A terminal for all blogs coming in or going out. A view into my life. |
Thank-you, Adherennium - Maybe Writing? . I can save this for when my new year arrives March 20th. K What's also nice about Naw Ruz is that it arrives at sunset not the middle of the night. Sometime during 2022 I'll have to make it clear who I am... again, again, and over again. In the Olden Times... we knew each other by reading each other's blogs and commenting and even correcting misperceptions. I remember responding to AL with male pronouns. Anna-Lisa and I laughed because folks here often used female pronouns for me. At least she knew how to pronounce Kåre. It's a not-so-common name in Sweden and Norway. The Skåne dialect's pronunciation however... So I commented on zwisis's blog entry "Invalid Entry" and even got a shout out from vivacious. Anna Lisa, Sarah, Andra... so many Blogvillians including alfred booth, wanbli ska, Scottiegazelle, Douger, Iowegian Skye susanL, asymmetrical, Voxxylady, Nada, Nikola~Coffee Drinking Lady!, scarlett_o_h and Mavis Moog would share our lives. Alas David McClain is with us no more (March, 2021, cancer). I was using "L'aura del Campo" (now/still mostly poetry NOVAcatmando) and "Enga mellom fjella" (now mostly prose) way back when. Rainbowapple was one of the few who read my more personal blog back then. I could've written "Humpty Dumpty in a Land-of-Magical-Thinking" many a day these past 10+ years. Remember those days Robert Waltz, Fivesixer? I'm waxing nostalgic; but, we knew each other better back-in-the-day. 2021: I may have had a mild brush with covid end of November. I barely saw anyone. Bri was a godsend... to us all. Angie, Travis, Laxmi and Billie Jo got me through the year. I did not get out of the city limits of Missoula. My big outings were the Iris gardens and my J&J shot in April. I sent a few postcards, made a few calls. Wrote some... in spurts. Read 400+ blog entries in November. 2022: No real goals. My favorite number is 22 so I'm hoping the year doesn't spoil that. I 'm on track to have written something 1/day by New Year 179 on March 20th. Travel is a mirage. What hasn't changed in 16 years at WDC is my depression. I'm not depressed every day. It dissipates when I'm active, especially when traveling. But... I write (too much) when I'm depressed or upset so my blog entries seem darker than my life really is. 5508 |