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Printed from https://shop.writing.com/main/books/entry_id/1024264-I-welcome-our-new-North-Korea-Overlords-LOL
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #2223920
The Igloo of Madness. Come for the Crazy, Stay for the Fun!
#1024264 added January 6, 2022 at 9:16am
Restrictions: None
I welcome our new North Korea Overlords? LOL
(I started this blog yesterday, but I got sick. So I went to bed. ) Well, another day of trying to write every day. My day has been very unproductive once again. I somehow woke up to my fat-ass orange cat in my room at 5:00 am and aggressively wanted cuddles and attention. That was it for my sleep. He laid with me till 7:30 till my bladder wanted to burst from his heavy ass pressing on it, so I had to disturb him, which meant it was time for my addiction to Maud's Blueberry Coffee. I'm not too fond of regular flavoured coffee. I'm more like a cappuccino man, but these do it for me. I have two to three cups every morning, loaded with a vanilla coffee mate and one pack of fake sugar stuff, and I set. Lol.

Then sad to say, by 1:00 pm, I was wiped out and back in bed for a 4-hour nap. I will have to steal my body pillow back from my nephew tomorrow. Not sleeping with it is giving me the insane back pain I wake up with after a few hours of sleep again. So I'll get mom to put a new pillowcase on it and claim it back. I paid over $50 for it, not as he did, so I shouldn't feel bad taking it back, right?

In my little predictions, I was going to write North Korea starts the year off with a bang, launches their best rocket yet. I should have, so I would have been least right with one thing.

Okay, so this turned into a two-day blog post. I got sick last night while writing this and went to bed super early, where I stayed till after 5:00 am when my bladder finally said time to get up because if you don't, in about 10 minutes, you're going to be in a lot of discomforts. Though it's 7:46 am right now, on my third cup of coffee, my bladder is starting to feel that same feeling, so yes, it will be back to the bathroom soon.

According to our government, since I am vaxxed, I only had to isolate 5 days from the start of symptoms, so technically, I am in the clear. I still feel like crap, though. Maybe this entire shit has migrated to an actual cold. This morning I woke up feeling worse than the last week. No more dry cough, we talking mucus fulled chest rattler, sneezing and stuffy head. My sinuses feel like they will explode and I have a now pounding sinus headache the likes of what I can only assume a nuke exploding in my frontal lobe could feel like? Lol. Of course, I am being significantly overdramatic.

Sadly I did not get any reading done last night at all. I was in bed early, went straight to sleep. No reading, no eating my usual bag of chips or microwave popcorn. The world is going to fucking end! LOL. That should just be on a scale to show how sick I felt. Not to mention that I actually went to my room before 12 or 1 am. LOL.

This quote from one of Canada's most prominent news outlets, CBC news, scares me but let's not get this wrong. I don't get actually scared, It more like disturbs me. I'm at the point now where I'm used to this shit, but without further ado...

"Manitoba reported 1,790 new COVID-19 cases Wednesday, but the true number is likely far higher — as much eight to 10 times that, says Deputy Chief Public Health Officer Dr. Jazz Awtal.

"There are lots of cases we don't know about. Historically, with the … Delta [coronavirus variant], we knew for every case we identified, we missed out on four," he said at a news conference.

"With this Omicron variant, likely for every case we identified, we're missing out maybe eight, maybe 10 cases."

So the number of daily cases could actually be 16,000 to 17,000, Atwal said, underscoring that is an estimate "based on how infectious this [variant] is."

That means daily case counts are no longer the most accurate reflection of the virus's impact in the province because many cases are never reported. "

So what they are saying is they don't know our case numbers anymore, and reading other news articles, they won't another more either because they are switching to mostly rapid tests, phasing out PCR testing almost altogether. There is no way to report a positive rapid test. There apparently is a high amount of false positives on rapids. This I'm not too sure of. I'll have to actually look into that but still. Some governments out there are really dropping the ball on this covid bullshit. Sadly, the Manitoba government, who did such an excellent job at the start of this pandemic, dropped the ball, chased after it, and every time they caught up with it, kicked it even further out of reach, till finally they gave up and stuck their collective heads in the sand. It's time to call a fucking election here, get rid of this fake leadership, and bring in someone who wants to do something to get this province back on track. Because let's just face it, the writing is on the wall, the PCs won't make it back into power again. They fucked us way too much.

And with that, I am out. Need more coffee!

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