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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1022429-Merit-Badges-for-November-2021-30dbc
Rated: 13+ · Book · Personal · #1311011
A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life.
#1022429 added December 5, 2021 at 9:15pm
Restrictions: None
Merit Badges for November 2021 30dbc


Merit Badge in Color My World
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022547]

 Thank you for making it through a very rough month; but, dare I say... you sound a bit better today. I hope the three of you have a great time together. *^*HeartO*^*
to WakeUpAndLive️🦇Elf'sSpell for making it through.

Merit Badge in Home Garden
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022533]

 You survived November! Daily blogging is a bit of a marathon. I'm usually crawling across that finish line. *^*Heart*^* You did it!  to dogpack:saving 4 premium: DWG for crossing the finish line.


Merit Badge in Follow Your Dreams
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For: [Link to Book Entry #1022508]

Start now. I chose other paths when I was young. I now wish I would've chosen the one you depict. But then I wouldn't be sitting here in puddles. *^*HeartO*^* to Ray Scrivener for "Shuffling Off the Mortal Coil Evocative.

Merit Badge in Seasons Summer
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022477]

Sending you sunshine. *^*Sun*^*

Yes, we are old. *^*Smile*^*  The life I led will be remembered for a short time once I'm gone.  I vaguely remember my Uncle Eddy, born 1874 in Sweden... it may take some time for you to be forgotten. Very lovely entry. to QueenNormaJean Let's Go!Go!Go! for "September 29 - 30 DBC - and this was Nov 29th Inspirational, personal


Merit Badge in RAOK
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022392]

I believe one answer that you mention that is doable for each individual is "random acts of kindness". to Ray Scrivener for "Uncivilization Opinion, plea for sanity.


Merit Badge in Refreshing
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022388]

You enter a room open, the windows and  air it out . You said it stronger than I ever could because this happened to you in recent past tense. You were proactive... kudos to you. Shame on the coworkers. to Charlie ~ for "Invalid Entry Assertive outrage, experience.


Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022337]

Thank you for giving us a glimpse into your personal world. A world that is distant in time and geography for many of us. to THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO for "Letting my fingers type - #30DBC Personal, insight.

Merit Badge in Three Word Thursday
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022371] 

"Nicely done. I vote for Josiecat, coffee, a snooze. I love the smell of rain, the sound of rain, the caress of rain on my face.  "Tricolons are one of the most powerful rhetorical devices. There is something almost magical about the number three."  A quote by someone, from some time, found you-know-where." to Cappucine for "tricolonic Rhythm and grammar.

Merit Badge in Grace Under Pressure
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022380]

Blogs can be most powerful when the writer speaks from experience. This episode is recent and raw. No one dare argue with it. What you could've, should've or would've done is irrelevant. This is what transpired, this is how you dealt with it. Kudos on the appointments. Sounds like you were blessed. *^*Care*^* to Marvelous Friend for "My November Health issues. Eloquent.


Merit Badge in Variety
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022282]

So many things to be grateful for. 

"My go-to tea is oolong. *^*Hearto*^* I appreciate the use of this abcediary form. It gives structure, length, flexxxibility. Glad you are sleeping better. Now... if you just had a hot-spring (onsen) out the back." to Cappucine for "Gratitude, an Abcediary Rambling poem.


Merit Badge in Excellent
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022242] 

" They showed me how to survive but not how to live.  My words exactly. This is a prologue worthy of the genre Nordic Noir. Whether auto-biographical or fictional it's devastating, stark and evocative. Jo Nesbø and Henning Mankell would be proud of you." to Ray Scrivener for "Another Brick in the Wall Personal, very very dark.

Merit Badge in Wisdom
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022218]

A painful personal experience and the wisdom to not hate all teachers. *^*HeartO*^*
to THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO for "Don't let her cute plum looks fool you. - #30DBC Personal experience, hurt.

Merit Badge in You Are Stronger
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022234]

"Clear-as-a-bell memory, isn't it? *^*Care*^* Great details pulling us into these hurtful memories that you survived." to Cackling QPdoll for "Mean Ms. V Personal experience, hurt.

23 IT's A JOKE

Merit Badge in Work In Progress
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022199]

 "Gallows humor, but you make your point. In Thai/Lao culture it is mandatory to be polite (rudeness is ungrammatical). In Guatemala one always asks about the family first before business. In some cultures you make jokes about yourself but not about others. Humor like so many things is cultural. Thanks for insight into a world I know nothing about." to Mummified_Mike for "Testing...testing... [30 DBC entry] Instructional, gallows humor.


