This contains entries to Take up Your Cross, Space Blog, Blog City PF and BC of Friends |
} Proverbs 7:4-5 says that we should call "wisdom our sister and understanding our kinsman." There is a school of thought that says that Jesus was the embodiment of the feminine characteristics of God. I never really gave that theology a lot of thought because God is spirit and therefore is neither male nor female. I do know however that Jesus is the Wisdom Solomon refers to in Proverbs 1:20 and it is Jesus who calls aloud in the streets. If we heed Jesus and follow His words we will not seek the wiles of the adulteress who is sin. What do you think? The one type of theology that I do not want any of my followers, students, readers, disciples, or whatever to follow is sin management theology. Sin management is the theology that believes that once Jesus has saved us we have to keep ourselves saved by walking the "straight and narrow". Jesus did not save us to abandon us and expect us to live sin-free lives. God knows the human heart. He knows we are wicked, evil people and that it is natural for us to sin. In fact, Paul told the Romans that we are all sinners caught up in a cycle of sin from which we cannot escape in our physical bodies. Jesus knows we cannot stop sinning and being saved does not exempt us from sinning. It does, however, exempt us from the consequences of sin. Jesus is Wisdom and He will slowly remove sin from our lives. "Prompt: Rudolph and I were dashing through space and found this planet:
Write about imagine. My imagination and creativity done went south on me. I haven't written anything creative in a long time. I usually get nominated for a Quill but I haven't written anything worthy of nominating this year unless it be
Prompt:"Some Christmas tree ornaments do more than glitter and glow, they represent a gift of love given a long time ago." ~ Tom Baker What is/was your favorite ornament? Why is it sentimental to you?" My favorite ornament is the one packed away in a box by January 10. I am not a big fan of Christmas trees or decorations. "Prompt: Gingerbread. What are your favorite Christmas baked goodies?" If you bake my favorite cookies you messed them up. I like No-Bake cookies the best. My second favorites are brownie cookies. |