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#1012906 added July 17, 2021 at 2:10pm
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My Reality Entries JULY - 60 Entries Completed
1. Describe your childhood.

I was born in 1974. Grew up in the 80's with an older sister and three older biker brothers. My very first word, much to Mom's horror was not mama but MoMo...for motorcycle. All three of my brothers and their friends rode motorcycles and from what I was told, I could hear MoMo's coming from several blocks away and would run through the house yelling MoMos! MoMos! and race outside to greet my brothers. I remember when I got a bit older, my brother would give me rides without Mom knowing. I was constantly my brother's shadow and all three seemed happy to humor their little sis.

When they would get their friends together in the summer, there would be about 15-30 bikers that would go floating down the river in big black inner tubes and my brothers always let me go as well. Mom always insisted they make sure I never got out of the inner tube...but when we were in "calm" water, my brothers never said anything about me and the other kids wiggling out of our tubes to swim and play...as long as we kept up with the current.

My two oldest brothers loved playing baseball and volleyball and played for the city leagues. When they had games or practice guess who they let tag along? I remember playing in the dirt/sand and running around barefoot while they played ball. They never fussed when I got filthy playing...and our motto was, "DON'T TELL MAMA".

My brothers were loud, rowdy, and unpredictable. They got into plenty of fights, one was always getting arrested for something or another, but if baby sister ever needed anything, you could bet, they would be there. They went on school field trips with me, helped me with science fair projects, and when I was in high school I told my oldest brother I wanted to write stories. I showed him a pamphlet for a writing class that was done through the mail. He was the very first person who supported me in my writing. He paid for me to take the class. I never finished it. I got distracted and one thing led to another and like kids often do, I just never finished. But, the point is, he supported me. He encouraged me and he thought I could do it.

My Mom was a good mom. She worked 12 hour days at a factory doing something with fiberglass. She was mechanically inclined and after working there so long, she learned how to fix the broken down machines better than the hired mechanics, and after a while, everyone would call Mom to come to fix their machines when they broke. For most of my years, Mom worked third or second shift, this means I had to learn to take care of myself pretty early on. Mom and I communicated a lot through notes and saw each other whenever we could. I learned how to be independent.

When I was 13, I got my first paying job. My brother's wife had two babies and I was the babysitter. Only, it wasn't just a few hours. I'd get home from school on Friday and pack my bags and go to my brother's house. Then he and his wife would disappear until sometime late Sunday night. He always left cash for me to order food or whatever, but I playhouse for the whole weekend and I actually enjoyed it!

Actually, thinking back, my brother's got me most of my early jobs. My oldest brother was unmarried and he would pay me weekly to come over and clean his house, wash his laundry and cook some meals for him.

My middle brother worked offshore so I didn't get to see him as often but I remember he'd come home covered in filth and smelly but I'd still run and greet him and he'd always...always...tell me to close my eyes and hold out my hands. He always had something alive...and questionable to give me. Sometimes he'd put a worm in my hand, or a snake, or lizard, or kitten, or bug or mouse, spider...he would laugh when I'd squeal...it was a game we'd play. My brother had a soft spot for animals. Once he gave me a snapping turtle but mom yelled at him and made him return it to wherever he'd gotten it from. One time, we were so drunk he thought he ran over a cat. He cried and got so upset...he put a towel over the poor kitty...and took it to the vet..sat outside in his truck waiting for the vet to open. The entire vet clinic had a strong dislike for my brother when he carried this "cat" into the clinic and it was a pregnant skunk!

Still, he was so upset they saved the skunk and her babies. The vet removed the odor sacks from them and for several years my brother had pet skunks running around in his house! I used to love going over to his house and playing with the skunks.

Well, that is just a tiny peek into what my childhood was like. I believe I had a wonderful childhood.

2. Do you have an embarrassing moment that still makes you cringe?

Oh boy, I have so many I had to stop to think which one I should share here.

