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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#948401 added December 29, 2018 at 7:22am
Restrictions: None
December 29, 2018
"December 29, 2018 Me in my Salvation Army uniformAn image for a blog that I hope will take root.Blog City image smallImage for BCOF members to put in their blogs

An image for a blog that I hope will take root. Prompt: "What does it mean when Jesus tells us in John 14: 26 that the Holy Spirit will bring all the things written in God's word to our remembrance?"

To me this passage of scripture implies that the Holy Spirit will supernaturally help me remember what is written in the Bible at the times when I need the information. However the key word here is "remembrance". This implies that I would have to have done the legwork of reading and studying God's word previously. The Lord is not going to snap His fingers and let anybody instantly quote scriptures they have never heard. We have to be familiar with the scriptures to begin with. Studying God's word should never be viewed as a daunting task. I read God's word all the time. I have read it at least 25 times cover to cover and still continue to learn from it. God's word will change you if you allow it to do so. We must read God's word however or it will seem senseless to us. When we do read it is extremely helpful to sincerely pray and ask God to reveal the meaning. In doing so we make the word become a living thing. It has much more depth and meaning. Read God's word today!

Blog City image small Prompt: Goodreads has a writing challenge each year. Do you participate in the challenge? How important to writing is reading other author's work? Do you read only books in your writing genre or do you mix it up?
I don't participate in writing challenges. I did a 30 Day Blogging Challenge once a long time ago and never did hear who won it. I also participated in one NANOWRIMO but didn't see that through. So no, I don't participate in many writing challenges. I do however operate a regular contest on here. It is
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and is open now. I love Oriental poetry in any form so I started this contest a few years ago and it took off. We are now officially on round 40 I believe although there were several rounds previously that I did not even count. So I like challenges. I just don't usually write for them myself.
I believe it is very important, even essential, to review the work of others. I do around 25 reviews monthly and mainly review poetry. I won't claim to give critiques of poetry because I often don't understand the nuances that are required for judging it. This is why others judge my contest. However I know what I like and don't like so I comment on that.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Use the following statement to inspire your blog entry. "Live, Laugh, Love in 2019." Have fun."

I pray that people do live, laugh, and love in 2019. When I pray and the Lord is present with me, I see nothing but calamity for the future. Our world is doing all the things that God so clearly condemned in His word. We allow gay marriage, which God calls an abomination. We allow abortions, which God calls murder. We commit adultery against God by permitting other religions and idolatry to flourish. Today nobody cares what religion another is. Islam is just as acceptable to most as Christianity. A person can worship a cup if they want to and nobody cares. The founding fathers started this country on the basis of freedom of religion. In their minds they wanted to be free to worship in whatever way they wanted without having to kneel to the church chosen by the English crown. They did not intended to open America up to every type of idolatry under the sun! Idolatry brought about the downfall of the Jews during the reign of King Nebuchanezzar and it will bring about the fall of the United States as well! We think we are invincible but many cities in Israel thought they were safe as well. They went down like wilted weeds before the icy blast of God and we will hit our knees as well. God will not be mocked! Wake up America!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/948401