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Rated: 18+ · Book · Action/Adventure · #2228857
A young monkey catcher ends up wrapped up in with sorts of smelly foes
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#1002249 added January 16, 2021 at 7:04pm
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Jimmy was at work yet again. He was a worker at a lab that worked with monkeys, when he was assigned to provide the primates their pants. Unfortunately, he ended up providing them some helmets, these granting a bit more intelligence. Now, armed with these devices, these monkeys have begun an all new reign of chaos. And so, Jimmy would go about with his various gadgets in tow to try and find each of them. His recent search ended up bringing him to the tropical islands of Madagascar.
He was on the trail of a few monkeys, though they were now a little wise to his tricks and as such would try to run away. He’d still try to chase them down, but he wasn’t getting anywhere, unfortunately. He was huffing and puffing as he chased down one monkey in teal pants, the latter looking fairly terrified. He ran more and more, before eventually reaching a clearing near a watering hole. He ran and ran, the monkey leaping up and dipping into the water, much to the young worker’s annoyance. He wasn’t a big fan of underwater monkey hunting, but that was the best he could do. He ran closer to the edge, but before he could go through it, something began to rise out of it, this figure cradling the monkey to her.
This figure appeared to be a hippo, and a very big one at that. Jimmy’s head only seemed to make it to the upper ridge of her belly, while her hips were easily three times his shoulder span. She was mostly gray, but bore more peach shades over her belly, chest, and behind. Speaking of which, her behind could probably capture Jimmy three times over it was so large! Jimmy couldn’t help but feel a little intimidated at the appearance of this lady. She held the monkey in her arms, and stepped out of the water, carrying with her a certain air of authority akin to a mother about to scold a child. She set the monkey down, and it was able to run off, though Jimmy was too focused on the hippo before him to go after them.
“So, you’re the big bully in these parts?” the hippo asked with a slightly sassy tone.
“M-ma’am, I have to gather those monkeys,” Jimmy said. “They’re causing all sorts of chaos and-!”
“Hush up, now!” the hippo said. “I got dozens of those little things running around in fear, and now I come and see you’re here causing a stink! Y’know, I think I owe you a little something!”
“O-owe me?” Jimmy repeated.
“Yeah! You know what happens when you got on Gloria’s bad side? You get a front row clobbering of the backside!” she declared, stomping forwards a little. Jimmy stepped back in tune, trying to give her some space. And then, Jimmy drew his stun baton, holding it in front in fear of her. And as he did, she gave a soft snicker as she came to realize more and more of his small form. “You know something? I could probably quash your resistance with a simple sit down. So, how about a little game out of this?”
“What kind of game?” Jimmy asked.
“You’re free to fight back,” she explained. “Yeah, I’ll give you a fighting chance. But… I will try to sit on you. And when I do, I’ll punish you for letting me get my hands on you, but I’ll release you. If I catch you three times, then on the third time, I’ll never let you go until you can’t fight back.” Hearing that, Jimmy gave a shudder at the thought of what this hippo could do to him. Still, it’s not like he could really evade her. Odds are she’d just be on his heels. This little game might be his best bet at survival.
“Ok! I’ll play your game!” Jimmy declared, pointing his baton at Gloria in a show of challenge. Seeing that, the hippo seemed to smirk to herself, feeling as if someone plopped a yummy dessert on her table. She spread her arms outwards and began to approach, looking like she was about to grapple the small worker. And so, he decided to take initiative. He reared his baton up, before swinging down at the predator! However, upon contact, instead of dealing any damage, Gloria’s girthy belly seemed to repel his blow, as if it itself were a shield.
While he was recoiling from the blow, Gloria suddenly took a step forwards, planting her foot sharply on the ground, before pivoting around to swing her hip towards him! Jimmy could only watch as her larger than life buttock swung at him, smacking into his whole front before sending him flopping onto his back. He felt a slight daze from the blow, and was left to lie there while he recollected his senses. And as he did, he’d soon come to realize how there was suddenly an eclipse overhead.
He found himself looking up at a large, peach-colored butt. It gave a few teasing wobbles over him, and he realized he was in danger! He yelped out as the hippo leapt up, and he quickly rolled away, evading her just as she smashed her butt down on where he once was! He let out a sigh of relief as he realized he wasn’t now a boy pancake, and he climbed up onto his feet. Gloria, meanwhile, huffed as she hopped onto her feet, her turning towards Jimmy.
