A blog devoted just to my scriptwriting. That’s all I’m going to blogging about here. |
Three Days in a Row That right, unfortunately. For the last three shifts, I have had a split shift. As a result, I didn’t get any writing done yesterday at work again. That’s two days in a row for that to happen to me. Saturday, I forced myself to do some writing. Even though it was only three scenes, I think. It was better than nothing. I didn’t take any writing supplies with me yesterday because I had a feeling that I wouldn’t feel like doing any writing. Unfortunately, I was right about that. Being a weekday I expected it to be bad for me at what I call the main gate. But it was even worse than that. Especially, the last forty minutes at that gate. Why didn’t I take any writing supplies yesterday? It was because I knew ahead of time it was going to be a split shift with the first four hours at the main gate. And I knew I wouldn’t be doing any writing during that time. Since it was a weekday, I suspected I wouldn’t feel like during any writing while at the last four hours of my shift. And I was right about that too. It’s probably a good thing I didn’t take my writing supplies yesterday anyway. Not only because of my feelings but because it was kind of busy during those last four hours anyway. I don’t know about the first four since I wasn’t there as I should have been. But the last four were very busy. About as busy as it has been lately on a Wednesday. Today I’m not sure about it. As far as I know, I’m going to be working my normal shift. But after what happened yesterday, I’m not going to count on anything until it happens, or it doesn’t happen. I just hope that if it’s like yesterday, I get warned about it ahead of time too. So that I don’t have to bring my writing supplies again. If a miracle happens and I do get to do some writing done today, I hope that it’s a lot. Of course, that depends on several things. One is how busy it gets there today. Another is what new thing that work will come up with to try to get rid of me. Anything is possible.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What you are about to read is true. Nothing needed to be changed. After all, this has already been translated into a language that we all know and understand - English (German, French, Italian, Russian, etc.). |