This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
} Proverbs 7:1-3 discusses how we are to treat God's law. Where else does God make reference to writing things on the heart? There are passages throughout the Old and New Testament in which God said that a time was coming and indeed had come when the law would no longer be commandments chiseled in stone but rather commandments written on the flesh of the heart. I will have to dig out my concordance for this one but off the top of my head I belive it is written in Galatians, Hebrews, Isaiah and Hosea. It's Hebrews 10:16-26, Romans 2:15, Hebrews 8:10, Jerermiah 31:33 and there are others where God talks about writing his law on human hearts. Prompt: Cruising the galaxy with Buck Rogers and we found this planet: Read this item:
What are your thoughts on this cute Christmas tune? I sang it to myself. The last two lines did not flow as smoothly for me but I believe that was my fault. I misread it. I am too old to believe in Santa Claus but as a preacher, I have a problem with Santa Claus anyway. Santa Claus throws conflicting messages to kids. They grow up believing in him and suddenly he isn't real. As a preacher it makes me think they do the same with God. They believe in Him and then dismiss Him with Santa Claus. "Prompt: What do you NOT want to change in you life?" I don't want to change Jesus. I have all sorts of opportunities to walk away from my faith but I won't do it. My worst day as a Christian is infinitely better than my best day as a non-believer. I won't change that. :Prompt What are some of the things, actions, or thoughts that cause the most stress for people? And for you?" Being in a situation in which I feel helpless will trigger me everytime. I get frustrated and impulsive. I get really strong and turn ugly and green. |