I was applying for a job and had completed the first round of interviews. I heard whispering but didn't pay much attention to it. There were about 9 other applicants, myself and several office admins going over paperwork and such. We all shuffled back into the lobby area to work on filling out the packets when another woman comes over to me and leans down and asks me to come with her. Um. Ok.

I get up and she points me down a hall and rather than taking the lead, she walks behind me...but very close behind me. In her office, she introduces herself as the head HR person and explains to me since I had arrived at the company, I had a split in the back of my pants...showing God and everyone my pretty pink lace undies. She was very kind. Very sensitive and told me they were really interested in me as a new hire. If I'd like to go home and change, then return for orientation that would be fine. I agreed and she was so kind to walk behind me all the way to my car...as if the entire population of that place had not already seen my full moon.

I DID go home to change and I was highly, highly tempted to just call and say I was not going to come back. I didn't really want to face all those people again. But I really, really wanted that job. It was practically a dream job. I DID go back. And was told because I went back...I showed a lot of gumption and that was the final reason they hired me. I got the job! Even after that horrible beginning.

3. What is your favorite Autumn/Winter activity?

My favorite autumn activity would be planning and preparing for the Holidays. Working on handmade gifts, getting started on the homemade cooked items - the things that can be made ahead of time. Planning the decorations for my Christmas tree.

For Winter, my favorite activity is to watch as many Christmas movies and read as many Christmas books as possible! Absolutely LOVE Christmas movies! Baking would come in as a second favorite thing to do :)

4. Which was your best birthday ever and why? Well, so far...

My best birthday was the one I spent at my sister's in the country. I got to make friends with and help her take care of a very special horse named Chippy. She was a sweet horse, gentle as a fly. But had come from a very abusive situation and when anyone would start to walk towards her, she would hang her head and just shake and snort. My sister taught me how to take care of her. How to measure out her food, how to brush her and take her on walks on her lead. She was too old and hurt to ride. But I would take my book out to the barn and would read out loud to her and she seemed to know just what I was saying. She lived only a year because she had a huge tumor inside her nose and it was cancer. But I like to think, at least in her last year of life, she knew what love felt like and knew she was loved.

5. What was a hobby you loved as a kid?
Well, aside from the obvious writing or reading, I used to love wood burning. Mom got me my first wood-burning set when I was about 12 for Christmas and my brother always kept me well stocked with wood.

6. Write about your favorite memory with your parents.

I didn't get to spend much time with Mom because she worked 12 hours a day, sometimes more in a factory, and more often than not work the second or third shift. Our schedules never quite matched up. BUT on those rare times Mom took a vacation, she would save up enough money for us to take a train from Texas to Illinois and we'd spend two weeks with my Grandma. I LOVED the time on the train! It was a two-day venture and I had MOM all to myself the entire time. We would actually get to talk, play games together and eat together. I really cherish those train ride memories.

7. What was your favorite toy?

My bright green "Hulk" Hotwheels trike. I terrorized the whole neighborhood on that thing.

8. What is your best memory with some of the special people in your life?

I remember a family Thanksgiving when I was about nine. We all gathered at my sister's house in the country. It was in South Central Texas and was HOT that day and even hotter in the kitchen where the stove was working overtime. My sister had opened the kitchen window above her sink and countertop. Suddenly, we hear my mom yell "Oh..." and her favorite curse word. We all ran in to see my sister's horse with his head stretched through the open window helping himself to the pies and goodies left on the counter! Mom got even more upset when most of us started laughing. My sister was told to get her horse back to the barn.

9. What is a memory that always makes you smile?

When I was at school or not at home, mom would scatter my bed with little notes, and sometimes there would be a little gift. A candy, a book, a new top...nothing expensive...just a little token to let me know she loves me. I, in turn, would do the same when she wasn't home and for years we passed the same notes back and forth. My sister carried on that tradition with her daughter and it is now a family "thing".

10. Where is the place you would like to visit the most?

I have always wanted to visit Holand at the height of Tulip season. *TulipR*
11. What has been your best trip so far?

