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Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#969370 added November 10, 2019 at 11:09am
Restrictions: None
Wishing and Insecurity
owl for signature use

Quote from : Wisdom From Myles Munroe
It is time to change both our thinking and our behavior to bring them in line with who we really are.

November 9. 2019

Write a stream of conscious entry starting with the words “I wish...”

I wish I had more psychology knowledge and training so I would recognize phrases like "stream of conscious," I

Googled this and decided that's the only way I could really make much out of this for the blog. However, I do think this type of thinking shows up when I'm writing a story. In a recent chapter of Plage one of my characters is spending lots of time with steams of thoughts about the adventure she is involved in.

Unfortunately, wishing and Google won't make it so and I am not going to take another psych class right now.

The End

November 10. 2019

What do you find yourself insecure about? Are you able to overcome your insecurities? If so, how?

Over the time of my life, I've had a lot of insecurities. Individuals are responsible for their own actions in a democratic type of society. So, you get up in the morning figure out your day and try to stick to your schedule no matter what gets in the way. I believe one of the most difficult thing for a person to do is the daily drudge of living and being.

The only official psychology I've had was 101 and reading books. I've been reading parts of the Bible since my maternal grandfather sent me a New Testament as a gift when I was a youngster. (Don't know what age?) One day I walked in to the house from school and my dad handed me the Bible and said, "Here your grandfather sent this to you." It wasn't in a package so I'm assuming if it came in the mail Dad opened the package first to find out what was in it?

So, I like "One Day at a Time" It is good advice. Aging teaches you, that as you get into any situation; the solution shows up after awhile. Of course, I've never been into drugs, or prison, or without housing of some type. There are lots of severe problems I never experienced, serious illness, bankruptcy, volcanic eruptions,and I hope not.

I experience insecurity when I have to have a wellness checkup. People say dumb things to me during checkups.

An eye doctor told me I would probably go blind because I have blue eyes.

A nurse practitioner told me I should take High Blood Pressure medicine; even though I take my blood pressure and it is rarely out of normal range. It was after I talked to her.

On another occasion, a woman who I think was a nurse, ushered me back to a waiting room and told me how she takes 10 different types of pills a day and, what is wrong with me, that I don't take any? I was so startled when she asked me, that I could not speak.

The most recent stupid comment was from a Doctor who stated she did not have any idea I was a drug addict? I think I'm high on living I guess.

One day I told someone I would probably be walking along someday and God would say, "Come up here." My body would fall over dead and someone would trip over it, when they walked by. Now, a segment of medical people think I should be tested for heart problems?

Honestly, No one expected me to live this long. Truthfully, I have had accidents. Once, a horse pitched me into a fence. I cracked my shoulder. And, had whiplash. But, I do yoga and everything eventually went back into place healed and I moved on.

I don't want to stand around and try to figure out how I will die, because I'm too busy. I have a sweater to knit this winter. I have read 9 books since the end of September and I have to record them in Goodreads. In October, I spent time every day putting two truck loads of wood into the wood shed. There is regular barn cleaning and grooming for the pony. I write a story once in awhile. There is always house work to be done, the dog to walk, and other odds and ends of daily life.

I can't afford to hire help but, even I can see the day is going to arrive when I won't be able to keep up without a helping hand. We'll see how life evolves for me.

I'm insecure about how K is going to be, if his condition worsens. He has high blood pressure, Diabetes 2, and lots of insecurities about how his life will end.

Aging is probably the biggest insecurity around. Will we be here today, tomorrow, next year? Who Knows?

We are into blatant winter, with over cast skies, snow, and the whole works. Too early for my taste.


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