“You’re pretty fast, I’ll give you that!” she declared as she began to march towards him. Jimmy, meanwhile, would take a few steps back while extending his baton towards her, feeling like he’d be in trouble yet again. He realized he couldn’t do anything for a frontal assault, so he’d have to hope he could get around her defenses somehow. Well, if he couldn’t damage her belly…
Quickly, he swapped his baton out to instead pull out a hula hoop-shaped device, bearing it around his hips in preparation. He took a few cautious steps back as he twirled it around, eyeing the large predator carefully as she began to approach. He swung side to side, building up more and more power in the device. After enough of it, the machine seemed to whir to life, signaling to Jimmy that it was ready. And then, he triggered it and let himself dash, allowing him to race in a roundabout formation, rushing around Gloria with the intent of evading her next attack, while getting behind her!
Gloria, meanwhile, was taken aback by the boy’s sudden burst of speed. He wasn’t a slowpoke by any means, but this was highly unexpected. She struggled a little to follow him, only able to keep her eyes on him instead of turning her body. She could see his destination, however. And seeing that, she couldn’t even hide her grin. She kept on watching, before patting her belly. Jimmy, meanwhile, was swooping in closer and closer to her backside, fully expecting to actually deal damage to her from here. However, he’d come to find he couldn’t even strike her.
Suddenly, her cheeks clenched up, before a tuba-like blast sounded out, Jimmy’s senses suddenly overwhelmed by a noxious attack! It was as if he was thrust into a wind tunnel of cheese and eggs! And it wasn’t just the smell either! Gloria’s attack seemed to physically repulse him, like a full on punch to his front! His fight was momentarily put on hold by the smell, while her force would toss him off of his feet, and onto his back, him left groaning, coughing, and twitching while down there. He wasn’t used to enemies farting on him, nor should he, but he wasn’t sure if he could ever get used to this.
Gloria let out a slight snicker as she stood up tall, and flexed her arm self congratulatorily. She peered over her shoulder to get a good look at the little worker, noticing how he was so woefully… distracted… with her previous attack. Perfect. She shifted her hips a little while keeping a good look at him, before suddenly swinging back at him! She leapt off of her feet and soared towards Jimmy, who seemed to just be recovering from her assault. He became aware of the world around him, including the titanic butt overhead. He only had time to wail out in horror before the couple ton dump truck smushed down on him, covering him head to toe while his body was centered on her crack! She snickered and leaned back, making sure to put a good amount of her weight down on him.
“That’s strike one, kid!” she declared. “If we were fighting normally, I could’ve finished you right now! Hope you realize that!” Jimmy, meanwhile, was trying to push her. Her buttocks were thick and cushy, like a pair of filled balloons bearing a leathery texture. And that was to say nothing about the stench, still fresh from the prior attack. His hands would, at best, sink into her flesh, and he’d quickly withdraw whenever they threatened to slip into her crack. He was trying to find any way out from under her, his spirit faltering as Gloria taunted him.
“C-cut it out!” Jimmy demanded. “This is a fight! So let’s keep fighting instead of talking!”
“Aw, you think this is still a fight?” Gloria giggled. “At this rate, I’m just playing with my food~ Now, to cook!” Jimmy was confused at what she meant, when he suddenly felt her buttocks begin to clench. They bore into either side of him, him gasping as it felt as if she threatened to chew him up. However, just as suddenly as they chomped on him, they suddenly parted to the tune of a cannon blast of flatulence! He wailed out and kicked about as he was forced to endure a point blank pillar of stink, it smothering him in pure humiliation! Gloria sighed in satisfaction, before jumping onto her feet, and stepping away. She then turned around to look down at Jimmy, who’d weakly climb up and into a sitting position, before he used his baton to try and prop himself up.
“Man, you could barely handle that, could you?” Gloria said with a shrug. “You don’t look like you can take on more blast!” Hearing that, the panting boy felt more and more upset. He couldn’t believe what’d transpired. This hippo was so mean to him, which wouldn’t be so bad if she wasn’t effective! This giant of an enemy only sat on him and farted on him, and he was struggling! He couldn’t let her continue to beat him, for his own sake! But first, there’s the matter of how to damage her. Her front was already out of the question, and she seemed to have her back… covered. He couldn’t strike her from the ground, which means…
He looked up towards her smirking head. He suddenly realized that he’d never tried to aim for that before, and he thought maybe that might get him somewhere. She was tall, though, and it’d take a lot of work on his end to get close enough to bop her head. Plus, he still had to worry about any attack on her part. Whatever, though. Now that he knew where to target, he felt a little more confident, and thus stood up, holding his baton carefully while glaring at her.