My best trip, taken for fun would have to be the time I went to Natural Bridge Caverns in New Braunfels for the very first time. I took my two nieces with me. It is a huge drive-through African Safari. You can roll down your windows and the animals come right up to the car. Ever been licked by a bison? I have! Ever hand-fed a Zebra? I have! Ever had a zebra eat the windshield wiper off your car? I have! Not only do they have a huge drive-through area, but they also have a petting zoo area and lots of space to get out and walk around. They also feature a CAVE you can tour and climb down. I forget how far down it descends but it is deep and a steep hike to get back up! At one point everyone has to turn sideways and squeeze through an opening. I remember being completely fascinated by the whole thing and I went as often as I could afford.

12. Who is the person you would like to travel with the most and why?
I would really love to be able to travel with my husband. We have not had a chance to do any kind of traveling or vacationing. I'd love to see so many new places and see his reaction to them as well. He is one of the few people I don't mind being stuck within an enclosed space for long periods of time.

13. If you could go back in time, where would you go?
I think I'd really enjoy going back to the time of dinosaurs. There are many I would love to see up close and touch!.

14. Describe your dream vacation.
My dream vacation is always near a lake or stream in the woods on the mountains. I don't care where, or really what season. Far enough out to be isolated but still have a working fridge, stove, and A/C lol. Yeah, I'm spoiled.

15. Write about a road trip you would love to take.
As crazy as it may sound, I would love to take a road trip across America. Start here at home in Texas and go to Oregon then, travel up to the border but not cross it. Then make my way to Maine and visit as many landmarks and state parks as possible along the way. Once in Maine then start making my way down the East Coast and hit FL...then start making my way back to Texas.

16. How does seeing somewhere new make you feel?

It depends on the circumstances of the visit. I've visited new places out of necessity or survival and those times were not all that wonderful. But, on the other hand, seeing somewhere new by choice, because I want to, is a whole other ball game. It makes me feel very excited.

17. What is a food you would love to try from a different country?
I'd love to try a variety of fruits and veggies from different countries in Africa.

18. What is the worst vacation you have ever had?

The time my family decided to go to Corpus Christi and Galveston to spend time on the beach. On the first trip to the beach, I discovered I really don't like beaches very much. They are hot, grimmy, smelly, and highly overrated. Seagulls destroyed our picnics, had to watch carefully where we walked because of oil patches, I got sunburned, was constantly thirsty and the sand got in places unmentionable, and no matter how much you shower you never really get rid of all the sand.

19. Name 10 places you would love to see.

1. Holand
2. Germany
3. Ireland
4. Italy
5. South America
6. Ghana Africa
7. Portland, Oregon
8. Colorado
9. Maine
10. South Carolina
(these are not in any particular order)

20. Do you have a morning routine? Can it be improved?
I am horrible at following routines. The best I come at having a morning routine is I drink a cup of coffee, wash my face, brush my teeth and check my WDC emails and the newsfeed. THEN the rest of my day starts. I TRY hard to be up by 9 and in bed by 11. Doesn't always happen. I am sure there are many ways my "routine" could be improved, but I'm not sure there is much point.

21. How are you feeling today?

Tired. It is 3:18 AM and fireworks are still going strong outside accompanied by loud music and gunshots. Typical Texas-style celebration. Probably won't get any sleep until the sun starts to come up. Chances are, I won't get much accomplished today while I catch up on missed sleep lol.

22. What is something you want to achieve this year?
To continue to stabilize our lives so we can begin to thrive and not just survive and resist.

23. Write five goals for this month.
1. Keep up with my blog commitments
2. Complete my daily check-ins at Early to Bed/Early to Rise
3. Buy postage stamps and send out some very overdue cards and letters
4. Try a new fried chicken recipe that uses yogurt and finely crushed cornflakes along with some different kinds of spices
5. Get up and walk more.

24. Make plans for Spring.

I really just try to live my life day to day. We are not promised tomorrow and Spring is nearly a year away. Living and focusing on the here and now a lot less stressful and helps me to be contented.