Merit Badge in Rare
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022087] 

  "That look... hypnotic or not. *^*Smirk*^* I do like how you present this. It may be a power with limits but it'll work.   
to Sumojo for "Super me! Funny, fiction.


Merit Badge in Wisdom
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022015]

I really do like this take on the proverbial "Dust hath no beginning nor doth Dust end." Dust cannot be swept under the rug. Are OCDers denying their heritage? "All go to the same place, all come from dust, and all return to dust." Dust is family.
to SandraLynn for "Paranoia Dust, funny.


Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1022061] 

Glad this 30dbc prompt brought back good memories. I think of Cente singing "Volver" and hearing it sung when I was about to leave Costa Rica. I said I would never return... and I didn't for 35 years. *^*Heart*^* to Shadow Prowler-Spreading Love "Invalid Entry Memoir, gentle.


Merit Badge in Growth
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021976]

"Double ouch. *^*Care*^* I think these experiences need to be shared, if only as a warning to others. I have been and hurt by numerous people in my life and a couple I'd rather not see again."
to SandraLynn for "Eureka Personal, devastating.

Merit Badge in Growth
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021991]

" Life is too short to be unhappy.  Triggers me a bit. I didn't leave a marriage but I did leave a life behind. Was it worth it? Am I happier? Rough questions. I seem to be entering a different stage of life. That may bring new challenges, new choices, or no choice at all." to Redtowrite for "WDC 30 Day Blogging Nov. 18, 2021 Personal, affirming.


Merit Badge in Organization
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021860] 

Impressive organization of time. Good insight: "I don't do creative work when my kids are awake; I can become a massive ... whenever I'm trying to do something creative but I keep getting interrupted." to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Personal, daily routines.

Merit Badge in Blessings
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021849]

"I'm facing decisions as I start to fade. I day-dreamed as a child and never fully got out of the haze induced by depression and disappointment. Now I see the fog gathering around me, uncertain whether it's mist or morphine, not sure whether it matters. Thanks for sharing your real life." to Cappucine for "counsel Personal, health details.

Merit Badge in Patience
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021843]

They say "Patience is a Virtue" but they never tell the truth that no one has seen her this century.

"Opt out? Loan forgiveness would help but there are societal forces unwilling to allow that. I choose to live on less, but that's not an easy option for those who are faced with barely getting by with food and shelter. 

I'd say: "say no" but if you're merely a cog they can find a replacement; as in, you replaced someone, someone replaced you, you are replaceable. to Charlie ~ for "Invalid Entry Personal lament.


Merit Badge in Crime Gangster
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021786]

"Death. Murder. And here we thought you were a writer who occasionally enjoys a Belgian brew. *^*Shock2*^* Who knew? ... i don't ... i swear i know nothing ... (excellent writing)." 
to Travelin' Waltz for "The Butler Did It Funny and unexpected.

16 EAT

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021748]

"Good insight into your eating habits over the years. *^*HeartO*^* A very simple diet growing up (me:yes), supplementing with homegrown foods (me:no), lots of self restraint (so not me). I was raised on leftovers so that's what it often is. I hate throwing out food. My diet isn't good. I'm often sluggish. I have less urge to eat when I travel."  to Apondia for "Walk Don't Eat Eating less.

Merit Badge in Positivity
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021723]

"I do like how you go into great detail. I can't quibble with the benefits of fasting. Good for counting one's blessings and flushing out toxins. I try to monitor what I eat by simply not buying certain things. I don't buy soda (no calories), bottled water (our tap water is very good), chocolate (because I'll eat it all *^*Laugh*^*). I do concur that brussel sprouts (and imho beets and parsnips) are best roasted." to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Intermittent fasting. How to.

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021765] 

" Cast-iron?  There are foods I don't like but not much will make me sick. *^*Smile*^* Me in Isan (NE Thailand): ไม่พริก (mai prik = no hot spice) I think... guess I'll find out! Quite amusing   as teaching usually is." to SandraLynn for "See Food Diet Asipirin cake. Funny.

Merit Badge in Food Cooking
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021729]

"Portions? I have problems with food going bad. As long as I have canned tuna (bought when it goes on sale) and pasta or rice I'm fine... but even then... portion control? Me? I'm a see-food eater and cheap-caffeine drinker. Nicely written." to Travelin' Waltz for "Thought for Food Eating single philosophy.

15 TRAVEL: a thrupling we will go

Merit Badge in Travel
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021651]

"'& it's not going to rain.' *^*Laugh*^* You are a dreamer! A funny one. '& turn blue, then build a fire, & steam.' Thanks for the images. This could be an outline of a larger work." 
to Cappucine for "around the apple isle Tasmanian fun.

