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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/970507
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1197218
Reflections and ruminations from a modern day Alice - Life is Wonderland
#970507 added November 26, 2019 at 11:08am
Restrictions: None
Full of Thanks
30 Days Blogging Challenge
PROMPT November 26th
Thanksgiving is coming up later this week in the US. Today, tell us what you’re thankful for. Make a list describing at least five things you’re thankful for.

I love that this prompt allows me to legitimately "make a list". I've already been doing that all morning for work so I am fully in the "list" zone by now.

Things I am Thankful For:

1. My family - I have a wonderful, hard working husband who knows all my baggage and dark secrets and who loves me regardless. We have a beautiful and amazing daughter who will turn 10 after the first of the year. Our little family unit is rounded out nicely by an aging Min Pin names Turk and a young dobi-mix named Lola who is my daughter's ultimate BFF. This summer we added Roo, a 12 year old gelding quarter-horse cross to our montley crew as well. Our new home puts me 7 mins from my sister and her horse farm where Roo lives. We are about 6 mins in another direction from my brother and Jaden's cousins. My siblings and I haven't lived this close to each other since we shared our childhood home and that nice. This Thanksgiving we will celebrate the first one together in one of our homes and everyone is looking forward to it.

2. My job - Though it has been responsible for a large amount of heartache recently, I am thankful for the years I have amassed and the skills I have built over two decades. It has afforded us the ability to own a nice home, take the annual vacation and otherwise live in moderate comfort. I am very grateful for the consistency and security is have given me in this life.

3. Our Home - Leaving our old home behind was harder than I had imagined but since we have settled in our new home I am so glad we made the leap when we did. I love our home, the openness of it and the space. I love the wide, residential street where we can see our neighbors walking their dogs and have that feeling of security. I love the natural yard and the fact that my daughter has space to run and play. I love our resident animal populations too from the deer to Turkeys to our fox family and resident red tail hawk. I even love to watch the bats swooping over our heads in the summer months. It had everything I could have wanted and more that I hadn't realized I could want. We are very blessed to have this place to raise our growing daughter in. *Fox*

4. Health - Both my own and that of my family. I could be in better shape but overall I feel strong and healthy. I am lucky that my HS has been largely in remission, or at least has remained manageable over the last several years. I still have rough days but my outbreaks are limited to places that can not be easy seen and I can control the pain and discomfort more easily than in the past. I've also avoided much of the disfiguring scarring that others suffer from with this disease, as well as the accompanying depression. I am very grateful for that.

5. Writing - I am thankful that I am a writer, that I made this remarkable discovery so many years ago that keeps me sane. It is my anchor and my sole source of expression. It is my therapy in electronic ink. If I could not write, I am not sure I could cope effectively with being a human being. I am most thankful for my craft, that is never leaves me completely and always returns when I most need it.

I think that list is pretty much the top 5 things..

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