25. What are your goals for this month?
To keep up with several blog commitments, to complete 5 contest/challenge prompts, to check in daily at the Early to Bed/Early to Rise forum and meet those goals I have posted there, To buy postage stamps this month and send out some very overdue cards and letters.

26. Write about the best date you ever had.
{font:comic }My dates never did quite turn out like I planned or imagined. The best date I remember is when I was taken to Abbyville, Lousianna and they had a fair and circus in town. He took me and showed me the cages with lions and tigers. Now, for about ten bucks, you could enter the cage with the tiger of your choice and while the trainer bottle-fed it milk, you could pet the tiger and get your picture taken. I had my picture taken while scratching the ear of an 800-pound white Siberian tiger. Then, with a similar-sized orange Bangel Tiger. THEN, because I'm crazy and had more money than common sense, I paid so I could enter the cage where about four baby African lions played...and got to toss a ball for them and give them their treats. I was in absolute heaven...so focused on the cats I never noticed my date had gotten bored and left. Literally. Left the enter fair and circus and didn't come back to get me until they were closing. He said he didn't mind letting me have my fun.

27. Make a spring cleaning plan to declutter your life.
After losing absolutely everything other than what we could fit into two suitcases and hopping a bus to a new city to start a new life...I find I do not have anything to declutter. We just moved into a one-bedroom apartment and really, the only spring cleaning I foresee is perhaps flipping the mattress, tidying up the closet, and making sure I have not collected too many crafting supplies. We are still slowly working to get what most people consider "essentials" for daily living. This month, I will be splurging to get us some decent bath towels. For the moment we each have ONE towel which came from the Motel we used to stay at. We were told by the housekeeper that they throw away the towels rather than launder them. So, we brought ours with us. It will be a luxury to have a few extras so we can switch them out regularly. I finally found some on clearance that is actually a set. The set includes 4 bath towels, 4 hand towels, and 8 washcloths.

28. Do you have all the important dates and birthdays in your journal?
Nope. Not a single date or birthday of any kind. They are all logged on my calendar, both on my phone and my old school one I have hanging on my pantry door in the kitchen.

29. Write how each season affects your mood and energy levels.
No matter what season, I never have much energy. And each season makes me happy for different reasons. Winter makes me happy because of the Holidays and I get to spend lots of time watching movies with my husband. The weather gives me a good excuse not to leave the house. Spring, makes me happy because I love to see Nature come forth from hibernation and everything is so lush and vibrant and again, the weather here in Texas gives me a good excuse to stay indoors. Summer makes me happy because I love the heat! I also like the summer holidays, my birthday and wedding anniversary falls in Summer and it makes me remember a lot of good, childhood memories. Fall makes me happy because I love when the heat cools down and there is just enough chill in the air to give me a bit more energy. Fall is when I can start doing more cooking and baking and I LOVE the colors of fall as well as the scents and making plans for the coming Winter.

30. Make a plan for your dream garden.
A dream garden is no longer a reality. I now live in a large city in an apartment complex. The apartment does not have a personal little yard area...so if I want flowers, I'll have to plant a few planters. My little porch area get full sun in the evenings only. I do have a potted marigold which is not doing very well at the moment. I am hoping to get an ivy cutting from my sister-in-law so I can have a houseplant inside.

31. What summer plans do you have?

I do not have any actual plans for summer. Just living day to day, and getting our life stabilized and on solid ground. To keep living by faith and definitely not by sight.

32. Write the perfect way to spend Easter.
With friends and family, location is unimportant as long as everyone is together.

33. How would you make a rainy day amazing?
Rainy days are amazing without any help or interference from me. They are perfect on their own. I just love rainy days, they are soothing, refreshing, and a good excuse to put something in the oven.

34. What is a challenge you would like to overcome?
Not depending so much on my wheelchair.

35. Plan all the holidays you celebrate.
Seriously? There is very little point to plan too far in advance. It is primarily just me and my husband, so there really isn't very much to plan.