“I won’t lose to you!” he declared. “I’m gonna make you eat your words!” He then raced towards her, baton stretched out while she eyed him. And as he approached, she began to think about what fun things she could do to him now. What flavor of torment could she administer to the little boy? She thought that she should draw out the fun a little, make sure she didn’t just sit on him three times in quick succession. As she contemplated, Jimmy made it before her, before he’d jump up, and swing his baton, managing to strike her face and actually causing her to stumble back, alarmed by the swift hit!
Seeing her stumble back, Jimmy couldn’t help but feel pride fill him. Gloria seemed to be a sort of immovable wall until now! If he could land more hits like that, then he was certain that he could get out of this! Of course, he’d just have to keep an eye out for anything that hippo could do, but that’d be something to deal with later. For now, he’d have to press his position! So, he’d keep his baton and rush up to the hippo’s front, Gloria bringing her senses back in time to see him approach. Of course, there’s no way the large predator would let Jimmy get away with the same attack twice.
So, when he came in close, she’d stretch her arms out to her sides, before swinging them forwards at the worker in midair! And Jimmy, unfortunately, would be unable to save himself, as he’d be captured in her grasp! Either hand was pinning either arm to his sides, stopping his baton assault and his entire movement as he was left kicking about in her grip! Gloria held him tightly, contemplating on just what to do with him. However, something he said earlier gave her a good idea, indicated by her tongue darting over her lips.
“Oh, little guy,” she teased. “Why would I eat my words, when a much better morsel is right before me!” Hearing that, Jimmy broke into a nervous sweat at her threat. She couldn’t be serious, could she? She had to be joking! Unfortunately, his fears would come to be confirmed as the hippo hoisting him up began to open her maw wide. And as she did, Jimmy could see her maw shining with saliva, her tongue seeming to flop excitedly.
“L-let me go!” Jimmy begged as he continued to shake around. Unfortunately, there was no way Gloria’s fingers would release the little guy. No, instead she’d pull him in real close, pulling her hands in close to toss him right into her maw! He seemed exceptionally smaller than the hippo, to the point where he seemed only big enough to carpet the floor of Gloria’s mouth; a fact that seemed to only benefit her. He’d try to stand up, but would only be greeted by her lips coming down, smacking down and completely sealing him into her smelly maw!
On the outside, it seemed almost as if Jimmy had completely vanished from the area. Gloria was simply standing tall, her hands victoriously on her hips as she sealed her prisoner up in place. She was grinning ear to ear, and her tongue was drawing up, lapping up Jimmy’s front and briefly whipping his poor face. And after that lick, she’d swing her tongue down, blanketing Jimmy with the muscle and smushing him against the bottom of his mouth! She giggled and would maneuver her tongue around, making sure to work the taster into Jimmy’s small crevices. Jimmy, meanwhile, would squirm, letting out yelps and wails as he was forcibly tasted by this domineering hippo, the latter simply seeming happy enough to just snack on him for a little bit.
Of course, all things would have to come to an end. Gloria clenched up her lips, before suddenly spitting the boy out and letting him flop to the ground, slick with spit and tired. Gloria, meanwhile, would give a self-congratulatory smirk, and she’d saunter over beside him, giving her hips a shake. She stood over him, before hiking a cheek up, giving him just enough time to realize what was coming. And when he realized, it was too late, for down her butt came, smashing down on him!
“That’s strike 2, buddy!” she declared, flexing to herself again! She giggled and leaned back, hiking her legs up so she could put more weight on him, while also letting out yet another fart. He felt him squirm about under her, and she felt his squealing voice vibrate against her booty. “You know that if I catch you one more time, I ain’t letting you go, right?” Jimmy, meanwhile, would groan and squirm about beneath her, feeling so, so trapped! “Now, I’ll get offa you, and you’d better be ready for a fight, else… You know.” Then, with a laugh, she hopped off of him, freeing him. Jimmy gasped out and climbed up, feeling light-headed.
It took him a brief moment to realize what she was saying, but he now knows how dire the situation is. He stood up, feeling fearful, and looked over the hippo again, terrified. He realized that his options were really limited right now. If he tried to target her head, she could probably snap him up again. If he targeted her from behind, then… well, she demonstrated her backside defense. And on top of that, much of her body seemed far too thick for his weaponry to do much damage to her. Was Jimmy truly in over his head? Was he going to be beat by this malicious hippo?! No way! He can’t let this lady beat him! And he definitely can’t let himself get beat by some lady’s gas! He just had to find out how he could get past her defenses!
