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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#947218 added December 10, 2018 at 8:32am
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December 10, 2018
"December 10, 2018 Me in my Salvation Army uniformImage for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "December 10 is Human Rights Day. The United Nations General Assembly created this day on December 10, 1948 to promot Human Rights around the world. Use this day to inspire your blog entry."

I agree that human rights are important. However a day is coming when one human will kill another and do so legally. All types of atrocities face the world as man continues to become more and more degenerate. America is leading the way in this debauchery much to its shame and demise. We murder millions of unborn babies each year. In fact more humans have been aborted than died in all the wars America fought combined! We permit homosexual couplings and not only turn a blind eye to it but make it the law of the land! I personally don't care what homosexuals do but God clearly states that it is sinful and therefore it is sin. We have blurred things so badly that some people don't even know their own gender! We loan money and charge extortionists rates for repayment. We sell products that fall apart before they are taken home! Neighbor uses neighbor for a stepping stone to "success" and pride and greed have become our hallmarks. God hates these things. It really doesn't matter to us what God hates though because we have convinced ourselves that there is no God. We have thrown Him out of our schools, our buildings, and public life. Most of all we have divorced him from our hearts. Divorce is common for us though. We should change our wedding vows to state "until death or divorce do you part!" God will not be mocked! He is preparing a day when He will avenge Himself. He sent us His prophets and we ignored some, beat others, and killed most. He raised His Son from the dead after we murdered Him and we reject His Son for Allah and other foreign gods who are not gods. How will we survive?

Blog City image small "Prompt: “For the twenty million Americans who are hungry tonight, for the homeless freezing tonight, literature is as useless as a knowledge of astronomy” Andre Dubus, Broken Vessels: Essays

What do you think? Is literature as useless as Andre Dubus says?"

Literature cannot fill a hungry belly or keep a body warm! Has nobody read what the New Testament writer James said? He asks what good it does if we tell somebody to go in peace and be warm and filled but do not supply the clothing they need to stay warm or food for them to eat. James 2: 15-16. Our well wishes become empty words. Right now is the time of year for our worst hypocrisy! It's that time of year when we wish people a "Merry Christmas" or "Seasons Greetings" and hope the best for them but do not lift a finger to help them out. How many times I have been angered to go to a lender at Christmas trying to borrow money to provide my family a decent Christmas only to have the lender turn me away. While they are turning me away they are shaking my hand and wishing me a merry Christmas! God says we are to loan without expecting to be repaid! Now there's a section of scripture the big banks want to avoid! Hypocrites and sinners! How do you expect the homeless to find homes when they can't afford the rent? We make a big deal out of pain and suffering such as homelessness for Christmas but ignore them the rest of the year! Is there only one day in the year on which we should do good? Should we not care that it is just as cold for the homeless in February as it is in December? Hypocrites! Don't stand in a soup line volunteering on Christmas Day. Help throughout the year!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

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