36. How are you progressing with your year goals?
I believe I am right on track. My goals were to find affordable, stable housing, take better care of my health issues, stay active on WDC, and not become homeless. It is now July, and we have secured a one-bedroom apartment, I receive my meds via pill pack delivered right to my door...no more excuses for not going to pick them up, I am keeping up with all my WDC activities and have expanded them. Now, my goal is to maintain a sense of security and not be anxious I might lose everything again.

37. Name a fear you would like to overcome.
The fear of flying or using any mass public transportation system.

38. What are you grateful for in your life?
For the basics: food, shelter, clean water, air conditioning, clothes, a bed to sleep in, a comfortable chair to sit in - I've done without all these at one time or another, so I do not take these for granted. I am grateful for my husband. A man who loves me, who is my rock. Who knows how to pray and who loves God. I am grateful for my friends and family and the people around me in my everyday life. I am grateful to still have both legs, to be able to walk, and that my health is improving.

39. What have been the best summer vacations you have had?
Train trips with my Mom to visit my Grandparents.
40. Write about your dream summer vacation.
Just anywhere surrounded by nature. In the woods, on a mountain, anywhere near open bodies of water. Somewhere in the vast wilderness, but not so far out there that there is not a power source and running water.

41. If you went back to school, what would you study?

43. What are 10 affirmations you could say daily?
1. I am a strong, confidant woman. 2. I am a child of God. 3. I am healthy and able-bodied. 4. I am an independent woman. 5. I can do all things because I believe. 6. I make healthy choices every day. 7. I ave unshakable faith. 8. My health is improving every day. 9. No weapon formed against me shall ever prosper. 10. I am never alone.

44. What are you looking forward to in August?

Entering more contests and challenges here on WDC. There is nothing in particular that happens in August.

45. If you are a parent, plan an amazing day with your kid/s.
I am not a parent. But, I did have four foster boys at one time and we loved going on little adventures. We'd pack the van and I'd head out into the county, then we'd play the pick a turn game. When we would hit a crossroads, the boys each took turns choosing which direction we would go. It was so much fun getting completely lost and turned around. We would explore parks we passed, or little places of interest, then finally, the boys would help me find our way back by using the map. We could spend a good 12 hours or more on these little adventures and sometimes we van camped. We'd just pull into a truck stop or a campsite at a park and spend the night.

{c :rose}46. What is your favorite thing about Fall?
The colors and flowers! Mums are one of my all-time favorite flowers and I love the scarlets, rusts, oranges, whites, yellows, purples...
47. Write a poem about Fall

48. Make plans for celebrating Halloween
Well, since we live in a low-income apartment complex, I'm kinda hoping we might get some trick or treaters this year. So, I plan to buy up some candy and then, sit on the porch and hope someone comes before I eat all the candy myself.

49. What was your all-time favorite Halloween p0costume?
A gipsy costume my Mom sewed for me and helped me make my jewelry.
50. What food really puts you in the Fall mood?

51. List some mood lifters for when the weather starts to get colder.
Listen to music, spend time with husband, watch movies with husband, bake or cook something, indulge in a scented bath, do something crafty or creative, take a nap, go for a walk, read a good book, call and talk to a friend/family member.

52. Create an amazing memory. Plan it and write about it afterward.

53. The year is nearly over, what are some things you want to achieve before it ends?
I basically just want to make ends meet each month and not stress over finances or basic essentials. That would be nice. We have everything we really need, we don't lack anything important. I'd like to get more productive writing done. I'd like to meet or exceed some personal deadlines I've set.

54. Make a Plan for the Christmas Holidays. Write about how the Holidays make you feel.
The holidays make me feel very happy and contented. I love watching Christmas movies and listening to all the Christmas music. I plan to put up an "all-natural" tree this year even tho the tree itself will be artificial. I am already looking through recipes and planning our holiday meal and what gifts I'll be giving and to whom. All the tree decorations I'm planning to make...but the tree did come with some pinecones, berries, and balls. I also need to buy some lights. This year, I plan to have one, maybe two guests over to share our holiday meal. It is possible my husband's sister and her boyfriend might come. So far, I have a few basic staples set back for holiday baking, but I need to start setting back more items.

