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Rated: 13+ · Book · Activity · #2056808
This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends
#983459 added May 13, 2020 at 9:41am
Restrictions: None
May 13, 2020
Blog City image smallThe Original Logo.Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs

Blog City image small "Prompt: What is your new normal these days?"

My new normal is staying home as much as possible and wearing a mask when I go out. My brother is always raising a fuss because he says it was the "liberals" who said we should all wear masks to keep others from getting sick. He says the government's shut down was illegal and blah, blah, blah. All I had to hear was that wearing a mask may save somebody's life and I was willing to wear a mask. There are times of course when I walk out of my room and forget to put a mask on because I don't wear it in my room. I am the only person in here so why should I. When I go out though I have no right to endanger the lives of others. I know that I created problems for my mother who had emphysema by smoking around her when I was young and silly. I didn't think cigarettes were harmful at the time and Dad and I both smoked around her. I know doing so contributed to her wearing oxygen and possibly even to her death. I refuse to contribute to the death of another because I am so sure I am right. If so-called experts say that something can cause harm to others then I am going to do my part not to cause that harm regardless of what my personal beliefs on the matter are. I won't risk somebody else's life. Jesus told us to do unto others the things we would have them do unto us. If I would not want somebody risking my life I won't risk their life no matter how stubborn I am.

My new normal is following expert advice even if I disagree with it, complying with government mandates even if I disagree, and wearing a mask even if I disagree.

The Original Logo. Prompt: "Writing Sprint! Set a timer for 10 minutes and write without stopping about whatever comes to your mind. I challenge you to deny your urge to edit yourself as you write. If you must, you’re allowed to edit, but only after you finish your ten minute sprint. Ready? Set. GO!"

Considering that I type at a rate of about fifteen words per minute using the old hunt and peck method this won't be a very long article. However my timer is set so we'll see how far this goes. I couldn't actually set a timer as I don't have one. What I did do was set an alarm. It will be singing "Good morning, good morning, Bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah bah" to me in a few minutes making me want to smash it. I leave that alarm on there because I know it is one I won't sleep through. I'll get up if for no other reason than to shut it off! Anyway my ten minutes are now up. Do I need to edit?

Image for BCOF members to put in their blogs Prompt: "Have you ever said, I'm going to complete this goal before I'm 30. Or was it 40? Doesn't really matter what year. what does matter is what goals you chose to accomplish by your decade year. If you're 50 than you should have 4 decade goals. (20, 30, 40, 50)"

I have achieved all of my goals so far in life but I never thought of them as "decade goals". I guess maybe my decade goals were to simply survive until I saw another decade go by. I don't remember any goals for my first decade. I was too young then to even realize what goals were. My only goal in my second-decade was to have as many partners as possible and I accomplished that. I got married the first time at 27. My third-decade goal was to survive until then. I was certain I was going to die by 30 and scared my poor wife to death with my thoughts about it. My goal for forty was to get off drugs, which I did not do then. I got clean at 47 and stayed that way. My goal for my fifth-decade was and is to get my education and certifications as a counselor. My goal for 60 is to be everything Jesus wants me to be. 70 is too far away to think about.

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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/action/view/entry_id/983459