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Rated: 18+ · Book · Comedy · #2260353
a place for my responses to the prompts from Andre the Blog Monkey's Banana Bar
#1024318 added January 7, 2022 at 1:00pm
Restrictions: None
Jan. 7, 2022 - Resolved
PROMPT January 7, 2022
FUNNY FRIDAY -If you made any New Years resolutions and you've kept them... congratulations! You made it! One full week!Now write a blog entry telling us all about your week. If you didn't make any New Years' resolutions then write about a time you did. It's FUNNY FRIDAY, so make me laugh and earn an MB.

I've never really been one for New Year's resolutions. Those are for the masses, for people who are a little more serious about life than I am, and for quitters. If I don't set a resolution, I can't fail at it later when I forget I made it or quit it a quarter way through the year. No resolution means no feeling guilty later for quitting or jumping off the wagon. I never really liked wagons anyway. I prefer to walk so I can take the scenic route. What in the world would be my resolution if I did decide to make one? "I resolve to live through 2022." That's about the crux of it for me. I just want to live and experience life fully. Mistakes, dead ends, and all. I wanna smell the fertilizer along with the flowers. *MushroomBr* *PoseyY* *MushroomR* *PoseyV*

So lets take a page from QueenNormaJean gettinPomsready's book and list the most common resolutions for 2022 and I'll write how I feel about each one. Couldn't hurt, could it?

1 Lose weight - weight has never really been a big issue for me, even when I was seriously overweight or when I was seriously underweight after becoming ill. I never felt like a different person just because of my size. I am who I am and that's never going to change.
2 Eat healthier or change diet - my diet has been changed enough because of my illnesses, thank you. I'm not going to stop eating meat. I drink more than enough water, seldom drink alcohol or things containing caffeine anymore. I don't eat fried foods or fast food. This area don't need fixin' neither.
3 Get more fit/more exercise - HAha! I get as much exercise as my pain filled body will allow. What would I resolve to do on this one? Force myself to walk even on the days when the chronic pain hardly allows me to move? *Laugh* Yeah right!
4 Spend more time with family and friends - Firstly and most importantly, I am not a people person! I have very few real friends. I get more than enough time with the hubby being stuck at home with him on my days off during the winter months. My daughters are grown, and while I miss them, they NEED to do their own thing and be their own people. Maybe this will change once the grandbaby is here, but I'm thinking not. I no longer have the patience for bawling babies or troublesome toddlers. BUT, maybe the resolution could be twisted to "spend more time with animals" - that'd be a resolution I might work at.
5 Be more aware and take care of mental health - I am fully aware of my mental health issues and am reminded of them daily. I already know I'm off my rocker. And my husband is quick to tell me when he sees me slipping more manic or depressed than normal. I work through my social anxiety every day at my job too. My shrink and counselor are amazing at helping me with this area, so I don't think more focus is needed here.
6 Sort out finances and cut back spending - Baaahahahaha! You have to have money to spend it! I am happy living life simply. Neither my husband nor I require all the bells and whistles to get through life; it's just the basics (and internet) for us. The doctors and pharmacy companies take most of our $$$ anyway. That isn't going to change in my lifetime, so why worry about it.
7 Travel more - we have already been, were doing so all last year as well. Disc golf takes us many places. And now, we have cool new camping equipment courtesy of my in-laws - excellent Christmas gifts those were! No more having to get hotel rooms when we go out of town for tournaments. And now we can go and stay at different state and national parks as well.
8 Take up a new hobby, sport or other interest - this one goes in line with #7. I don't need a new hobby or sport when I have disc golf, writing, and taking pictures. But, with our camping gear - and the fishing equipment we received for Christmas last year from my parents, we will be reviving an old love. And fishing is also a great way to look after my mental well-being, as it is so relaxing and peaceful (so #5 comes in to play here too)
9 Be more environmentally friendly - what's more environmentally friendly than camping, fishing, and eating only what you catch? Like I said, we like to do things simply. We wouldn't even need the camper if it wasn't for my illnesses; heck, we'd probably sleep under the stars. And we like to leave our campsites as nice or better than we found them (meaning we make sure we pack out all our trash as well as any we find while we are there.)
10 Look for a new job - I don't need a new job. I just had to get the one I got just to make sure our bills are paid each month. I'm still fighting to get my disability. And I like the place I work and the people I work with. Dealing with people is tiresome, but you do what you gotta do to get by in this wacky world, eh!

So, in summation - or to make a long story sort if you just skipped to the end to read - resolutions aren't for me. I guess you could say that I am resolved not to make any New Year's resolutions. Life is too short to plan so far ahead. True happiness is found and measured in moments - not days or years. Enjoy each moment as it comes.

green fairy

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