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Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #2017254
My random thoughts and reactions to my everyday life. The voices like a forum.
#983576 added May 14, 2020 at 5:26pm
Restrictions: None
Bed-Making Fairies
PROMPT May 14th

What was the best/worst letter or email you ever received or wrote? Write about the situation surrounding that letter, and why it was so significant.

         This is a lovely memory from the year 2012. Sigh, yes, I realize that's eight years ago... already!
         My grandgiggles Sydney and Emily would be in my company every day before and after school. One morning, someone tidied my bed,tucked in the sheets and straightened the duvet. I pretended not to know who did it and remarked that it must have been a visit from a bed-making fairy. Both girls nodded their heads and tee-heed. From this a letter-writing exchange began.
         The next morning, I placed a printed letter atop my newly-made bed and directed the ten-year old and five-year old to read it. Here is what I initially wrote. Dear Bed-Making Fairy, First, I'd like to say thank you for making my bed. This is very nice of you. May I ask you some questions? Okay? Are you a he or a she? Are you big or little? How old are you? I'll wait for your answers. Sandy-with-the-tidy-bed
          Sydney and her sister, aka the bed-making fairies, replied that they were two sisters, Rosey and Lola. In their letter, also placed atop my bed, they described living in a tree house with a family of fairies.They claimed they attended a fairy school.
         And so it continued. Every morning, we exchanged letters and grew to know each other very well.
         Hi Rosey and Lola! You do a great job of making my bed, thank you so much! You live in a tree? Even in the winter? How do you stay warm? Do you wear a coat, a hat, boots and mittens? Do you snuggle with the other fairies? Soon many trees will lose their leaves. Love, Sandy
         I laughed when I read that 'my' two little fairies attended a bed-making school. They explained that they had wings and flew up into their tree. My hopes that their tree had an elevator only made the girls giggle. They answered that yes, they slept in beds and had to tidy their own beds, too. I asked if they had bosses, or if they did this because they were nice and wanted to help me. They assured me other people had bed-making fairies, too.
         Dear Rosey and Lola, Brrr-it's getting chilly. Are you wearing socks yet? (I'm not!) Does your roof leak? (I hope not. It sure has rained a lot!) Do you have umbrellas, or do you like to get wet? Can you fly when your wings are wet? What do you do on rainy days? Do you read a book, or watch a movie?
         "Dear Sandy, we are the bed making fairys me and my sister. we picked you because you are kind. we are princess to the Bed making kingdom."
         I learned that the fairies liked to eat what I ate, cookies and muffins. While we were at the local fall fair, the fairies were there too. I didn't see them in the parade because they were too small to be seen.
         "Dear sandy we are good not harmful. we are good people. Lola is 7 turning 8. Rose is 15 turning 16."I had not known that fairies flew as far as they could and then they boarded planes, fairy planes. They had relatives in Florida. One morning, a letter informed me that new bed-making fairies would be coming to help me.
         Dear Alex and Max, welcome to my home. Thanks for tidying up my messy bed.
         This continued for months to my delight. It ended though as all fun stories do with this cryptic letter. "Once upon a time...there was fairies and they was bed fairies and they was nice and they never came back. Then their mom was sad because they thought they would get lost in the woods. From Bed fairies"
         And just as suddenly as they had appeared, my bed-making fairies vanished. No more letters waited on my bed with answers to my many questions. I wonder if they are still making beds, or have they moved on to other pursuits? I never did discover which tree they lived in.

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