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Rated: 18+ · Book · Biographical · #1960296
The history of Prosperous Snow written for the group Reminiscences
#854967 added July 20, 2015 at 10:37pm
Restrictions: None
Cleaning out the Refrigerator
Cleaning out the Refrigerator

You know it's funny that I don't remember my Grandmother cleaning out her refrigerator. I remember my mother cleaning her refrigerator, but not my Grandmother. I suspect it was because Grandma cleaned her refrigerator during the week when my siblings and I were in school. Even when I lived with Grandma I don't remember her cleaning out the refrigerator and again I think it was because she cleaned it out when I was working at Bob's Grill. I know Grandma cleaned her refrigerator because it was always clean; however, since I don't remember seeing her do it I don't know how she went about it.

My mother cleaned her refrigerator out about once a week. She began with the top shelf and worked her way down. If I remember correctly, she removed everything from the shelf, washed the shelf out, and then put the stuff back in. At least she put the stuff back that was still usable. Sometime she would find a jelly jar or something stuck in the back with just a little jelly in it or an empty milk carton. I know that it wasn't Mom who put the empty milk carton back in the refrigerator, so it must have been me or one of my siblings. Now I understand why Mom got a bit pissed when she found an empty milk carton or jelly jar, but when I was a child I couldn't understand it because when the jelly or milk was put back in the refrigerator there was still a little left in it (at least that's what I thought at the time).

If Mom didn't get the entire refrigerator cleaned out in one day then the next day she would begin with the next shelf. Mom worked all of her life outside the home so she had to have a system to keep the house clean and work everyday. Part of her system was to keep a list of the things she finished before going to work and where she needed to begin cleaning the next day. Mom was able to keep this system going for many years, but eventually the system broke down as she aged. I think the problem was age and ill health in her final years.

I can understand why Mom slowed down as she got older. I'm 68 years old and I have difficulty standing up for long periods of time. I think I can build up my stamina by walking and standing up for longer, but sometimes its difficult. I feel out of breath after taking two trash bags to the alley. I still have more to take out; however, I will take them out in the morning when I leave the house. I will either go after senior commodities or to the grocery store. I should go the the grocery store because I need dish washing liquid. I can only hope I get the first shelf of the refrigerator cleaned out this afternoon or evening. I'm putting most of the small bottles of water and juice in that shelf. I think there are only a couple of things to go on another shelf.

The Monster in the Refrigerator

This is an idea for a story or poem. It's about a monster in the refrigerator that drinks or eats the last few spoons full of food when a container is put in the refrigerator. I think it would make a nice children's story. If I make it a children's story then I don't want the monster to be frightening; after all the true monsters aren't in the stories anyway, but in real life. At least that was the way it was for me, I don't think I could find a monster more frightening then J.S.

My Entries Lately

Most of the entries I begin for this book always go off topic and into something else. I haven't attempted to keep them on track because I've been writing them more as focused free writes then anything else. A focused free write is supposed to stay on one subject but mine don't. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I start writing on one subject and then that subject reminds me of something else.

Back to Cleaning the Refrigerator

I have almost gotten shelf one cleaned out. I guess I can't call it cleaned out until I wash the shelf which I haven't. I removed some of the items and put them in other shelves so that I could put the liquids in the first shelf. I think, but I can't be sure, that I have all the liquids such as water and juice in the refrigerator. I will not know until I go through the grocery sacks sitting in the kitchen next to the cabinet which I probably won't get to until I come home tomorrow. I don't know if I want to make more then one stop tomorrow or not.

I should go to the Smith's mail the letter I have ready, get the dish liquid and then go pick up the senior commodities. Once I bring them home then I have to find a place for them. I don't want to leave those sacks sitting in the floor for an entire month without finding a place for them. This is an example of how I get off track when I'm doing a focused free write. I can't seem to remain on the subject because whatever I write always remind me of something else or my focus is interrupted by something. I think I will finish this entry and then go do the dishes. I'm rested from taking the trash to the dumpsters in the alley and picking up the mail on the way back.

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