My thoughts released; a mind set free |
I'm happy to say I did not have any bad dreams last night, or at least that I remember. On the flip side, however, I also did not do anything more with the story I kind of started that I thought may give me a nightmare. Not much happened today, it was a lazy day, but relaxing and nice. I did work on my old netbook trying to get it working faster, but I'm not sure I accomplished much. We were trying to remember when I got it but were not sure if it was in 2007 Or 2008. It had Windows 8 on it, but we updated it to Windows 10. It still works fine, but it's just so slow. I did a complete Windows reload with the disc cleaning option, but it took most of the afternoon and evening to finish. I did get it set up, then turned off my Windows account so it won't sync. I want to run the bare minimum on it and see if it will work well enough for the girls to use for their graphic pads. If it does, great, but if not, then maybe I'll load it with Linux and used it for a portable computer for writing. I had set my old laptop up with Linux for the same purpose, but it's so heavy and big. Also, it doesn't have Bluetooth or anything, it's a bit too old for that. Yes, older than my netbook by at least a couple of years. The laptop uses more power, too, so the battery doesn't last nearly as long, even with the new battery I put in. Of course, the battery in my netbook is the original and may not last as long as it used to, either. Other than putzing around with a few things and working, more like waiting, on the netbook, I watched some television, we started the Star Wars movies by watching the first one tonight. I've seen about half of them, so my wife and I decided to start from the beginning and watch them in the correct order. That's about it for today. |