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Rated: ASR · Book · Teen · #2151212
A collection of entries for the "A Fistful of Merit Badges" activity following Amy Jeakins
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#930120 added March 28, 2018 at 3:03am
Restrictions: None
Amy's Super Start
Amy looked at the super suit laid out on her bed. It was mostly orange, with black gloves, black boots, an orange mask, and a cape that would go down to the wearer's knees. She smiled at her creation.

Amy shook her head in disbelief. Not just that she could make something so good, even if it had taken her a few months, but what she had figured out just a month before she started making it.

Amy heard someone coming up the stairs. Right away, she walked to the door and, at the same time, used her superpowers to bring the blankets over the suit, covering it completely. Amy opened the door to see her mother, a woman who looked like she was in her mid-twenties, even though she was about thirty-seven.

“Good, you cleaned your room,” her mom said, glancing into the bedroom, “Just coming up to check on you. Oh, by the way, have you seen the news?”

“What do you mean? What news?” Amy asked.

“I mean, the news that's all over everything! A robbery has taken place at Mr. Gem's Jewelry! He had several necklaces, a couple pairs of earrings, and some rings stolen!”

“I didn't see that,” Amy said, “I think I'm pretty tired now, though. I'll look into it tomorrow. It sounds interesting.”

“Okay. Good night.”

“Good night,” Amy smiled.

After her mom closed the door and was all the way downstairs, Amy locked the door, uncovered her new superhero suit, and began putting it on. She simply slipped everything over what she was already wearing. She was no longer Amy Jeakins, she was, well, she hadn't come up with a name yet. She was going to leave that up to the public. At any rate, she was a superhero.

Amy opened up her window and jumped out, as there was no screen. She concentrated, then stopped falling. Instead, she was flying. In her mind, she mapped out the city, then flew south at a fast speed. Her hair whipped around in the cool night's wind, and she made a note to put her hair up for future missions. Several streets later, she landed, right in front of the jewelry shop, then walked in.

“Who are you?” the manager called out from behind the counter.

“I'm just here to help,” Amy answered.

“You better not be tricking me! I have the phone right here, and I can easily call the police,” he threatened.

“It's okay,” Amy assured, “I just want to look for clues about the robbery.”

“Are you with the police?” the manager asked suspiciously.

“No, but I intend to help them,” Amy smiled, “Mr. Gem, I presume?”

“Yes, that's me. Well, this is the room,” he pointed out, then walked over to a display that was supposed to be under glass, but the glass had been shattered in the robbery, “And here most of the items were stolen. It was just this spot, nowhere else. Three expensive necklaces were right here. And next to it were the matching earrings, which were also taken. Then there were five rings, which were on display above the counter, in a less safe position. Each of the rings had a different gem on them. Somehow the thief got exactly the most expensive pieces!”

“And the police haven't figured it out, yet?” Amy asked.

“No. They said there don't seem to be any clues, but the way they're handling it, the thief could be out of the state by the time they figure it out!” Mr. Gem said.

“I understand your concern,” Amy said, “Mind if I look around?”

“Anywhere, as long as you can help!”

“Thanks,” Amy said, slowly lifting off the ground. She floated up to the ceiling to see if there were any clues up there, then flew over to the glass front doors. She inspected it before flying back to the display, where she landed to look inside more closely.

“Who are you?” asked Mr. Gem, astonished.

“Just a superhero here to help,” Amy repeated, using her superpowers to pick up the glass without touching it, then angled it so that she could see any smudges on it. “Hmm. Do you have this cleaned at night?”

“No,” he said, puzzled, “But plenty of people touch it during the day. Why.”

“There aren't any fingerprints. The thief must have cleaned it after touching the glass. And . . . what's this?” Amy asked as she lifted up a pink hairband that had a small 'J' on its side with her powers.

“Not mine, that's for sure,” Mr. Gem chuckled.

“So the thief was probably a girl. I can't cross out all male suspects, but it's most likely a female thief,” Amy said, then, noticing it was about ten at night, added, “Well, I've got to get home, now. I'll see you sometime tomorrow.”

Amy flew back home, slipped the super suit off, and got ready for bed.

