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Rated: 13+ · Book · Romance/Love · #2059771
#862942 added October 14, 2015 at 10:28pm
Restrictions: None
Assignment 12: interview and intro of Kathryn Jo Young
Kathryn Jo Young: Warren’s bio-mother
Some of the Basics First:
Full Name -- Kathryn Jo Young
Meaning of Name – pure, virginal
Nickname – K, Kate
Birth Date -- December 21,

Astrological Sign and Details -- Sagittarius
Witty, giving, full of ideals
Blunt to the point of being crass, ill-mannered when feeling impatient, unable to make good on promises
Charismatic marks:
Lanky with sturdy legs, approachable, place more importance on comfort than appearances, women tend to be unladylike
Sightseeing, staying out-of-doors, being free, philosophy
Too much specifics, restrictions, bizarre ideas, needy people
Best environment:
The outdoors, being on the road

Birth Place -- Missoula, MT
Age -- 43
Nationality -- American
Race -- Caucasian
Hair Color -- Black
Hair Style -- shoulder length tight curls
Shape and Features of Face -- oval
Glasses or Contacts -- no
Eye Color -- brown
Skin Tone -- pale
Scars or Distinguishing Marks -- no
Disabilities -- no
Build or Body Type -- sturdy
Height – 5’6
Weight -- 210
Speech Patterns -- loud
Tag Words – happy little heiny
Gestures – taps index finger
Weakness -- alcohol
Special Abilities or Powers -- none

Family and Childhood:
Mother – Amy Jo Young
Father – Lorenzo L. Young
Mother's Occupation – rancher, now retired
Father's Occupation – rancher, now retired
Family Finances – paycheck to paycheck
Birth Order – only child
Brothers -- none
Sisters -- none
Other Close Family – Three sons, not close
Best Friend – changes frequently.
Other Friends – lots of acquaintances.
Enemies – fathers of the boys
Pets -- none
Home Life During Childhood -- indulged

What Did His or Her Bedroom Look Like – When she is sober, it is immaculate. When drunk, she can’t be bothered.
Any Sports or Clubs -- no
Favorite Toy or Game -- none
Schooling – high school
Favorite Subject -- history
Popular or Loner -- popular
Important Experiences or Events – missionary trip to Australia at age 17. Returned early because K behaved inappropriate.
Health Problems – Pregnancy at age 18
Culture --
Religion and beliefs – backslidden Christian.

Your Character's Character:
Bad Habits – Likes to drink and party. Is not accountable for behavior when she has been drinking.
Good Habits – Fun, loves all people, friendly,
Best Characteristic – Hearty laugh
Worst Characteristic -- forgetful
Worst Memory – parents took her son away and kicked her out of the house.
Best Memory – meeting and falling in love with her first son’s father.
Proud of – the way her boys turned out.
Embarrassed by – She was not in their life very much to contribute to their successes.
Driving Style – does not drive.
Strong Points – physically strong.
Temperament – fast mood swings.
Attitude -- carefree
Weakness -- moody
Fears – being alone
Phobias – being left
Secrets --
Regrets – not staying in Australia with Warren’s dad.
Feels Vulnerable When – left alone
Pet Peeves – people taking things without asking
Conflicts – with parents because they got custody
Motivation --
Short Term Goals and Hopes --
Long Term Goals and Hopes --
Sexuality – likes men. And does not discriminate. She likes all men of all shapes and sizes and colors and religious preference or lack thereof.
Exercise Routine -- What?
Day or Night Person --
Introvert or Extrovert -- extrovert
Optimist or Pessimist -- carefree

Likes and Styles:
Music – likes all kinds
Books – history
Magazines -- detective
Foods – prefers seafood
Drinks – rum and coke.
Animals -- no
Sports -- no
Social Issues – doesn’t care
Favorite Saying – happy little heiny
Color -- blue
Clothing – business casual
Jewelry – locket that is a gift from her first son’s dad.
Games -- Olympics
Websites -- PrepaidDollars.com
TV Shows – oldies from the 1950s
Movies – old black and whites from teh 1940s
Greatest Want – family back together.
Greatest Need -- security

Where and How Does Your Character Live Now:
Home -- Current Address: 4619 Logan Lane, Denver, CO 80202

Household furnishings – thrift store variety.
Favorite Possession – locket from Warren’s dad.
Most Cherished Possession – locket from Warrens dad.
Neighborhood – sketchy.
Town or City Name -- Denver
Details of Town or City --
Married Before – never married
Significant Other Before –
Children – three,each has a different dad.
Relationship with Family -- distant
Best Friend – changes frequently.
Other Friends – lots of acquaintances.
Enemies --
Car --
Pets --
Career --
Salary --
Other Income --
Dream Career --
Dream Life --
Love Life --
Sexual Turn Ons --
Sexual Turn Offs --
Hobbies --
Guilty Pleasure --
Sports or Clubs --
Talents or Skills --
Intelligence Level --
Finances --
Greatest Strength --
Greatest Weakness --
Health Problems --
Culture --
Religion --

Your Character's Life Before Your Story:
Past Careers – moved around and worked in a lot of different jobs
Past Lovers – three. Her boys are named after their respective father.
Biggest Mistakes – not staying in Australia with Warren’s dad.
Biggest Achievements – waking up each morning.

Hi, there. My name is Kathryn Jo Young. My friends – if you can call them that – call me Kate. You want to know something funny? My parents chose this name for me because it means pure and virginal.
 You just shut up you hoodlum.
Sorry about that. They are not gentlemen, calling a lady names like that. Just ignore them. It’s easier that way. Yeah, it’s supposed to be easier when you do that. You suppose that’s the biggest lie ever told?
So, what you having? This is a rum and coke. I like this joint because the barkeep does not water down the drinks. What you having? See that drunk at the end. He doesn’t know if he’s coming or going. If you sit next to him and don’t talk, he’ll buy for you. It’ll be a beer but the beer in this joint is pretty good. You sure don’t talk much. You okay? If you want a beer, Jess will buy you one. Pretty sure anyway.
You live around here? I live around the corner. I don’t have a car, so I have to get a place near my job. I was lucky to find this joint. You sure you don’t want anything? If you don’t like Jess, Micky is always good for at least one drink. You just have to let him brush up against you once in awhile, but he don’t take it no farther than that, honest. Well, I need a refill. Since you aren’t going, I’m going to go say hi to Micky. Speak now or forever hold your peace. No? Sure? Okay. Good to meet you, I gotta go say hi to Micky.

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