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This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#951552 added February 9, 2019 at 7:26am
Restrictions: None
February 9, 2019
"February 9, 2019 Me in my Salvation Army uniformAn image for a blog that I hope will take root.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogsBlog City image small

An image for a blog that I hope will take root. Prompt: Tell us of a victory in your life.

I posted the topic of victories because today is a major milestone in my life. As of today I am now officially 10 years clean. I took my last dosage of my drug of choice on February 8, 2009 and by the grace of God I have not had to use a drug since then. When I say "drug" I am including alcohol. Just because something is legal and socially acceptable does not mean it is any less a drug. Alcohol is a drug! I have had to use no drugs in ten years, which is a miracle. I remember a time when I could not get up without craving a drug of some kind. I used drugs in such proportions that doctors who hear my story scratch their heads wondering how I survived. I lived that way for a very long time. Then somebody came along and gave me a solution, which I would be happy to share privately with anybody. Just email me. You probably think that my solution was that I became very religious. Surprisingly my Christian faith did not get me sober. After I got clean I became a Christian and my faith is what keeps me clean today. However in the beginning Christianity was not my original solution. As I said, I will gladly share my original solution with anybody who emails me. I will also gladly share my Christian faith if it seems appropriate but my main focus now is to say that Jesus used spirituality, physical well being, and self-help groups to get me clean without my becoming a Christian. Jesus loves us all and He does not want people to suffer from addiction. If you are an addict reach out to me and I'll show you a way out that is not religious.

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs "Prompt: It's Creation Saturday so write a story, a poem, a rant, or a letter to your muse. Whatever you want about creativity. "

I'm doing a little creating of another sort right now. My urinary tract is producing and passing a kidney stone. Please forgive my muse today. I almost did not blog at all because I have to suffer through writing a paper for my science class and I have another writing assignment due for science class. I almost opted out of my blog altogether but wanted to write something. Besides today is a big anniversary for me. I quit using drugs ten years ago today and have been sober for ten continuous years. If you had seen me in the throes of my affliction and addiction you would know what a miracle that is! I wanted to write a little about that. I am eternally grateful to the Son of God, who made this possible for me and to all the countless people along the way who shared in my battle both when I was using and in sobriety. My whole world has changed from one of suicidal despair to being on the verge of graduating with distinction from a prestigious university. If anybody reading this is addicted and tired of the routine, please contact me. I will gladly explain the NON-RELIGIOUS path I took out of addiction. Yes faith keeps me sober today. Faith however was not what originally got me sober. What got me sober eventually led me to Christianity but many who follow the path I followed do not become Christian and still maintain their sobriety. You can too. E-mail me for details!

Blog City image smallPrompt: "It's creation Saturday! Please use these words in your entry: bend, sneeze, rend, thinkable, dynamic and buzz."

I'll try. As I said earlier in another part of this entry I am very ill. I have a kidney stone, which while not painful, is causing me a lot of nausea. So I'm taking medication, which is giving me a buzz on the day I am celebrating my tenth anniversary of not intentionally getting a buzz! This high however is on medication that I am taking as prescribed for a medically legitimate condition so it is not against the rules. The rules bend a little when it comes to medically necessary medications. However I do not sneeze at the fact that I have to take controlled substances in sobriety. I take precautions to prevent myself from abusing them such as allowing the nurses of the domiciliary in which I live distribute my medications and being totally honest with myself about what is tolerable pain and when medication is necessary. I try not to rend myself to too much pain but then I also allow myself to feel a tolerable level of it. All questions have honest answers. I never would have considered it thinkable eleven years ago that I would have ten years sober today but I do. I credit that to my Savior Jesus Christ but to be totally honest the program I started out with was not a Christian program. I was five years sober before I rededicated my life to Jesus Christ. You do not have to be a Christian to be sober. If you are addicted and want a way out please email me. Here is a link to my port and email. Chris Breva . I will tell you privately how I did it. Due to the constraints of the program I used I will not reveal my secret publicly in a blog. Just trust me when I say this dynamic program works for people from all walks of life, both people of faith and even atheists! Although faith is what keeps me strong today I started out agnostic at best. Many people have decades sober who have never become religious. You can too!

Signature for nominees of the 10th annual Quill AwardsSig for nomineesA signature image for use by anyone nominated for a Quill in 2018

© Copyright 2019 Chris Breva (UN: marvinschrebe at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/951552