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#904284 added February 9, 2017 at 6:09am
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How Have You Allowed God to Change You?
"How Have You Allowed God to Change You?

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Today's Christian blog entry is by guest blooger Rhoswen - Relentless Victory and asks some very poignant questions.

Today I was thinking about what it means to be saved. Sadly enough, there are those out there who have turned this into a controversy, and thus made it a daunting theme that can deter the unsaved from coming into relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I choose not to take part in this controversy. Instead, I would like to share what being saved means to me personally. This is my personal take of what it means, and is in no way meant to start an argument about this subject.

The first thing that being saved means to me is that I have a hope for the future. I do not fear death, and I do not fear the world. No matter what my earthly life may look like, I look forward to an eternity in heaven with my Lord and Savior, Jesus.

As a sinner saved by grace, it also means I have a forever friend and advocate who fights my battles for me and who will always do what’s best for me. I have Someone who advocates for me with my Father in heaven.

Even more than all of that, being saved also means a changed attitude and a changed life. Maybe my life doesn’t look any different in the fact that I still cannot work for a living, still drive an older car, and still fight battles every day that seem impossible. What has changed is how I see my circumstances, how I respond to what goes on around me, how I treat others, and the way I speak.

Before I accepted God’s free gift of salvation through faith in Jesus Christ, it wouldn’t take much for me to get angry, and when I got angry, I spoke without thinking. Many of the things I would say were hurtful and mean-spirited.

I judged other people based on things that had nothing to do with their souls or their hearts. I would judge people by the way they looked, how they acted, what kind of car they drove – and even worse, whether or not they treated me the way I felt I deserved. Sadly, the way I judged people often reflected in the way I treated them.

I was also very impatient – and unfortunately, I still can be sometimes. However, before I made Jesus Lord and Savior, it was a personality trait that was excessive. I wanted everything my way, right now. I didn’t think I should have to wait for anything.

More than anything, I hated to be told what to do. I hated anyone imposing change on me when I didn’t feel the need to change. I figured I didn’t need to change and I was okay with who I was.

When I met my Savior, gave everything to Him and made Him Lord of my life, I got to a point where I wanted to change. I wanted to be more patient. I wanted to speak life into people. I wanted to stop judging people. I wanted to be patient. I wanted to change because I realized that the way I was didn’t please Him. In fact, it broke His heart.

As I surrendered these personality issues to Jesus, I could see where He changed me. He gave me patience and the ability to choose my words wisely. He allowed me to see people the way He sees them – with love. He changed me so I was slow to anger.

To paraphrase, being saved means a changed life by allowing Jesus to be Lord of my life and my heart, He changed me and those changes can be seen by all who know me. It’s more than just accepting Jesus into my heart. It’s making Him my first priority and letting Him take control so I can be who and what He has called me to be.

Think about it. Have you allowed Jesus to change you?


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