As he contemplated, Gloria began to go on the offensive, deciding that it was about time for her to finish this little “game”. She reared back, before jumping up, Jimmy left following her form, seeing her about to perform a ground pound! Of course, Jimmy wouldn’t let him fall for such a trick, so he lunged to the side, feeling the ground shake slightly as he narrowly evaded getting pancaked! However, Gloria certainly didn’t want to waste this opportunity. No, she was quick to swivel on one of her buttocks, trying to lean away so that she could jut her butt upwards and properly aim it at the kid. Jimmy immediately realized that this’d be bad, but was still trying to get up before she could pull her plan. However, she was able to blast at him, sending a terrible gas blast that managed to hurl Jimmy back a few feet from the force!
“Wah!” he wailed as he was sent soaring, tumbling along the ground before coming to a halt, a little smellier than before. He groaned and began to climb up, only to see Gloria leaping up to try and smush him. With a gasp, he rolled away, avoiding a smush. He began to get up, only to see her get up and leap at him, him lunging away from what would’ve been a game-ending booty smash! This process would repeat, Jimmy trying to get up, only to be forced to stop his rise to hop away before she could smush down on him. At this point, he realized what her game was: she toys with him a little the first two times, but when he has one strike left, she’s out for blood.
Jimmy kept on dodging away, hardly ever getting the chance to make any sort of stand against her. If he was ever too slow, then she had the chance to slam down on him and finish him off! But if he didn’t get a shot in, then there’d be no chance of stopping her, and he was sure he’d tire out faster than she could. Meanwhile, Gloria couldn’t help but giggle. She had this kid on the ropes now, all she need was one good shot, and she could sentence him to a stinky demise. She could probably give herself that window of opportunity right now! And, well, as much fun as she was having smacking this boy around, she spent a little too much time toying with him. So, having come down, she flexed her cheeks, before letting loose a powerful fart, the gas shockwaving outwards, coating the whole area! And once it struck, Jimmy’d find himself caught in it!
“Hrk! YUCK!” Jimmy whined, him trying to cover his nose and fan the air. “Ugh, gross!” While he complained, his movement was halted as he tried to save himself from the stench he was forced to bathe in. And while he was in recovery, Gloria came down on the ground, her impact shaking the ground and causing his already disoriented self to shake, before falling on the ground. And while he was down, Gloria climbed onto her feet, and sauntered towards the still disoriented boy. And while he was trying to recover, he’d soon find his vision above overtaken by a great shadow, only to realize what that actually was. His eyes widened, he looked either way, and saw her feet beside either side of him. No matter what he tried, he realized that he was stuck.
“I’d say nice try, but I think we showed how much I overpower you!” Gloria taunted, giving her buttocks a shake. Jimmy still tried to crawl away, slowly as if he felt any sudden movements would trigger his doom. Unfortunately, Gloria wouldn’t be merciful, and with a quick hop up, she’d come crashing down, her large butt completely smothering his poor body! “Well, that’s strike three!” Gloria cheered. “You know that it’s over, of course. So, hope you had fun running around, cause I’m about to put you to sleep!” Jimmy’s eyes widened, and he tried to fight as best he could! Unfortunately, even if there weren’t a giant hippo butt on top of him, that’d be a struggle, considering what she’d just put him through.
And now, she squatted down, making sure to put more of her weight upon him. Jimmy could hear her stomach growl, to the point where he could tell a storm was coming. He began to realize his struggles were meaningless, and all he could do was take it. He closed his eyes as he felt her buttocks squeeze around him. And then, it came pouring out, blasting him point blank with an absolutely noxious blast, the attack seeming to almost uproot nearby patches of grass nearby! It seemed as if she was unloading all she could, clearly intending to finish him off! Eventually, she gave a sigh as she emptied out upon him, before she patted her belly congratulatorily. She then stood up, and looked back to observe her damage.
Sure enough, Jimmy was out like a candle, stink almost emanating off of him. Gloria snickered and reached down, picking him up and slinging him over her shoulder. She then sauntered away from the general area, carrying the poor boy away.
“Don’t think you’re over yet, kid,” Gloria teased. “I’m gonna spend a long time spanking you~”
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