The next day was a school day. Amy was barely able to contain her excitement of the mystery through her classes. However, there was something she noticed that was off about one of the older students. Then she figured it out.

“Jessica!” Amy addressed the sixteen-year-old on the way outside after school.

“Uh, who are you?” the pretty young woman asked.

“My name is Amy Jeakins. I was wondering if this was yours,” Amy said, pulling the hairband out of her pocket.

“Yes, it is! See the little red 'J' on it? That's how I know. Where did you find it?” Jessica asked.

“In the hallway. You must have dropped it.”

“Oh, thanks! I was looking everywhere for it!” Jessica gushed.

The necklace that Jessica was wearing with fake diamonds on it seemed oddly familiar to Amy.

“Where did you get that necklace?” Amy asked.

“Oh, a store.”

“You were able to afford both that and the matching earrings?” Amy asked.

“Yeah. What's it to you?”

“Nothing, it just looks pretty expensive,” Amy commented.

“Well, for your information, it was free!” Jessica puffed.

“I'm sorry. I just assumed – ”

“Well, next time you should just ask!” Jessica interrupted.

“It looks really nice. Where could I get one?” Amy asked.

“I got it at Mr. Gem's Jewelry, but I don't think they have any more.”

Amy smiled. She got the information she wanted.

“Well, maybe I'll see what else they have,” Amy said, walking off toward the school buses. However, before she got to them, she hid in the bushes and slipped into her super-suit.

Amy flew up into the air, then down again and next to Jessica. She stayed hovering above the ground as she interrogated Jessica.

“Miss,” Amy said, “Miss Jessica!”

“Me?” Jessica asked.

“Yes, you. What are you doing with that stolen necklace?”

“I-I . . . what do you mean?”

“You know what I mean. Why did you steal the jewelry?”

The children began to gather around. Most of them pulled out their cell phones to take pictures. Jessica burst into tears, but remained silent. As she continued crying, she sank down to her knees, then slowly sat down.

“I'll tell you why,” Jessica sobbed. She looked around, then added, “Privately.” After no one backed off, still taking pictures and videoing, she snapped, “Get away!”

“Come on, listen to her,” Amy said.

When still nothing happened, Amy used her powers to help her pick Jessica up off the ground. She made it look as though she was just carrying the girl, but in reality, she was using her mind to lift Jessica. Amy then flew up and onto the top of the school roof. Only then did anyone leave the scene. However, many stayed, just in case the superhero were to return.

“I'm sorry I did it,” Jessica said, trying to calm herself down, “And I'm sorry I snapped. I just don't want anything I say to be on the news.”

“Tell me why you took the jewelry,” Amy commanded.

“It was my friends, Lucy and Penny,” Jessica said.

“They didn't steal it, did they?” Amy asked.

“No, but they always have these beautiful necklaces. They're my friends, but only when no one else is around. They don't want to be caught with someone like me. My parents wouldn't buy me any jewelry when they eventually started teasing me, so I . . . I took matters into my own hands, so to speak. Before Mr. Gem closed up, I snuck in. After the lights were turned off and he left, I waited a moment, the smashed the glass. That was when the alarm sounded, and I immediately regretted it.” Jessica paused.


“Well, I figured I might as well follow through. So I grabbed what I could, not really being very picky. Then I just unlocked the doors from the inside and ran outside. I-I can show you where I hid the other ones.”

“Sounds good. And, Jessica, you should get some better friends. Especially if they were trying to tease you. Find someone who likes you for who you are,” Amy suggested.

“I met a girl who was pretty nice to me. She ran outside just before you showed up. Amy Jeakins, I think she said was her name.”

Amy ran with Jessica back to where Jessica was keeping the jewelry and helped her return it to the jewelry shop.

The next day, Amy noticed a new story in the newspaper.

A superhero clad in orange and a teenage girl named Jessica returned the stolen jewelry. Jessica confessed to stealing them, but was very sorry about taking them. All is better, but everyone is still wondering who this new Orange Hero is, and if she is here to stay.
© Copyright 2018 Abby Gayle (UN: fourfootlocks at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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