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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1011171-June-blogging-questions
Rated: E · Book · Inspirational · #2243707
Welcome to my blog: I intend to share heartfelt writing about anything that comes to mind.
#1011171 added June 20, 2021 at 12:05pm
Restrictions: None
June blogging questions

PROMPTS FOR JUNE 2021: 62 Prompts ~ Yes a couple extra!

1. What is your biggest concern right now?
I don't know what has gotten into me lately, but I am having a very hard time staying motivated. I have gotten discouraged in some areas. I am trying to fight this. My health issues have certainly complicated things.

2. Do you think you are a positive or negative person?
I like to think I am a positive person. I try to focus on the positive anyway.

3. What are your best qualities?
Writing, my smile, kindness, Love for God

3. Could you be a better friend?
Maybe, I always try to do my best though.

4. Could you be a better partner/wife/husband/mother/father/daughter or Son?
I will put it this way. I am a human being. I make mistakes and fail a lot, all the time. I do the best I can, but I am sure there is always room for improvement.

6. Write about your top five personal strengths.
This is a good question. I hadn’t really thought about it. I guess my ability to smile through difficulty is a strength. Let me think. What else? 🤔 I am determined and strong-willed. I avoid confrontation, but will definitely stand up for what I believe in. My faith in God is probably my greatest strength. God is where my strength comes from. I am good at communication.

7. What things change your mood from positive to negative?
I would rather talk about what changes my mood from negative to positive. 😉 I guess that is for another question though. I am learning to hate sin and evil. When I see injustice done and perversion, it is hard for me to keep quiet about it. It boils my blood especially when I know it is hurting someone I know and care about.

8. Make a list of 10 affirmations that will lift your mood.
-I am making progress, a little every day.
-All of my needs are provided by the most high God because I belong to him.
-No one can be against me because my God is for me.
-All things work together for good.
-I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
-The joy of the Lord is my strength. I will put on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness.
-My hope is in God. He is my everything.
-God’s strength is made perfect in my weakness.
-I am more than a conquerer because the Bible says so.
-Goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.

9. Do you have a morning routine? Can it be improved?
I sort of have a morning routine. It could definitely be improved. I have to take a thyroid pill, so I get it swallowed. I go to the restroom, and take the dog out. I give my roommate her medicine and help her set up her tablet and stuff. Then I come back into my room, set up my tablet, take electronics that have been charging overnight off of chargers. For 30 minutes to an hour, I usually check emails and notifications while trying to fully get awake. Then I fix breakfast for my roommate and I. We eat breakfast and have more medicine we have to take after that. So I get mine and her pills together so we can take them. After we take our pills, then it varies from there from day to day depending on what has to be done for that day.

10. How are you feeling today?
(June 18th) Today, like most days, I feel tired. At my leg muscles quit spasming and are not hurting like they were for the last couple of days. That was no fun.

11. What is something you want to achieve throughout this year?
I would like to sell more of my craft items, but I need to stop being so passive about it. I need to make more Facebook posts about them among other things.

12. Make plans for Spring.
I am just now getting ready for Summer 2021. Spring 2022 is to far ahead yet for me to make plans at the moment.

13. What are your goals for February?
This is a bit too far ahead for me. I plan to live one day at a time and hope for the best at this point in my life.

14. Write about your dream Valentine’s Day date, you can try some Valentine doodles too.
The next Valentine's Day is too far away right now. At this point, I don't know what that part of my future holds.

15. Have actionable steps for your big year goals.
I have never been one to be very good at this. Life is so unpredictable.This year I have struggling with health issues. It has been hard to make plans because of my health issues. My main thing I am doing right now is trying to figure out what is going on in my body and how to live with it. I hope that if I get a proper diagnosis, that some treatment can be received and I will feel better in the end. My goal this year has been to just try to get better.

16. Make a spring cleaning plan to declutter your life.
I work on this a little at a time all through the year. I have never been one to be into the spring cleaning thing.

17. Do you have all the important dates and birthdays in your journal?
No, I don't. I don't have that many to remember. Facebook reminds me of all the rest.

18. Make a plan for your dream garden.
I think it would have cucumbers and tomatoes. If I planted squash, I would have to wear gloves while touching the plant. It is strange, I can eat it with no issues. However, the leaves make my skin kind of blister. What else can I “dream” up? If I am going to dream, let's go big. I could have strawberries, blueberries, and grapes. I could have some potatoes. Why not add a sprinkler system to water the garden for me. Then we could have shade over a part of the garden for the more finicky plants that don't like as much sun. While we are at it, we will add some herbs. Oh, and we can not forget scallions and garlic. We can add some floral plants on the other end, especially roses because I love those. We will put a water fountain in the middle with some goldfish swimming in the water. Let's have a corner with a couple of large trees for shade with a bench in between to sit and take it all in. On second thought why not have an outdoor swing instead of the bench? That could be a peaceful place to retreat when life got too hectic.

19. What summer plans do you have?
I hope to go swimming at least once a week while I can in the apartments pool. I will limit my time in the sun so I don't burn. I hope to get some great nature pictures. Maybe I can go on a nature walk somewhere.

20. Write the perfect way to spend Easter.
Since it is a Sunday, the perfect way to spend Easter is in church.

21. How would you make a rainy day amazing?
Open the blinds and watch it rain. Try to accomplish as many in door tasks as I can.

22. What is a challenge you would like to overcome?
As stated above, I would like to overcome my health issues. As they say, I am much to young to feel this old.

23. Plan all the holidays you celebrate.
I don't honestly celebrate holidays too much anymore since my parents passed away. Right now, I try to just live one day at a time.

24. How are you progressing with your year goals?
I have had blood tests done, seen the doctor, and will have insurance July 1st. So I think that is good progress right now.