Merit Badge in Encore! Encore!
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021709]

"A threesome teeter-totter-ing on heels? Why do I get this flashing image of the Brit-com Ab-Fab? *^*Rolling*^* 'we felt calories could not possibly catch us.' ... O Ye Deluded Nancy Drew Squared Plus One! You lie about heading straight home from Texas ... just saying. You actually were sighted in Puebla eating 'pollo en mole poblano'. And the pics taken at the market of you wallowing in chocolate sauce... Oh, I could go on-and-on... *^*Smirk*^*." to SandraLynn for "Our Sweet(s) Tour Chocoholic threesome.

Merit Badge in Follow Your Dreams
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021659]

"Three guides for a trip down Memory Lane. Totally awesome. This shouldn't be just a dream. You-three could start planning now!" 

to Redtowrite for "30 day Blogging-Nov 15, 2021 Dreamscape details.


Merit Badge in Family
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021609]. A place of refuge... "I want to know more about this place. It would have saved me personal grief if it had been available in 2003... just saying... and a couple times before and since. I'm good at the moment. Too bad I can't just call Mage or Bea. Too bad I'm not related. You describe a refuge I wish were real. *^*Heart*^*" to Apondia for "Hideaway Retreat. Awesome writing.

Merit Badge in Paranormal
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For  [Link to Book Entry #1021641] "Very nicely done. When the prompt said remote ... you went remote and a bit further. *^*Shock2*^*"
to Jenn for "Invalid Entry Riveting and spooky.


Merit Badge in Well Done
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021510] "You are so spot on about this one. And yes, this would be a dilemma on a spaceship. You don't want too many children enroute but infertility upon arrival would doom the colony." to Travelin' Waltz for "Procreation Pass Adoption. Personal experience.

Merit Badge in Parenting
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021486] "OMG... stay away, stay far far away... *^*Shock2*^*. I hope the readers understand the satire except... it is much more than that. It is chilling, dystopian... absolute  horror . Well played." 
to Cappucine for "Alpha's Letter Satire. Dystopian. Horror.


Merit Badge in Science Fiction
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021504] Good development and leaves us wanting to know more about Beaoul and Toni ... and that gruesome poison/venom. Well done. to Spooky Striped Sox for "November 12, 2021 Character. Hook.


Merit Badge in Drama
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021371]

"Some good ideas ... but poor Mildred. Who was more taken aback? *^*Laugh*^* A trash bag... oh the image... Your personal experience is also very enlightening. You  know  how easy it ain't. At least you have thought of this before you've grown old. Nice double response to the prompt." to Mummified_Mike for "A toilet too far [30 DBC entry] Humor.

Merit Badge in Drama
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021413]

"I think you captured this far too well ... almost as if you've had this experience sometime in your life. *^*Wink*^* I'm sure something similar happens all the time in a family situation. The last verse is  funny  tragic. Poetics: kudos on 'sprechens'; it fits perfectly. Overall, it's fun, it's relatable, it's a keeper."
to SandraLynn for "The Bully Bladder Humor. Poetry. Experience.

Merit Badge in Imagery
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021361]

"The poem is lovely, truly lovely. Good flow, choice of words and image. Definitely a keeper." to Cappucine for "make my chamber pot Poem.


Merit Badge in Nature
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021313]

"From the horses mouth... as they say *^*Bigsmile*^*. Thanks for the details and step by step description. In Kansas it was corn and combines and silage. No question that the whole community would step in. Cooperation was the key to survival. Everyone watched the weather. Harvested all night if they had the right equipment and a storm front was moving in. In any case, thanx for a peek into your world. Experience trumps opinion or fantasy when it comes to making hay."
to Apondia for "Make Hay When the Sun Shines Experience. Takes you there.


Merit Badge in Riveting
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021261]

"Gripping and far more than a blog post. We begin to get a clearer image of Raen and Beaoul and the relationship between them. Powder as a weapon makes perfect sense." to Spooky Striped Sox for "November 9, 2021 Story. Well written.

Merit Badge in Dark Fantasy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021233]

Chilling."She has called for me." No pleading, no need to elaborate, just a firm statement. I'd let you pass too! "Let us see what Hope needs from me now! Let us see what the light requires of the darkness." Again chilling. to LeJenD' for "Castle In My Dreams Story. Chilling.


Merit Badge in Today Is Your Day
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021205]

The Joy of Being Present. Truthfully, today is the only day one can change as you so wisely point out. to Marvelous Friend for "Now is my best decade I-statements. Present.


