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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1021001-Blogging-Storms
Rated: E · Book · Experience · #2050107
A Journal to impart knowledge and facts
#1021001 added November 6, 2021 at 3:08pm
Restrictions: None
Blogging Storms
You work alone from home, logged on to your work PC.
One day you log on, and start your routine. You look at the clock on your desktop and eight hours have passed, but you have no memory of getting any tasks done. Tell us what might have happened to you during those eight hours.

Manx Cat from Japan

It's really quiet in here. I need to find a story with a topic, theme for my article. Then I need to write the article. I have lots of time before the deadline is due.

Guess I'll check my email. I haven't checked my email for days. Oh look, there are some free crochet patterns for rugs available. I should look at them and down load the ones I want to work on later. This one is so pretty. Kind of intricate, hope I can understand all the pattern directions. I better read it before I down load it. No sense keeping a pattern I don't really want or can't follow.

Here is my daily book advertisement from book bub. I really haven't gotten a book from them for awhile. I better look at today's offers. Hmm. Let's down load this one.

First of the month time to check a book from Amazon offers. The science website I watch is talking about a meteor that is aiming at the earth. Guess I better read that article. I Read the article and the information on the three other website references.

Oh, here is some new information about the dog training app I'm following. Maybe I can get some advice about how to slow down Drifters barking habits. This trainer sure knows his stuff. It takes some time to keep up with all the advice I'm getting. I took some notes so I wouldn't forget how to use the advice.

What kind of an article shall I write? It needs to be something current.. Oh look, there are some blue jays at the feeder. Yesterday 4 of them flew from the feeder straight at the window and crashed into it. They all flew away uninjured but, it was a startling occurrence.

Back to the email.

My Bible Study Tools has an update for the plan I am following. I am half way through Jeremiah. The information I read today lines up with what one of the characters said in the fiction detective story I am reading. What a coincidence.

Here is an advertisement for Smart Bulb 350. Just the kind of device I'm looking for I better write it down.

I just need to check out a Kalimba song book on Amazon. It will only take a few minutes. Might as well look at the women's winter boots while I'm in here. And take a quick look at the long sleeve turtle neck shirts..

I'll just jump into WDC and pick up today's blog. I can write it later and post it.

Isn't windows great I don't even have to log out of work to open several tabs and do more than one thing at a time. I keep email in two spots. Each one has a different type of email to check out.

Still need a theme for my article. I better close some of these tabs.

Besides being distracted by email and news articles, I would do loads of laundry, feed dogs, run my robot vacuum.

I have to stop whatever I am doing to empty the dirt bucket in the vacuum. Also, there is people lunch to prepare, laundry to put away, dogs to let out and bring back in from the dog pen, a dish washer to empty and fill daily,

Checking out all the interesting internet stories can be very time consuming. Plus, if I have to stop at the bank or the Insurance agency, or any other business, that is also time consuming. Just stopping in at WDC can take up 2 or 3 hours. Or more if I review or answer email.

Eight hours without writing down anything or even finding that elusive article theme would be easy to do. The necessary thing is to stick to the subject and not be distracted until I have my theme and references for the story in hand. Lucky for me I can be very single minded about writing if I am creating something off the top of my brain. Otherwise I would not ever write. There is always something interesting to find on the internet.

Merit Badge in Point of View
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Happy Birthday! Belatedly. I like your point of view *^*Bigsmile*^* ~Adrienne Happy Trails. Don't trip on the web.

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