25. Name a fear you would like to overcome.
My fear of insects with stingers. I am allergic to insect bites. You let a bee land on me, and it is all I can do not to freak smooth out.

26. What are you grateful for in your life?
How can I not be grateful for anything? I am grateful for everything. Life is a gift from God.

27. What is your favorite spring/summer activity?
Going on walks to take photos of nature.

28. What 5 things are you grateful for this week?
Jesus Christ, the Bible, my prayer time, friends, and family

29. Name the one thing you are most grateful for in your life at this moment.
Jesus Christ

30. Write about 5 amazing childhood memories you are grateful for.
My backyard tree swing provided a lot of great memories. One was my dad's mother pushing me in the swing while singing Swing Low Sweet Chariot to me.
Another sweet memory with the same grandmother, is going out on the front porch of my parents house and watching the sun set with her.
There was my 11th birthday when my mom surprised me with a canopy bed that I had wanted.
One time when we went to the zoo, I had asked an elephant to dance for me and it did.
The day I came home from summer camp and realized my parents had gotten me a puppy was a pretty special day. I think the puppy and I wore each other out playing. Lol I named him Benjamin and we called him benji for short. He was a chow and German Shepherd mix. He was beautiful. He had the chow’s thick hair. It was a strawberry blond color. His face was the shape of the German Shepherd's.

31. Which people in your life are you most grateful for.
My roommate, my neighbor, LegendaryMask❤️ , a certain friend of my that I won’t mention for personal reasons, and my parents.

32. Write about something that made you smile today.
My dog makes me smile all the time.

33. When were you last surprised?
I honestly don't remember right off the top of my head when I was last surprised. Life is full of surprises if you just pay attention. I am always being surprised. I was surprised when my elderly neighbor fell in front of my door. I was surprised when her dog got out and came to my door without her. I was surprised when a male cat now suddenly has a kitten around. I was surprised when all I could see was a cat’s tail hanging from the grill of our vehicle. I was surprised to see an owl at 1 am in the tree by my window. I have had many surprises in life, some are good and others not so much.

34. What is the most exhilarating thing that has happened to you this year?
Getting approved for health insurance. If I can get life to actually cooperate with me, I would be most exillerated if I could ever get my driver's license as planned. It seems like something always happens to prevent it. Have I been cursed? What is going on here?

35. Name a challenge you have overcome and how it helped you to grow.
I think just understanding and accepting myself for who I am has been a challenge for me. I was the only daughter of a preacher. Both my parents had low self-esteem, and that was passed on to me. I think it is obvious how that helped me grow. 😊

36. How can you show gratitude more?
I don't know how I can show anymore gratitude. I always try to remember to say thank you. I always try to return kindness and give kindness even when it isn't deserved.

37. What are 3 things that have happened to you which were difficult but you are now grateful for the experience?

38. Do you track your food intake?
Not at the moment, but I plan to start eventually. I may start doing this next month. I really need to for my health sake.

39. What is your favorite way to exercise?
Walking and swimming

40. Did you make healthy choices today?
I had rice cakes for breakfast with peanut butter.

41. Name one simple way you can take a step to be healthier.
I am doing it now. I am trying an elimination diet to see if there are any food allergies or intolerances causing some of my issues.

42. How can you make activity part of your normal routine?
By making plans to do it and then keeping those plans.

43. What is your favorite food?

44. List your fitness and health goals.
Get on the right diet for me as soon as I figure out what that is.
As soon, as my insurance kicks in, get some tests done I have been putting off do to not having the money for them.

45. Are you feeling stressed?
Am I alive? Lol To be alive is to experience stress sometimes. I have a lot of that in my life. Sometimes I have more than others.

46. Keep a mood or habit tracker to help understand your mental health.
I may do something like this next month. It is a good idea. I don't as of right now.

47. Think about what triggers your stress, emotions, poor eating habits.
I rather think on the good stuff and keep it positive. Lol stress is a trigger, depression and anger.

48. What is a bad habit you would like to change? What actionable steps can you take to make it happen?
I am working on putting on the garments of praise for the spirit of heaviness. When I am feeling down, I am trying to get into the habit of giving God praise.

49. What are your top 10 goals?
I could write the word survive 10 times. Lately, I have been taking one day at a time. Let me think. What are the top 10 things I like to accomplish?
1. Figure out my diet
2. Get more consistent with my exercise.
3. Get my crafts to a point where I can start selling more of them.
4. Make it through the rising star program.
5. Get a book published.
I am doing good to come up with these right now. I think I am doing better at just setting short term goals at the moment.

50. Write down actionable steps to help you reach a goal.
Take one day at a time and hope for the best.

51. What is your 1-year goal?
To still be alive this time next year

52. What is your 5-year goal?

53. What is your 10-year goal?

54. If you could start life again, would you? What would you change?
No, I don't want to relive all the craziness in my life.

55. Who is someone that inspires you and why?
My Aunt Clemma. I look at her as a positive role model.

56. Is there a hobby you would like to start?
Making YouTube videos

57. Name a skill you would love to learn.
Painting on canvas

58. What kind of person do you aspire to be?
I am pretty happy with who I am now. I just want to be a good person who makes the world a better place because I was here.

59. What is your favorite childhood memory?
I think one of my best childhood memories was when we went to vacation in Florida. I was able to experience the beach for the first time and deep see fishing with my dad.

60. Would you like to walk on the rings of Saturn?
If it were possible, why not?

61. Do you believe in UFOs?
Yes. Do I believe they are aliens from another planet? No.

62. Do you enjoy star grazing?
Most definitely. I love looking up at the sky. There is so much beauty in God's creations.

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