Merit Badge in Mentor
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021032]

"Yep, as Harlow said. I needed certain skills re praise/criticism at an earlier age. I was the kid who ignored the teacher. *^*Sad*^* I didn't feel loved and teachers had no extra time to mentor someone who was unreachable. I do appreciate your depth of knowledge on this subject of praise/criticism." to Cappucine for "praise is fattening Knowledge. Sincerity.

Merit Badge in Zodiac Libra
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021081]

"I couldn't find a badge to fit 'the balance' and 'the letting go'. I'm HSP (highly sensitive) so meanness doesn't help me grow. I cringe and crawl back into my closet and slam the door. Perhaps the things that people create get better by criticism, but the people sure don't. Kick my work but don't kick me. Thanx for sharing what wisdom you have learned while riding this roller-coaster we call life." to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 7: Praise Me, Don't Hate Me Wisdom.

Merit Badge in Condolences
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021041]

 I send this for all the hugs you didn't get and all the mourning you were denied. 
Your uncle was my age. I remember that year. I would've been devastated, as I was when Bob was killed in a motorcycle accident that same year. My parents realized that I wouldn't take it well, but they never realised how it affected me. One of the worst times of my life. to THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO for "Ruined by praise - #30DBC Personal pain. Suicide.


Merit Badge in Love to Read
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For [Link to Book Entry #1021023]

I think Head Dust Bunny called the maid to make your bed  No mother on earth has ever managed such a ginormous block of uninterrupted time to herself.  As Viginia Woolf lamented in "A room of her own".  Familiarity breeds accidents.  Grab the first-aid kit.  The only activity that causes me to lose blocks of time is reading. I've always been grateful that breathing is a reflex.  So much wisdom but no answer to the question. *^*Laugh*^* Oh so much like life. to SandraLynn for "8 Hours Meanderings.

Merit Badge in Foresight
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020958] 

Dystopian...  "U r 3 minutes late in posting... deductdeductdeduct"  iProd has its uses.*^*Smirk2*^* to Travelin' Waltz for "A Productive Day Dystopian. iProd.

Merit Badge in Reach For The Stars
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020964]

"Exquisitely written. Poetic prose at times... and a poem! The literary allusions remind me of all the places that books transport one to. I'm gobsmacked." to Cappucine for "a few of the endless perhaps, maybe Poetic prose.


Merit Badge in Comedy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020891]

"Mine. *^*Donut*^**^*Donut8*^**^*Donut2*^**^*Donut7*^**^*Donut5*^* ALL mine. *^*Laugh*^*"
to LeJenD' for "Caffeine and Sugar - 30DBC 11/5 Greed. Humor.


Merit Badge in Nonfiction
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020795]. A serious essay on MWWS: Missing White Women Sydrome. to Travelin' Waltz for "Hide-And-Seek Champions Missing White Woman Syndrome.

Merit Badge in Remembrance
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020816] Thank you for sharing this personal memoir of Rape and Loss. to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 4: For Maggie Rape and missing.


Merit Badge in Detective
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020756] Great at setting up the suspense. We want to know more. to Richard ~ Typing Left Handed for "New Comers - Z'llya's Voice Fantasy.

Merit Badge in Comedy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020701] Edgy! But with a twist at the end that may make you *^*Smile*^* or *^*Laugh*^*. to Ray Scrivener for "Ruminations Vivid. Hilarious.


Merit Badge in Selfless
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020602] Oh, the joy of special postal cancellations, and a lovely video of your father. *^*Care*^* to THANKFUL SONALI in Octo-BOO for "Marcophily - #30DBC detailed tour.

Merit Badge in Originality
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020665] Funny bunnies. Yes, I can relate. *^*Rolleyes*^* Ka-choo. to SandraLynn for "Dust Bunny Tableaus Dust doesn't descrminate.


Merit Badge in Philosophy
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For [Link to Book Entry #1020553] The serenity of letting go and not being possessed by possessions is a powerful message. to Charity Marie - <3 for "30DBC Day 1: Possessions Possessions do not own me.

I didn't rate the comments as I was reading them but I have now... The bolded/orange items were 4.8; bolded/red 4.9 in my opinion. Of course, most timely entries meet the overall criteria of the challenge, therefore I awarded merit badges based on excellence in writing. Excellence was often overlooked in my high-school growing up and it's my observation that it's overlooked at WdC as well, so I award it here.

© Copyright 2021 Kåre Enga in Montana (UN: enga at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Kåre Enga in Montana has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and its syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.
Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1022429-Merit-Badges-for-November-2021-30dbc