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#948526 added December 31, 2018 at 7:07am
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December 31, 2018
"December 31, 2018 Me in my Salvation Army uniformAn image for a blog that I hope will take root.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

An image for a blog that I hope will take root. Psalms 14: 1 says "The fool has said in his heart that there is no God."
How would you answer a person who says there is no God?

I would ask them to read my old Christian blog. It has many scientific evidences that prove the existence of God or at least prove the accuracy of the Holy Bible. For example I have an argument in it that shows scientifically that the "Big Bang" could not have happened! Sir Thomas Aquinas once said that if anything was made there had to be a Maker. He basically said that it was impossible for something to come from nothing. Something had to exist to be the force that moved everything else into being. The third law of thermodynamics essentially says the same thing. It was impossible for there to be nothing and then some freak explosion occurred causing everything else. Something had to exist to cause the explosion if there really was one. My theory is that there was essentially an explosion alright. God spoke and everything exploded into being!
My previous blog has several other arguments based on science that discredit several scientific arguments used by atheists. I would read those again myself and present that evidence to an atheist. It may not convince them but at least it would give them pause.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: Write about endings and/or beginnings."

The most important beginning and ending I can think of is the life of Jesus Christ. All of history is His story. He is the reason for my existence. I can't tell you how many bonafide miracles have taken place over the course of my lifetime as God kept me alive to fulfill His purpose. My liver is so compromised from all my years of drug abuse that doctors scratch their heads. One doctor told me that I have cirrhosis and should have had a liver transplant years ago yet there is no physical evidence that my liver was ever damaged. The only way they know is by reading the ultrasounds of my liver! I had hepatitis A recently and the doctor told me that based on the damage already done to my liver it should have been a death sentence. Yet the only symptoms I had were a loss of appetite and some nausea. Others who had it turned yellow and were deathly ill.
I have survived countless fatal overdoses. I wasn't suicidal. I was simply trying to get stoned and the drugs weren't strong enough. Doctors tell me the amounts I took were humanly impossible but I did so countless times. The real miracle is that I walked away from them and have not picked up in an extremely long time. I attended 12 step meetings for a long time but today Jesus Christ keeps me sober as He did all along. My list of miracles goes on and on. So the real beginning for me was the birth, life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is my mainstay and hope today!

Blog City image small "Prompt: What do you want to bring more of into your life in 2019? Maybe love, joy, abundance, and what else? What in your life is no longer serving you and needs to be released? Could it be anger, stress, perfectionism, guilt?"

What I want to bring more of into my life in 2019 is holiness. I'm a preacher and some of the things I find myself doing make me cringe. I don't cringe in fear but in shame. I don't want to do things that I know are displeasing to Jesus Christ. I know He understands more than any other man alive because He was tempted in every way I am tempted. The difference is that He did not sin and I crumble like a sandstone rock under the temptation. I don't want to do that and the only way I can avoid it is by allowing the Holy Spirit to work in me. So my goal in 2019 is to crucify my flesh daily by yielding to the leading of the Holy Spirit. I want more of Jesus and less of me.

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/948526