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Rated: E · Book · Action/Adventure · #2251563
Rising Star blog
#1018679 added October 4, 2021 at 1:31pm
Restrictions: None
Plot beginning
Plot: Beginning (Where does your story start?)

(1) Describe your protagonist's life in the beginning (""Ordinary World"" or ""Stasis"") of the story. Brainstorm ways you could establish normality through action and dialog to avoid boring your reader.
(2) Describe the inciting incident or trigger (""Call to Adventure"") that prompts your protagonist(s) to embark on this story's journey (whether literal or metaphorical) and face the conflict. This incident could be large and obvious like a death or disaster, or it could be seemingly insignificant, such as an offhand comment by another character.

Ruth Walker stood by her husband's bedside. Mike had been in the hospital for two weeks now. He had been fighting liver cancer for the past six months. Life had become a whirlwind of emotions since he had first gotten the cancer diagnosis. Now the doctors had given up hope and everyone was just waiting for the end to come.

Ruth stood there listening to the clocks ticking on the wall and the beeping of the machines monitoring her husband's vital signs, praying for a miracle with tears running down her face. She startled at the sound of her daughter's voice as she had entered the room, “Momma, how’s Daddy doing?”.

“Not good, sweetheart, not good. The doctors have given up hope.”

Vivian, her youngest daughter, rushed over to hug her Momma. “I got here as soon as I could. I can't believe this is happening to us. Has Rachel gotten here yet?”

“You know how your older sister is. Everything has to be perfect before she goes anywhere, so no she hasn’t arrived yet. Grandma and Grandpa Walker came by earlier, but wasn't able to stay long. Grandma isn't getting around very good lately. You are the first one besides your grandparents to show up. The hospital staff are just trying to keep him comfortable and sedated right now.”

“Oh, Daddy! You can't die right now! If you do, you won't see me graduate from college and you won't be able to walk me down the list when I get married. I love you. You have to keep fighting this. Do you hear me?”

Just then, the nurse walked in to check everything. “Mrs. Walker, everything is about the same as it was an hour ago. Do you need anything?”

Ruth replied, “No thank you. The rest of the family should be arriving shortly.”

As the nurse left the room, she said, “Well let us know if you need anything.”

Ruth set her hand on Vivian’s shoulder, “I’m so sorry, honey. I wish I could make it better, but this is in God's hands now.”

“Pastor Ben! Thank you so much for being here!” Ruth exclaimed as she saw her pastor walk into the room. The pastor had a few moments with them and prayed with them, and then he was on his way.

A few minutes later, Rachel and her new husband, Frank, walked in. “Hi, how’s he doing?”

“About the same, the nurse was in here not long ago. Come here and give your momma a hug!” Ruth met her daughter half way. “The doctors have given up hope, and they are just trying to keep your dad comfortable right now.”

“Have they said how long we can expect, Momma?”

“They really aren't sure. They said it could be today or next week. I am hoping for a miracle. God is still in control.”

“Well, Momma, if it is Daddy's time to go, it is his time to go. There isn't much we can do about it. Are you going to be okay if God decides to take him?”

“God, I hope he doesn't, but I imagine I will figure it out. We own our home. There is a little bit of savings that I can make due with for awhile if need be. I just never thought I would ever be without him this way. Oh God help me!” She began crying again as the reality of the situation was beginning to set in. She was in shock and felt numb. She couldn't imagine life without her Mike in it.

Just then the heart monitor flat-lined. Rachel ran out to get a nurse or someone. Ruth ran to the bedside crying, “No! No! Mike don't leave me! I need you!” Vivian had fallen to the floor sobbing. Frank just stood there not knowing what to do.

The nurse came back in with Rachel to check the man in the hospital bed. It was true. He had passed quickly and quietly. Sobs were heard from the three woman. Frank tried to console his wife.

All Ruth could do was sob, “No! No! No! God, this can't be happening!”

Eventually, everyone calmed down enough to make necessary phone calls. The pastor came back to the hospital as soon as he had heard. Mike’s parents decided they would rather just view him at the funeral home. So many friends had to be notified. How was Ruth going to get through this? It felt so unreal and so sudden.

Ruth must have fainted because one moment she was crying over her husband's body and the next a nurse was standing over her checking her vital signs and Vivian was fanning her. She had never fainted before so wasn't completely sure what had happened. They insisted she go down to the emergency room to get checked out even though she assured them she was fine. Rachel promised to make sure the body got to the funeral home. They could make arrangements in the morning.

The rest of this first chapter will be about the funeral plans and funeral. The rest of the book will be about the challenges Ruth has to face as she learns to navigate life without her husband.

a signature image created for Marvelous Friend

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