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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1024198-Yes-I-went-there
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1024198 added January 5, 2022 at 1:41am
Restrictions: None
Yes I went there!
Okay, I'm writing again in my blog, keeping up with my trying to write something new daily thing. I'm feeling a lot better today. Just still a mild sore throat, coughing the very odd time, stiff, nothing a cough drop, some Buckleys and a few Tylenol doesn't fix. The real issue is the bone on the side of the foot is broken again. It fucking hurts like a bitch. That bone infection I battled for over a year and a half left the bone very brittle, but it is nothing I can't deal with. I mean, it's not like I walk on it. I only use my foot mostly for transferring from my wheelchair to stuff.

I'm reading an outstanding book series right now. It's inspiring me for a story. If you're religious, it's a triggered series, so I wouldn't recommend it if you're religious or set in your mind that Columbus discovered America. Still, if you are open-minded, it is incredible. I'm on book 4 right now of 13.

It's called The Templars in America Series by David S Brody. This is the actual warning on it. *WARNING: Not recommended for readers with strong religious beliefs.* The author has done a lot of fantastic research and uses actual real facts to write the story, along with genuine artifacts and real pictures of the artifacts. It's never dull, never slow. Lots of plot twists, and overall a great read. I have it loaded on my kindle and tend to read it for a few hours before bed every night and before my nap in the afternoon too. LOL

Yes, I still have an afternoon nap. I'd call it old age, but it's because I don't sleep well anymore at night and also, since I can't stand up and walk around anymore, my body gets stiff, and I have to lay down for a while. God, I really want my damn leg back! LOL

Okay, so for those reading this for the first time or who are relatively new to this. I live in a reasonably small city called Winnipeg, in a province called Manitoba. The entire population of the province is 1.38 million. That is a smaller population than most American cities. For example an around the same population of San Antonio, Texas. Today our numbers were over 1700 for the second day. By numbers, I'm talking Covid cases. This shit is insane already, and they are still working through a backlog, and that is not counting not reported rapid tests and, of course, people not getting tested and spreading it more, because let's just face it. We have a lot of deniers here, we have a lot of anti-vaxers here, and we have a lot of anti-maskers here. I'm so sick of people here, especially in the province's south.

Not to bash Christians, but we have a group here that is so fucking religious they think the laws do not apply to them. They are the anti-mask, anti-vaccine. They gather in large groups inside. Ignore all restrictions so much that the government placed even special restrictions on them, and they still ignore them. They have been fined, some have been even jailed, but nope. They try to figure a way around everything, hold rallies, aka super spreader events, and are just stupid. Is catching covid really worth your so-called religious freedom? I blame them because our kids are switching to remote learning again. They say it is just for a week so that teachers can set up for the influx of sick kids, but just you wait, a week will turn into two, two will turn into a month and fuck I just sent the boys to normal Jr high this past October for fucks sake! LOL.

Don't get me wrong. I have against those who define themselves as religious or believe in a god. That just isn't my cup of tea. I can not blindly believe in something that there really is no proof existed or even a book that really, to me, is just a work of fiction changed over the years with many versions at that. I was raised very devoted Catholic till the age of 12. Where I was finally able to question the church's teachings. One of the big ones was if God was so powerful and good, why was my life so shitty? Why, for all my life, did he let my father beat everyone? Why did he let my father kill my sister? Plus, according to church doctrine, I was sinning with my life at that time. I was an abomination. Because even at that young age, I knew I liked both boys and girls. So fuck a church that told me that I was wrong. That let me suffer and let others suffer. Fuck God. Sorry if that pisses you off that I said it, but it is how I feel even to this day.

To each their own, though, right? I mean that what we believe in or don't believe in doesn't make us better than the other. In this world, we are all equal. No one is above the other, but I will voice my opinions. If you don't share them, that's really cool, and you don't have to either. No one is forcing them on you. I never will. If anyone tries to force their unwanted opinion on me, then prepare to battle because I don't play that shit.

I'm out.

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