taste. If you use frozen fruit their is no need to water things down with ice but a little liquid will be necessary. Almond milk has a lovely, nutty flavour that will make the whole thing sing. My Nurti-Bullet gets a good work out at my house.

Pour it into a large flouted glass and top with a paper umbrella and nobody is the wiser. The pink icy drink will tempt your taste buds and smell heavenly. The iced mixture seductively roams over your tongue leaving you satisfied. You will drink this slowly as it is thick and sensual. There is no need to rush. Take your time. Kick off your flip flops and lean back in your hammock. Today you are taking a tropical vacation if only in your senses. Close your eyes and relax.

Border for my personal use.

Welcome To My Reality – Day 26

2. What's your favourite indulgence for special occasions?

Now that I have written about the tropical fruit smoothie I want one... but the blender is far too loud and my husband is still asleep. What else do I indulge in? And how special is this occasion?

I have been known to go get fresh made apple fritters after a day of teaching if the school is close to the Brown Dog Cafe. You can even watch them make them right before your eyes. A thick slice of cored apple dipped and coated in fritter batter and dropped into a vat of golden hot oil. Sizzles and bubbles rise and tumble over themselves as the fritter dances over the surface. The pale cream coloured batter darkens to a delightful golden brown and then the fritter is lifted out and dropped into a mixture of sugar and cinnamon. Into the box the fritters go - a lovely half dozen. Three I eat with a great cup of medium blend coffee with 18% cream and raw sugar. Such a treat to reward my day. This is coupled with a good book and at least an hour of me time.

It is Lent, I have given up these little delights. Indulgences until Easter will have to be less food oriented. If the weather was better and not so cold I would take myself along my favourite trails in the area. Nature is an indulgence without the need to celebrate anything more than just existing. I love to see the changes as we move through the seasons - the foliage, the wildlife, even the people I run across on the trail... particularly the trails in Cambridge. Funny really. In Cambridge people out waking the trails say hello and may even chat a bit. In Kitchener or Waterloo, you can shock a person by saying hi to them as you pass them. Guelph also has friendly trails. I look forward to spring and venturing out again.

For now, I will settle for a good coffee in a coffee shop with some interesting people to watch and\or chat with. I have a few favourite places, but I am always open to trying a new spot and maybe adding to my list of favourites.

Border for my personal use.

Blog City – Day 329

Prompt: What items do you put on your walls? Posters, pictures? I am curious.

Our walls are bare of anything but paint. My husband and I have ideas, but those ideas have not made it onto the walls. Much of it is due to not wanting to put things in the 'wrong' place. Most of these are family pictures - as we want, at some point, to put up a wall of family shots - our wedding photo the central one.

Our bedroom has three pictures up - hand me downs from my husband's parents. They are even in the spots his parents had in their own room - two over the bed; one over the dresser. This is because my husband liked them that way at their house, so to him, it must be 'right'.
We also have a Ken Danby print of a sled in the bathroom over the toilet. It has the same blue tones as the rest of the room. I love his realistic paintings. He was a local Canadian artist.

There is also a picture of a dog sleeping on a bed. The dog looks like the dog we used to have and although I bought the picture for my husband's birthday many years ago, we both love it. One day it will grace the walls in our bedroom.

Border for my personal use.

Soundtrack of my Life - Day 26

Love Songs – Theme for music blog.

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I will Always Love You – Whitney Houston

Staying on the love songs from movies theme, I have chosen... The Body Guard with Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. I love this movie... oh, to be protected like that. Kevin Costner is a favourite of mine.

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💙 Carly - aka Joan Watson has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
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