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Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #1211684
My blog--I pull a card--if it doesn't speak to me...perhaps it is for you?
#982500 added May 1, 2020 at 5:32pm
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May 1, 2020
Beltane 2020--Believe VII

There are blessings enough this May Day morning. I wash my face in rose-petal dew hoping to keep my three score and eight face smooth.
I hang a May Day basket on my neighbor's door. My panic about this virus lifts a little. Shadow and resistance play side by side.

I don't know why all the workers aren't striking today in solidarity demanding health care, fair wages, safe working environments. Sad that this is still a continuing fight. But the workers at Amazon, Target and Instacart are striking. I will not cross their virtual picket lines.

I come to the pond and hope that Sybylla, the veiled mermaid that lives here will come this morning. She perhaps may be an oracle of hope this day of Beltane.

Beltane, for those that follow this old Pagan path ushers in the second half of the Wheel of the Year. It promises sunshine, growth, fecundity.

The pond frogs this morning are loud and whirring like waldteufels, but I hear a faint subterranean murmur and Sybylla surfaces.

She has come to this man-made retention pond in our community she has told me to escape the toxic algea in our rivers and Gulf.

Though I am in quarantine because I have had a Covid exposure I do not mask and keep a safe distance. Sybylla is veiled as she usually is.

I scatter rose petals in the water as an offering to her, to all the goddesses ancient, and modern. Mother Mary, Ishtar, Gaia.

Sybylla"s voice moves across the face of the waters, "You are the Holy Ones," she says.

I put my palms together in a greetting of Namaste. I turn to go. I have soup to make.

The Cook's Tarot--Page of Wands--Time to stir something up.

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