55. Keep a food tracker for the day/week/month. however, you choose.
Sunday: Breakfast: Coffee. 1 bottle of water, 8 animal crackers, 1 granola bar, Dinner:Homemade kolachies and a coke.
Monday: 2 cups coffee as usual. 2 bottles of water. 4 prunes. 1 stick of gum. 1 can of coke. Dinner: baked pork chop, potato salad, baked beans, seasoned green beans with bacon, cornbread. 1 can of coke.
Tuesday: 2 cups Coffee, as usual. 2 pc of jelly toast around noon. 2 bottles of water. Dinner: Dirty rice with gravy and steamed sweet potatoes. One can of coke.
Wednesday:Breakfast: Cup of iced tea and 2 slices of peanut butter toast. Late afternoon snack: Watermelon. Dinner: corn flakes and milk. popcorn and can of Sprite
Thursday:Breakfast: Iced tea. Lunch: egg, ham, and cheese on a toasted bun with spicy brown mustard. Dinner: grilled cheese sandwiches, tater tots & sliced tomatoes, and cucumbers. Ranch dressing, iced tea. about 1 cup of goldfish crackers, a stick of string cheese and a cup of grapes. 2 bottles of water
Friday: Homemade kolaches and coffee mid-morning. 2 chocolate glazed doughnuts, 3rd cup of coffee. 2 grilled hot dogs, potato salad, baked beans, grilled hamburger with tomato, onion and pickles, 2 cans of Dr Peper. Chilled cantaloupe & watermelon, 1 bottle of water
Saturday: Fasted breakfast and lunch. Dinner was turkey sub sandwiches (homemade) with lettuce, tomato, onion, pickles, banana papers, Swiss and American cheese, olives, Italian dressing, and spicy mustard on whole wheat sub rolls. Homemade fried french fries, ketchup, 1 bottle of rootbeer.

56. Make a meal planner for the week.
Sunday: Breakfast: coffee, unsweet, black. Possibly some toast mid-morning. Dinner: Fried egg, ham and cheese biscuits.
Monday: Breakfast: Coffee, unsweet, black. Possibly toast or cereal. Dinner: Dirty Rice with gravy and sweet potatoes.
Tuesday: Breakfast: Coffee same as above. Possibly homemade kolaches. Dinner: Tuna croquet, greens, and mac and cheese.
Wednesday: Breakfast: Coffee same as above. Possibly toast with peanut butter. Dinner: Spaghetti with garlic cheese toast. Tonight is movie night, will probably have popcorn.
Thursday: Breakfast: Coffee same as above. Possibly grilled cheese sandwiches. Dinner: Homemade Chicken Salad, buns, lettuce, tomato, cucumbers, and watermelon.
Friday: Coffee, as usual, made leftover chicken salad on toast or rolled in tortillas. Dinner: Italian Pasta Salad and crackers. A snack that evening will be popcorn
Saturday: Coffee as usual. Possibly toast. Dinner: Mustard fried chicken, potato salad, and corn on the cob.Maybe some baked beans.

57. Write down your measurements and weight so you can compare later.
As a southern woman over the age of 40, I refuse to answer this question. I plead the 5th *Laugh*

58. What is your favorite way to exercise?
I don't have a favorite way to exercise. When I was younger I loved to swim and ride my bike. Now, I do good to get up and walk from the living room to the bedroom, bathroom or kitchen by myself.

59. Did you make healthy choices today?
Yes, I believe so.

60.Name one simple way you can take a step to be healthier.
Walk more

** Image ID #1665990 Unavailable **
Left facing shadow monkey signature with words on shirt for Ninja MonkeysNM
gift from Leah. GHA
signature i won from space blog

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